Template Class DriveOnHeading

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

template<typename ActionT = nav2_msgs::action::DriveOnHeading>
class DriveOnHeading : public nav2_behaviors::TimedBehavior<nav2_msgs::action::DriveOnHeading>

An action server Behavior for spinning in.

Public Functions

inline DriveOnHeading()

A constructor for nav2_behaviors::DriveOnHeading.

~DriveOnHeading() = default
inline virtual ResultStatus onRun(const std::shared_ptr<const typename ActionT::Goal> command) override

Initialization to run behavior.


command – Goal to execute


Status of behavior

inline virtual ResultStatus onCycleUpdate() override

Loop function to run behavior.


Status of behavior

inline virtual CostmapInfoType getResourceInfo() override

Method to determine the required costmap info.


costmap resources needed

Protected Functions

inline bool isCollisionFree(const double &distance, const geometry_msgs::msg::Twist &cmd_vel, geometry_msgs::msg::Pose2D &pose2d)

Check if pose is collision free.

  • distance – Distance to check forward

  • cmd_vel – current commanded velocity

  • pose2d – Current pose


is collision free or not

inline virtual void onConfigure() override

Configuration of behavior action.

Protected Attributes

ActionT::Feedback::SharedPtr feedback_
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped initial_pose_
double command_x_
double command_speed_
rclcpp::Duration command_time_allowance_ = {0, 0}
rclcpp::Time end_time_
double simulate_ahead_time_