Program Listing for File payload_base.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/kobuki_core/packet_handler/payload_base.hpp)

 ** Ifdefs


 ** Includes

#include <ecl/containers.hpp>
#include <stdint.h>

 ** Namespaces

namespace packet_handler

 ** Interface
class payloadBase

  bool yes;

  const bool is_dynamic;

  const unsigned char length;

   * construct and destruct
  payloadBase(const bool is_dynamic_ = false, const unsigned char length_ = 0 )
    : yes(false)
    , is_dynamic(is_dynamic_)
    , length(length_)
  virtual ~payloadBase() {};

   * serialisation
  virtual bool serialise(ecl::PushAndPop<unsigned char> & byteStream)=0;
  virtual bool deserialise(ecl::PushAndPop<unsigned char> & byteStream)=0;

  // utilities
  // todo; let's put more useful converters here. Or we may use generic converters
  // below funciton should be replaced wiht converter
  template<typename T>
    void buildVariable(T & V, ecl::PushAndPop<unsigned char> & buffer)
      if (buffer.size() < sizeof(T))
      V = static_cast<unsigned char>(buffer.pop_front());

      unsigned int size_value(sizeof(T));
      for (unsigned int i = 1; i < size_value; i++)
        V |= ((static_cast<unsigned char>(buffer.pop_front())) << (8 * i));

  template<typename T>
    void buildBytes(const T & V, ecl::PushAndPop<unsigned char> & buffer)
      unsigned int size_value(sizeof(T));
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size_value; i++)
        buffer.push_back(static_cast<unsigned char>((V >> (i * 8)) & 0xff));


// namespace packet_handler

#endif /* ROBOT_DATA_HPP_ */