Program Listing for File diff_drive.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/kobuki_core/modules/diff_drive.hpp)

** Ifdefs


** Includes

#include <vector>
#include <climits>
#include <stdint.h>
// Version 3.4.0 of Eigen in Ubuntu 22.04 has a bug that causes -Wclass-memaccess warnings on
// aarch64.  Upstream Eigen has already fixed this in
// .  The Debian fix for this is in
// .
// However, it is not clear that that fix is going to make it into Ubuntu 22.04 before it
// freezes, so disable the warning here.
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wclass-memaccess"
#include <ecl/geometry.hpp>
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

#include <ecl/mobile_robot.hpp>
#include <ecl/threads/mutex.hpp>
#include "../macros.hpp"

** Namespaces

namespace kobuki {

** Interfaces

class kobuki_PUBLIC DiffDrive {
  const ecl::DifferentialDrive::Kinematics& kinematics() { return diff_drive_kinematics; }
  void update(const uint16_t &time_stamp,
              const uint16_t &left_encoder,
              const uint16_t &right_encoder,
              ecl::linear_algebra::Vector3d &pose_update,
              ecl::linear_algebra::Vector3d &pose_update_rates);
  void reset();
  void getWheelJointStates(double &wheel_left_angle, double &wheel_left_angle_rate,
                           double &wheel_right_angle, double &wheel_right_angle_rate);
  void setVelocityCommands(const double &vx, const double &wz);
  void velocityCommands(const double &vx, const double &wz);
  void velocityCommands(const short &cmd_speed, const short &cmd_radius);
  void velocityCommands(const std::vector<double> &cmd) { velocityCommands(cmd[0], cmd[1]); }
  void velocityCommands(const std::vector<short>  &cmd) { velocityCommands(cmd[0], cmd[1]); }

  ** Command Accessors
  std::vector<short> velocityCommands(); // (speed, radius), in [mm/s] and [mm]
  std::vector<double> pointVelocity() const; // (vx, wz), in [m/s] and [rad/s]

  ** Property Accessors
  double wheel_bias() const { return bias; }

  unsigned short last_timestamp;
  double last_velocity_left, last_velocity_right;
  double last_diff_time;

  unsigned short last_tick_left, last_tick_right;
  double last_rad_left, last_rad_right;

  //double v, w; // in [m/s] and [rad/s]
  std::vector<double> point_velocity; // (vx, wz), in [m/s] and [rad/s]
  double radius; // in [mm]
  double speed;  // in [mm/s]
  double bias; //wheelbase, wheel_to_wheel, in [m]
  double wheel_radius; // in [m]
  const double tick_to_rad;

  ecl::DifferentialDrive::Kinematics diff_drive_kinematics;
  ecl::Mutex velocity_mutex, state_mutex;

  // Utility
  short bound(const double &value);

} // namespace kobuki