Program Listing for File command.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/kobuki_core/command.hpp)

** Preprocessor


** Includes

#include <ecl/containers.hpp>
#include "packet_handler/payload_base.hpp"
#include "modules/led_array.hpp"
#include "modules.hpp"
#include "macros.hpp"

** Namespace

namespace kobuki

class kobuki_PUBLIC Command : public packet_handler::payloadBase
  typedef ecl::PushAndPop<unsigned char> Buffer;
  typedef ecl::Stencil< Buffer > BufferStencil;

  enum Name
    BaseControl = 1, Sound = 3, SoundSequence = 4, RequestExtra = 9, ChangeFrame = 10, RequestEeprom = 11,
    SetDigitalOut = 12, SetController = 13, GetController = 14

  enum VersionFlag
    HardwareVersion = 0x01, FirmwareVersion = 0x02/*, Time = 0x04*/, UniqueDeviceID = 0x08

  struct Data
      : command(BaseControl), speed(0), radius(0), request_flags(0), gp_out(0x00f0) // set all the power pins high, others low.
      , type(0), p_gain(1000), i_gain(1000), d_gain(1000)

    Name command;

    // BaseControl
    int16_t speed;
    int16_t radius;

    // Sound - not yet implemented
    uint16_t note;
    unsigned char duration;

    // SoundSequence
    // 0 - turning on, 1 - turn off, 2 - recharge start, 3 - press button,
    // 4 - error sound, 5 - start cleaning, 6 - cleaning end
    unsigned char segment_name;

    // RequestExtra (version flags)
    uint16_t request_flags;

    // ChangeFrame & RequestEeprom
    unsigned char frame_id;

    // SetDigitalOut
    // 0x000f - digital output pins 0-3 (0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008)
    // 0x00f0 - external power breakers (3.3V, 5V, 12V 12V1A) (0x0010, 0x0020, 0x0040, 0x0080)
    // 0x0f00 - led array (red1, green1, red2, green2) ( 0x0100, 0x0200, 0x0400, 0x0800)
    uint16_t gp_out;

    // SetControllerGain
    unsigned char type;
    unsigned int p_gain;
    unsigned int i_gain;
    unsigned int d_gain;

    // SetControllerGain
    unsigned char reserved;

  virtual ~Command() {}

  static Command SetLedArray(const enum LedNumber &number, const enum LedColour &colour, Command::Data &current_data);
  static Command SetDigitalOutput(const DigitalOutput &digital_output, Command::Data &current_data);
  static Command SetExternalPower(const DigitalOutput &digital_output, Command::Data &current_data);
  static Command PlaySoundSequence(const enum SoundSequences &number);
  static Command GetVersionInfo();
  static Command SetVelocityControl(DiffDrive& diff_drive);
  static Command SetVelocityControl(const int16_t &speed, const int16_t &radius);
  static Command SetControllerGain(const unsigned char &type,
                                   const unsigned int &p_gain,
                                   const unsigned int &i_gain,
                                   const unsigned int &d_gain);
  static Command GetControllerGain();

  Data data;

  void resetBuffer(Buffer &buffer);
  bool serialise(ecl::PushAndPop<unsigned char> & byteStream);
  bool deserialise(ecl::PushAndPop<unsigned char> & /* byteStream */) { return true; }
  static const unsigned char header0;
  static const unsigned char header1;


} // namespace kobuki