Struct DHRobot

Struct Documentation

struct DHRobot

Internal representation of a robot based on DH parameters.

Note that this representation doesn’t contain a real DH parameter representation, but is used for a corrected model of calibrated UR robots. Shoulder and elbow axes are artificially shortened in the final representation, requiring a correction parameter in theta_2 and theta_3.

Public Functions

inline explicit DHRobot(const std::vector<DHSegment> &segments)

Create a new robot representation giving a set of DHSegment objects.

DHRobot() = default
inline DHRobot operator+(const DHRobot &other)

Adds another robot representation, by adding their segments element-wise. See DHSegment::operator+ for details.

Public Members

std::vector<DHSegment> segments_
double delta_theta_correction2_
double delta_theta_correction3_