This is a ROS message definition.


# CFG-PRT (0x06 0x00)
# Port Configuration for DDC, UART, USB, SPI
# Several configurations can be concatenated to one input message. In this case
# the payload length can be a multiple of the normal length (see the other
# versions of CFG-PRT). Output messages from the module contain only one
# configuration unit.

uint8 CLASS_ID = 6
uint8 MESSAGE_ID = 0

uint8 port_id              # Port Identifier Number
uint8 PORT_ID_DDC = 0
uint8 PORT_ID_UART1 = 1
uint8 PORT_ID_UART2 = 2
uint8 PORT_ID_USB = 3
uint8 PORT_ID_SPI = 4

uint8 reserved0           # Reserved

uint16 tx_ready            # TX ready PIN configuration (since Firmware 7.01)
                          # reserved (Always set to zero) up to Firmware 7.01

uint16 TX_READY_EN = 1                    # Enable TX ready feature for this
                                          # port
uint16 TX_READY_POLARITY_HIGH_ACTIVE = 0  # Polarity High-active
uint16 TX_READY_POLARITY_LOW_ACTIVE = 2   # Polarity Low-active
uint16 TX_READY_PIN_SHIFT = 2             # PIO to be used (must not be in use
                                          # already by another function)
uint16 TX_READY_PIN_MASK = 124            #
uint16 TX_READY_THRES_SHIFT = 7           # Threshold
uint16 TX_READY_THRES_MASK = 65408        # The given threshold is multiplied by
                                          # 8 bytes.
                                          # The TX ready PIN goes active
                                          # after >= thres*8 bytes are pending
                                          # for the port and going inactive
                                          # after the last pending bytes have
                                          # been written to hardware (0-4 bytes
                                          # before end of stream).

uint32 mode               # A bit mask describing the DDC, UART or SPI mode
                          # Reserved for USB
# DDC Mode Constants
uint32 MODE_DDC_SLAVE_ADDR_MASK = 254     # Slave address
                                          # Range: 0x07 < slaveAddr < 0x78.
# UART Mode Constants
uint32 MODE_RESERVED1 = 16                # Default 1 for compatibility with A4
uint32 MODE_CHAR_LEN_MASK = 192           # Character Length
uint32 MODE_CHAR_LEN_5BIT = 0               # 5bit (not supported)
uint32 MODE_CHAR_LEN_6BIT = 64              # 6bit (not supported)
uint32 MODE_CHAR_LEN_7BIT = 128             # 7bit (supported only with parity)
uint32 MODE_CHAR_LEN_8BIT = 192             # 8bit
uint32 MODE_PARITY_MASK = 3584            #
uint32 MODE_PARITY_EVEN = 0                 # Even Parity
uint32 MODE_PARITY_ODD = 512                # Odd Parity
uint32 MODE_PARITY_NO = 2048                # No Parity (even/odd ignored)
uint32 MODE_STOP_BITS_MASK = 12288        # Number of Stop Bits
uint32 MODE_STOP_BITS_1 = 0                 # 1 Stop Bit
uint32 MODE_STOP_BITS_15 = 4096             # 1.5 Stop Bit
uint32 MODE_STOP_BITS_2 = 8192              # 2 Stop Bit
uint32 MODE_STOP_BITS_05 = 12288            # 0.5 Stop Bit
# SPI Mode Constants
uint32 MODE_SPI_SPI_MODE_CPOL = 4         # SPI Mode CPOL (0/1)
uint32 MODE_SPI_SPI_MODE_CPHA = 2         # SPI Mode CPH (0/1)
                                          # (both CPOL/CPHA) can be = 1
uint32 MODE_SPI_FLOW_CONTROL = 64         # (u-blox 6 only)
                                          # 0 Flow control disabled
                                          # 1 Flow control enabled (9-bit mode)
uint32 MODE_SPI_FF_COUNT_MASK = 16128     # Number of bytes containing 0xFF to
                                          # receive before switching off
                                          # reception.
                                          # Range: 0(mechanism off)-63

uint32 baud_rate           # UART Baudrate in bits/second [bits/s]
                          # Reserved for USB, SPI, DDC
                          # Possible values: 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
                          #                  115200, 230400, 460800

uint16 in_proto_mask        # A mask describing which input protocols are active.
                          # Each bit of this mask is used for a protocol.
                          # Through that, multiple protocols can be defined
                          # on a single port.

uint16 out_proto_mask       # A mask describing which output protocols are active.
                          # Each bit of this mask is used for a protocol.
                          # Through that, multiple protocols can be defined
                          # on a single port.

uint16 PROTO_UBX = 1
uint16 PROTO_NMEA = 2
uint16 PROTO_RTCM = 4     # only for inProtoMask
uint16 PROTO_RTCM3 = 32   # (not supported in protocol versions less than 20)

uint16 flags              # Flags for UART & SPI, Reserved for USB
uint16 FLAGS_EXTENDED_TX_TIMEOUT = 2  # if set, the port will timeout if
                                      # allocated TX memory >=4 kB and no
                                      # activity for 1.5s. If not set the port
                                      # will timoout if no activity for 1.5s
                                      # regardless on the amount of allocated
                                      # TX memory.

uint16 reserved1          # Always set to zero