Class BufferClient

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class BufferClient : public tf2_ros::BufferInterface

Action client-based implementation of the tf2_ros::BufferInterface abstract data type.

BufferClient uses actions to coordinate waiting for available transforms.

You can use this class with a tf2_ros::BufferServer and tf2_ros::TransformListener in a separate process.

Public Types

using LookupTransformAction = tf2_msgs::action::LookupTransform

Public Functions

template<typename NodePtr>
inline BufferClient(NodePtr node, const std::string ns, const double &check_frequency = 10.0, const tf2::Duration &timeout_padding = tf2::durationFromSec(2.0))

BufferClient constructor.

  • node – The node to add the buffer client to

  • ns – The namespace in which to look for a BufferServer

  • check_frequency – The frequency in Hz to check whether the BufferServer has completed a request

  • timeout_padding – The amount of time to allow passed the desired timeout on the client side for communication lag

virtual ~BufferClient() = default
virtual TF2_ROS_PUBLIC geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped lookupTransform (const std::string &target_frame, const std::string &source_frame, const tf2::TimePoint &time, const tf2::Duration timeout=tf2::durationFromSec(0.0)) const override

Get the transform between two frames by frame ID.

If there is a communication failure, timeout, or transformation error, an exception is thrown.

  • target_frame – The frame to which data should be transformed

  • source_frame – The frame where the data originated

  • time – The time at which the value of the transform is desired. (0 will get the latest)

  • timeout – How long to block before failing


The transform between the frames

virtual TF2_ROS_PUBLIC geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped lookupTransform (const std::string &target_frame, const tf2::TimePoint &target_time, const std::string &source_frame, const tf2::TimePoint &source_time, const std::string &fixed_frame, const tf2::Duration timeout=tf2::durationFromSec(0.0)) const override

Get the transform between two frames by frame ID assuming fixed frame.

If there is a communication failure, timeout, or transformation error, an exception is thrown.

  • target_frame – The frame to which data should be transformed

  • target_time – The time to which the data should be transformed. (0 will get the latest)

  • source_frame – The frame where the data originated

  • source_time – The time at which the source_frame should be evaluated. (0 will get the latest)

  • fixed_frame – The frame in which to assume the transform is constant in time.

  • timeout – How long to block before failing


The transform between the frames

virtual TF2_ROS_PUBLIC bool canTransform (const std::string &target_frame, const std::string &source_frame, const tf2::TimePoint &time, const tf2::Duration timeout=tf2::durationFromSec(0.0), std::string *errstr=nullptr) const override

Test if a transform is possible.

  • target_frame – The frame into which to transform

  • source_frame – The frame from which to transform

  • time – The time at which to transform

  • timeout – How long to block before failing

  • errstr – A pointer to a string which will be filled with why the transform failed, if not NULL


True if the transform is possible, false otherwise

virtual TF2_ROS_PUBLIC bool canTransform (const std::string &target_frame, const tf2::TimePoint &target_time, const std::string &source_frame, const tf2::TimePoint &source_time, const std::string &fixed_frame, const tf2::Duration timeout=tf2::durationFromSec(0.0), std::string *errstr=nullptr) const override

Test if a transform is possible.

  • target_frame – The frame into which to transform

  • target_time – The time into which to transform

  • source_frame – The frame from which to transform

  • source_time – The time from which to transform

  • fixed_frame – The frame in which to treat the transform as constant in time

  • timeout – How long to block before failing

  • errstr – A pointer to a string which will be filled with why the transform failed, if not NULL


True if the transform is possible, false otherwise

inline TF2_ROS_PUBLIC bool waitForServer (const tf2::Duration &timeout=tf2::durationFromSec(0))

Block until the action server is ready to respond to requests.


timeout – Time to wait for the server.


True if the server is ready, false otherwise.