Struct Model::Group

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Class Model.

Struct Documentation

struct Group

A group consists of a set of joints and the corresponding descendant links. There are multiple ways to specify a group. Directly specifying joints, links or chains, or referring to other defined groups.

Public Members

std::string name_

The name of the group.

std::vector<std::string> joints_

Directly specified joints to be included in the group. Descendent links should be implicitly considered to be part of the group, although this parsed does not add them to links_. The joints are checked to be in the corresponding URDF.

Directly specified links to be included in the group. Parent joints should be implicitly considered to be part of the group. The links are checked to be in the corresponding URDF.

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> chains_

Specify a chain of links (and the implicit joints) to be added to the group. Each chain is specified as a pair of base link and tip link. It is checked that the chain is indeed a chain in the specified URDF.

std::vector<std::string> subgroups_

It is sometimes convenient to refer to the content of another group. A group can include the content of the referenced groups