Struct rosidl_runtime_c__type_description__TypeSource

Struct Documentation

struct rosidl_runtime_c__type_description__TypeSource

Struct defined in msg/TypeSource in the package type_description_interfaces.

Represents the original source of a ROS 2 interface definition.

Public Members

rosidl_runtime_c__String type_name

ROS interface type name, in PACKAGE/NAMESPACE/TYPENAME format.

rosidl_runtime_c__String encoding

The type of the original source file, typically matching the file extension. Well-known encodings: “idl”, “msg”, “srv”, “action”, “dynamic”, “implicit”. “dynamic” specifies a type created programmatically by a user, thus having no source. “implicit” specifies a type created automatically as a subtype of a complex type (service or action) - such as the request message for a service. Implicit types will have no contents, the full source will be available on the parent srv/action.

rosidl_runtime_c__String raw_file_contents

Dumped contents of the interface definition source file. If encoding is “dynamic” or “implicit”, this field will be empty.