Class BaseCompressorInterface
Defined in File base_compressor_interface.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
public rosbag2_compression_zstd::ZstdCompressor
Class Documentation
class BaseCompressorInterface
An interface for developers adding a new compression algorithm to rosbag2. These functions must be implemented so that a writer can properly compress a file or bag message. A corresponding decompressor with an identical decompression format must also be implemented.
Example file compression usage:
MyCompressor my_compressor(); std::string current_uri = storage.get_relative_path(); std::string compressed_path_uri = my_compressor.compress_uri(current_uri); relative_file_paths.push_back(compressed_path_uri);
Example message compression usage:
MyCompressor my_compressor(); std::shared_ptr<SerializedBagMessage> bag_message = std::make_shared<SerializedBagMessage>(); …fill message my_compressor.compress_serialized_bag_message(bag_message.get());
Subclassed by rosbag2_compression_zstd::ZstdCompressor
Public Functions
virtual ~BaseCompressorInterface() = default
virtual std::string compress_uri(const std::string &uri) = 0
Compress a file on disk.
- Parameters:
uri – Input file to compress with file extension.
- Returns:
The relative path to the compressed file with the compressed extension.
virtual void compress_serialized_bag_message(const rosbag2_storage::SerializedBagMessage *bag_message, rosbag2_storage::SerializedBagMessage *compressed_message) = 0
Compress the serialized_data of a serialized bag message.
- Parameters:
bag_message – [in] A serialized bag message.
compressed_message – [out] Compressed message.
virtual std::string get_compression_identifier() const = 0
Get the identifier of the compression algorithm. This is appended to the extension of the compressed file.
virtual ~BaseCompressorInterface() = default