ros2cli.daemon.daemonize module

class ros2cli.daemon.daemonize.PicklerForProcess(process, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: Pickler

Pickle objects for subprocess.

This pickle.Pickler subclass sends serialized objects to the given process through its stdin pipe. It can serialize and send inheritable sockets and file descriptors.

dump(*args, **kwargs)

Write a pickled representation of the given object to the open file.

static load_socket(data)
ros2cli.daemon.daemonize.daemonize(callable_, tags={}, timeout=None, debug=False)

Spawn a callable object as a daemon.

The callable object is pickled and sent for execution via the stdin pipe, which is closed immediately after deserialization succeeds. The callable object may hold inheritable sockets and file descriptors.

  • callable – callable object to be daemonized.

  • tags – optional key-value pairs to show up as command-line ‘–key value’ arguments of the daemon process. Useful for identification in the OS process list.

  • timeout – optional duration, in seconds, to wait for the daemon to be ready. Non-positive durations will result in an indefinite wait.

  • debug – if True, the daemon process will not be detached and share both stdout and stderr streams with its parent process.


Execute incoming, serialized callable.

See daemonize() for further reference.