Function rcl_logging_external_initialize

Function Documentation

rcl_logging_ret_t rcl_logging_external_initialize(const char *file_name_prefix, const char *config_file, rcutils_allocator_t allocator)

Initialize the external logging library.

  • file_name_prefix[in] The prefix for log file name that external logging library should use to configure itself. If provided, it must be a null terminated C string. If set to NULL or the empty string, the logging library will use defaults.

  • config_file[in] The location of a config file that the external logging library should use to configure itself. If provided, it must be a null terminated C string. If set to NULL or the empty string, the logging library will use defaults.

  • allocator[in] The allocator to use for memory allocation. This is an rcutils_allocator_t rather than an rcl_allocator_t to ensure that the rcl_logging_* packages don’t have a circular dependency back to rcl.


RCL_LOGGING_RET_OK if initialized successfully.


RCL_LOGGING_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.


RCL_LOGGING_RET_CONFIG_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST if a config_file is provided but the file doesn’t exist.


RCL_LOGGING_RET_CONFIG_FILE_INVALID if a config_file is provided but the logging backend doesn’t understand it.