Class GenericSensorNode

Class Documentation

class GenericSensorNode

Base class for all ROS nodes that interface an MRPT sensor. Provides the basic initialization of the sensor, parsing of incoming data, etc. Derived classes only have to worry about converting the observations to ROS msgs and expose any sensor-specific messages and services.

Public Functions

virtual ~GenericSensorNode()
virtual void init(int argc, char **argv)

Load parameters and establish communication with the sensor

void run()

Infinite loop for main().

Protected Functions

inline virtual void process_sensor_specific()
inline virtual void init_sensor_specific()

Protected Attributes

ros::NodeHandle nh_ = {}
ros::NodeHandle nhlocal_ = {"~"}
std::string cfgfilename_ = {"sensor.ini"}
std::string cfg_section_ = {"SENSOR1"}
mrpt::hwdrivers::CGenericSensor::Ptr sensor_
std::string out_rawlog_prefix_

If non-empty, write to rawlog.

CFileGZOutputStream out_rawlog_
int rawlog_GZ_compress_level_ = {1}