Class Publisher

Class Documentation

class Publisher

Manages advertisements of multiple transport options on an Image topic.

Publisher is a drop-in replacement for ros::Publisher when publishing Image topics. In a minimally built environment, they behave the same; however, Publisher is extensible via plugins to publish alternative representations of the image on related subtopics. This is especially useful for limiting bandwidth and latency over a network connection, when you might (for example) use the theora plugin to transport the images as streamed video. All topics are published only on demand (i.e. if there are subscribers).

A Publisher should always be created through a call to ImageTransport::advertise(), or copied from one that was. Once all copies of a specific Publisher go out of scope, any subscriber callbacks associated with that handle will stop being called. Once all Publisher for a given base topic go out of scope the topic (and all subtopics) will be unadvertised.

Public Functions

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC Publisher() = default
IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC Publisher(rclcpp::Node *nh, const std::string &base_topic, PubLoaderPtr loader, rmw_qos_profile_t custom_qos, rclcpp::PublisherOptions options = rclcpp::PublisherOptions())
IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC size_t getNumSubscribers () const

Returns the number of subscribers that are currently connected to this Publisher.

Returns the total number of subscribers to all advertised topics.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC std::string getTopic () const

Returns the base topic of this Publisher.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC void publish (const sensor_msgs::msg::Image &message) const

Publish an image on the topics associated with this Publisher.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC void publish (const sensor_msgs::msg::Image::ConstSharedPtr &message) const

Publish an image on the topics associated with this Publisher.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC void publish (sensor_msgs::msg::Image::UniquePtr message) const

Publish an image on the topics associated with this Publisher.


Shutdown the advertisements associated with this Publisher.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC operator void*() const
inline IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC bool operator< (const Publisher &rhs) const
inline IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC bool operator!= (const Publisher &rhs) const
inline IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC bool operator== (const Publisher &rhs) const