Class CameraPublisher

Class Documentation

class CameraPublisher

Manages advertisements for publishing camera images.

CameraPublisher is a convenience class for publishing synchronized image and camera info topics using the standard topic naming convention, where the info topic name is “camera_info” in the same namespace as the base image topic.

On the client side, CameraSubscriber simplifies subscribing to camera images.

A CameraPublisher should always be created through a call to ImageTransport::advertiseCamera(), or copied from one that was. Once all copies of a specific CameraPublisher go out of scope, any subscriber callbacks associated with that handle will stop being called. Once all CameraPublisher for a given base topic go out of scope the topic (and all subtopics) will be unadvertised.

Public Functions

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC CameraPublisher() = default
IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC CameraPublisher(rclcpp::Node *node, const std::string &base_topic, rmw_qos_profile_t custom_qos = rmw_qos_profile_default, rclcpp::PublisherOptions = rclcpp::PublisherOptions())
IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC size_t getNumSubscribers () const

Returns the number of subscribers that are currently connected to this CameraPublisher.

Returns max(image topic subscribers, info topic subscribers).

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC std::string getTopic () const

Returns the base (image) topic of this CameraPublisher.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC std::string getInfoTopic () const

Returns the camera info topic of this CameraPublisher.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC void publish (const sensor_msgs::msg::Image &image, const sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo &info) const

Publish an (image, info) pair on the topics associated with this CameraPublisher.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC void publish (const sensor_msgs::msg::Image::ConstSharedPtr &image, const sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo::ConstSharedPtr &info) const

Publish an (image, info) pair on the topics associated with this CameraPublisher.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC void publish (sensor_msgs::msg::Image::UniquePtr image, sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo::UniquePtr info) const

Publish an (image, info) pair on the topics associated with this CameraPublisher.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC void publish (sensor_msgs::msg::Image &image, sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo &info, rclcpp::Time stamp) const

Publish an (image, info) pair with given timestamp on the topics associated with this CameraPublisher.

Convenience version, which sets the timestamps of both image and info to stamp before publishing.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC void publish (sensor_msgs::msg::Image::UniquePtr image, sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo::UniquePtr info, rclcpp::Time stamp) const

Publish an (image, info) pair with given timestamp on the topics associated with this CameraPublisher.

Convenience version, which sets the timestamps of both image and info to stamp before publishing.


Shutdown the advertisements associated with this Publisher.

IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC operator void*() const
inline IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC bool operator< (const CameraPublisher &rhs) const
inline IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC bool operator!= (const CameraPublisher &rhs) const
inline IMAGE_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC bool operator== (const CameraPublisher &rhs) const