Class StatusItem

Class Documentation

class StatusItem

Helper class to hold, store DiagnosticStatus messages.

The StatusItem class is used by the Aggregator to store incoming DiagnosticStatus messages. Helper messages make it easy to calculate update intervals, and extract KeyValue pairs.

Public Functions

explicit DIAGNOSTIC_AGGREGATOR_PUBLIC StatusItem(const diagnostic_msgs::msg::DiagnosticStatus *status)

Constructed from const DiagnosticStatus*.

DIAGNOSTIC_AGGREGATOR_PUBLIC StatusItem(const std::string item_name, const std::string message = "Missing", const DiagnosticLevel level = Level_Stale)

Constructed from string of item name.

DIAGNOSTIC_AGGREGATOR_PUBLIC bool update (const diagnostic_msgs::msg::DiagnosticStatus *status)

Must have same name as original status or it won’t update.


True if update successful, false if error

DIAGNOSTIC_AGGREGATOR_PUBLIC std::shared_ptr< diagnostic_msgs::msg::DiagnosticStatus > toStatusMsg (const std::string &path, const bool stale=false) const

Prepends “path/” to name, makes item stale if “stale” true.

Helper function to convert item back to diagnostic_msgs::msg::DiagnosticStatus pointer. Prepends path. Example: Item with name “Hokuyo” toStatusMsg(“Base Path/My Path”, false) gives “Base Path/My Path/Hokuyo”.

  • path – : Prepended to name

  • stale – : If true, status level is 3

inline DiagnosticLevel getLevel() const
inline std::string getMessage() const

Get message field of DiagnosticStatus.

inline std::string getName() const

Returns name of DiagnosticStatus message.

inline std::string getHwId() const

Returns hardware ID field of DiagnosticStatus message.

inline const rclcpp::Time getLastUpdateTime() const

Returns the time since last update for this item.

inline bool hasKey(const std::string &key) const

Returns true if item has key in values KeyValues.


True if has key

inline std::string getValue(const std::string &key) const

Returns value for given key, “” if doens’t exist.


Value if key present, “” if not