You're reading the documentation for a development version. For the latest released version, please have a look at Jazzy.

About Working Groups

There are two types of ROS 2 working groups, TSC sanctioned working groups and community working groups. Functionally, there is little distinction between the two types of working groups, the primary distinction being that TSC sanctioned working groups were created by the ROS 2 TSC and deliver regular reports to it. Community working groups are created and administered by the ROS community for the ROS community, and are not officially sanctioned by the ROS 2 TSC. Community working groups can become TSC working groups by a simple vote of the ROS 2 TSC. Community working groups can be created using the process outlined in this tutorial..

If you’d like to join an existing ROS 2 working group, please contact the appropriate group lead(s) directly. If you’d like to create a new working group, please inquire via

Working Group Policies

  • Meetings should be posted to the Google calendar as well as announced on Discourse.

  • Meetings should have notes and be posted to Discourse using an appropriate working group tag.

  • For attending the groups meetings please join the associated google group to get invites automatically.

TSC Working Groups

The current TSC WGs are (12 as of 2023-08-30):

Client Libraries

  • Lead(s): Geoffrey Biggs, Alberto Soragna

  • Note: This working group is currently on hiatus. Meetings will resume at some point in the future TBD.

  • Resources:


  • Lead(s): Bence Magyar

  • Resources:


  • Lead(s): William Woodall

  • Resources:


  • Lead(s): Henning Kayser

  • Resources:


  • Lead(s): Andrei Kholodnyi, Jan Staschulat

  • Resources:


  • Lead(s): Florencia Cabral

  • Resources:

Rosbag2 and Tooling

  • Lead(s): Michael Orlov

  • Resources:

Community Working Groups

Community working groups are created and maintained by the ROS community to support ongoing efforts.

Aerial Robotics (AerialRoboticsWG)

AI Integration

Deliberation (DelibWG)

Education (EdWG)

  • Lead(s): Katherine Scott

  • Resources:

Maritime (MaritimeWG)

Rust (RustWG)