Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cxpp::ConvertConverts between xpp-states types and xpp-messages
 Cxpp::Endeffectors< T >Data structure to assign values to each endeffector
 Cxpp::Endeffectors< bool >
 Cxpp::EndeffectorsContactBundles the contact state of all endeffectors
 Cxpp::Endeffectors< StateLin3d >
 Cxpp::EndeffectorsMotionBundles the position, velocity and acceleration of all endeffectors. as well as appending a EndeffectorMotion specific convenience function
 Cxpp::Endeffectors< Vector3d >
 Cxpp::Endeffectors< VectorXd >
 Cxpp::JointsContainer to access joint values of each endeffectors
 Cxpp::RobotStateCartesianDefines a complete robot state in Cartesian space
 Cxpp::RobotStateJointDefines a complete robot state in joint space
 Cxpp::State3d6D-State (linear+angular) of an object in 3-dimensional space, where the angular part is expressed by a Quaternion
 Cxpp::State3dEuler6D-state (linear+angular) of an object in 3-dimensional space, where the angular part is expressed by Euler angles
 Cxpp::StateAng3dAngular state of an object in 3-dimensional space
 Cxpp::StateLinXdRepresents position, velocity and acceleration in x-dimensions

Author(s): Alexander W. Winkler
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 01:14:14