Macros | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
vxworks/nicdrv.c File Reference

EtherCAT VxWorks SNARF Mux driver. More...

#include <vxWorks.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <muxLib.h>
#include <ipProto.h>
#include <wvLib.h>
#include <sysLib.h>
#include "oshw.h"
#include "osal.h"
#include "nicdrv.h"
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#define ECAT_RECV_FAILED   0x664
#define ECAT_RECV_OK   0x665
#define ECAT_RECV_RETRY_OK   0x666
#define ECAT_SEND_COMPLETE   0x676
#define ECAT_SEND_FAILED   0x677
#define ECAT_SEND_START   0x675
#define ECAT_STACK_RECV   0x667
#define IF_NAME_SIZE   8
#define NIC_DEBUG   /* Print debugging info? */
#define NIC_LOGMSG(x, a, b, c, d, e, f)
#define NIC_WVEVENT(a, b, c)
#define RX_PRIM   priMAC[1]
#define RX_SEC   secMAC[1]
#define USECS_PER_SEC   1000000




static int ec_outfram_send (ETHERCAT_PKT_DEV *pPktDev, int idx, void *buf, int len)
void ec_setupheader (void *p)
static void ecx_clear_rxbufstat (int *rxbufstat)
int ecx_closenic (ecx_portt *port)
int ecx_getindex (ecx_portt *port)
int ecx_inframe (ecx_portt *port, int idx, int stacknumber, int timeout)
int ecx_outframe (ecx_portt *port, int idx, int stacknumber)
int ecx_outframe_red (ecx_portt *port, int idx)
static int ecx_recvpkt (ecx_portt *port, int idx, int stacknumber, M_BLK_ID *pMblk, int timeout)
void ecx_setbufstat (ecx_portt *port, int idx, int bufstat)
int ecx_setupnic (ecx_portt *port, const char *ifname, int secondary)
int ecx_srconfirm (ecx_portt *port, int idx, int timeout)
int ecx_waitinframe (ecx_portt *port, int idx, int timeout)
static int ecx_waitinframe_red (ecx_portt *port, int idx, osal_timert *timer, int timeout)
static int mux_rx_callback (void *pCookie, long type, M_BLK_ID pMblk, LL_HDR_INFO *llHdrInfo, void *muxUserArg)
void print_nicversion (void)


const uint16 priMAC [3] = { 0x0101, 0x0101, 0x0101 }
const uint16 secMAC [3] = { 0x0404, 0x0404, 0x0404 }
static unsigned int usec_per_tick = 1000

Detailed Description

EtherCAT VxWorks SNARF Mux driver.

Low level interface functions to send and receive EtherCAT packets. EtherCAT has the property that packets are only send by the master, and the send packets always return in the receive buffer. There can be multiple packets "on the wire" before they return. To combine the received packets with the original send packets a buffer system is installed. The identifier is put in the index item of the EtherCAT header. The index is stored and compared when a frame is received. If there is a match the packet can be combined with the transmit packet and returned to the higher level function.

If EtherCAT is run in parallel with normal IP traffic and EtherCAT have a dedicated NIC, instantiate an extra tNetX task and redirect the NIC workQ to be handle by the extra tNetX task, if needed raise the tNetX task prio. This prevents from having tNet0 becoming a bottleneck.

The "redundant" option will configure two Mux drivers and two NIC interfaces. Slaves are connected to both interfaces, one on the IN port and one on the OUT port. Packets are send via both interfaces. Any one of the connections (also an interconnect) can be removed and the slaves are still serviced with packets. The software layer will detect the possible failure modes and compensate. If needed the packets from interface A are resend through interface B. This layer if fully transparent for the higher layers.

Definition in file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ECAT_RECV_FAILED   0x664

Definition at line 50 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define ECAT_RECV_OK   0x665

Definition at line 51 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define ECAT_RECV_RETRY_OK   0x666

Definition at line 52 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define ECAT_SEND_COMPLETE   0x676

Definition at line 55 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define ECAT_SEND_FAILED   0x677

Definition at line 56 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define ECAT_SEND_START   0x675

Definition at line 54 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define ECAT_STACK_RECV   0x667

Definition at line 53 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define IF_NAME_SIZE   8

Definition at line 75 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define NIC_DEBUG   /* Print debugging info? */

Definition at line 47 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define NIC_LOGMSG (   x,
do { \
logMsg (x,a,b,c,d,e,f); \
} while (0)

Definition at line 60 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define NIC_WVEVENT (   a,
do { \
wvEvent(a, b, c); \
} while (0)

Definition at line 64 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define RX_PRIM   priMAC[1]

second MAC word is used for identification

Definition at line 98 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define RX_SEC   secMAC[1]

second MAC word is used for identification

Definition at line 100 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.


#define USECS_PER_SEC   1000000

Definition at line 103 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Redundancy modes


No redundancy, single NIC mode


Double redundant NIC connection

Definition at line 78 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

Function Documentation

◆ ec_outfram_send()

static int ec_outfram_send ( ETHERCAT_PKT_DEV pPktDev,
int  idx,
void *  buf,
int  len 

Low level transmit buffer over mux layer 2 driver

[in]pPktDev= packet device to send buffer over
[in]idx= index in tx buffer array
[in]buf= buff to send
[in]len= bytes to send
driver send result

Definition at line 426 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ec_setupheader()

void ec_setupheader ( void *  p)

Fill buffer with ethernet header structure. Destination MAC is always broadcast. Ethertype is always ETH_P_ECAT.

[out]p= buffer

Definition at line 357 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_clear_rxbufstat()

static void ecx_clear_rxbufstat ( int *  rxbufstat)

Definition at line 109 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_closenic()

int ecx_closenic ( ecx_portt port)

Close sockets used

[in]port= port context struct

Definition at line 291 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_getindex()

int ecx_getindex ( ecx_portt port)

Get new frame identifier index and allocate corresponding rx buffer.

[in]port= port context struct
new index.

Definition at line 374 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_inframe()

int ecx_inframe ( ecx_portt port,
int  idx,
int  stacknumber,
int  timeout 

Non blocking receive frame function. Uses RX buffer and index to combine read frame with transmitted frame. Frames are received by separate receiver task tNet0 (default), tNet0 fetch what frame index and store a reference to the received frame in matching MsgQ. The stack user tasks fetch the frame reference and copies the frame the the RX buffer, when done it free the frame buffer allocated by the Mux.

[in]port= port context struct
[in]idx= requested index of frame
[in]stacknumber= 0=primary 1=secondary stack
[in]timeout= timeout in us
Workcounter if a frame is found with corresponding index, otherwise EC_NOFRAME or EC_OTHERFRAME.

Definition at line 731 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_outframe()

int ecx_outframe ( ecx_portt port,
int  idx,
int  stacknumber 

High level transmit buffer over mux layer 2 driver, passing buffer and packet device to send on as arguments

[in]port= port context holding reference to packet device
[in]idx= index in tx buffer array
[in]stacknumber= 0=Primary 1=Secondary stack
socket send result

Definition at line 503 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_outframe_red()

int ecx_outframe_red ( ecx_portt port,
int  idx 

High level transmit frame to send as index.

[in]port= port context
[in]idx= index in tx buffer array
socket send result

Definition at line 540 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_recvpkt()

static int ecx_recvpkt ( ecx_portt port,
int  idx,
int  stacknumber,
M_BLK_ID *  pMblk,
int  timeout 

Non blocking or blocking read, if we use timeout we pass minimum 1 tick.

[in]port= port context struct
[in]pMblk= mBlk for received frame
[in]timeout= timeout in us
>0 if frame is available and read

Definition at line 681 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_setbufstat()

void ecx_setbufstat ( ecx_portt port,
int  idx,
int  bufstat 

Set rx buffer status.

[in]port= port context struct
[in]idx= index in buffer array
[in]bufstat= status to set

Definition at line 411 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_setupnic()

int ecx_setupnic ( ecx_portt port,
const char *  ifname,
int  secondary 

Basic setup to connect NIC to socket.

[in]port= port context struct
[in]ifname= Name of NIC device, f.e. "gei0"
[in]secondary= if >0 then use secondary stack instead of primary
>0 if succeeded

Definition at line 129 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_srconfirm()

int ecx_srconfirm ( ecx_portt port,
int  idx,
int  timeout 

Blocking send and receive frame function. Used for non processdata frames. A datagram is build into a frame and transmitted via this function. It waits for an answer and returns the workcounter. The function retries if time is left and the result is WKC=0 or no frame received.

The function calls ec_outframe_red() and ec_waitinframe_red().

[in]port= port context struct
[in]idx= index of frame
[in]timeout= timeout in us
Workcounter or EC_NOFRAME

Definition at line 907 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_waitinframe()

int ecx_waitinframe ( ecx_portt port,
int  idx,
int  timeout 

Blocking receive frame function. Calls ec_waitinframe_red().

[in]port= port context struct
[in]idx= requested index of frame
[in]timeout= timeout in us
Workcounter if a frame is found with corresponding index, otherwise EC_NOFRAME.

Definition at line 884 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ ecx_waitinframe_red()

static int ecx_waitinframe_red ( ecx_portt port,
int  idx,
osal_timert timer,
int  timeout 

Blocking redundant receive frame function. If redundant mode is not active then it skips the secondary stack and redundancy functions. In redundant mode it waits for both (primary and secondary) frames to come in. The result goes in an decision tree that decides, depending on the route of the packet and its possible missing arrival, how to reroute the original packet to get the data in an other try.

[in]port= port context struct
[in]idx= requested index of frame
[in]timer= absolute timeout time
[in]timeout= timeout in us
Workcounter if a frame is found with corresponding index, otherwise EC_NOFRAME.

Definition at line 795 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ mux_rx_callback()

static int mux_rx_callback ( void *  pCookie,
long  type,
M_BLK_ID  pMblk,
LL_HDR_INFO *  llHdrInfo,
void *  muxUserArg 

Receive hook called by Mux driver.

Call back routine registered as hook with mux layer 2 driver

[in]pCookie= Mux cookie
[in]type= received type
[in]pMblk= the received packet reference
[in]llHdrInfo= header info
[in]muxUserArg= assigned reference to packet device when init called
TRUE if frame was successfully read and passed to MsgQ

Definition at line 581 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ print_nicversion()

void print_nicversion ( void  )

Definition at line 118 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ priMAC

const uint16 priMAC[3] = { 0x0101, 0x0101, 0x0101 }

Primary source MAC address used for EtherCAT. This address is not the MAC address used from the NIC. EtherCAT does not care about MAC addressing, but it is used here to differentiate the route the packet traverses through the EtherCAT segment. This is needed to find out the packet flow in redundant configurations.

Definition at line 93 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ secMAC

const uint16 secMAC[3] = { 0x0404, 0x0404, 0x0404 }

Secondary source MAC address used for EtherCAT.

Definition at line 95 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

◆ usec_per_tick

unsigned int usec_per_tick = 1000

Definition at line 104 of file vxworks/nicdrv.c.

Author(s): Arthur Ketels and M.J.G. van den Molengraft
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 01:01:49