File: septentrio_gnss_driver/INSNavGeod.msg
Raw Message Definition
# INSNavGeod block
# Block_Number 4226
std_msgs/Header header
# SBF block header including time header
BlockHeader block_header
uint8 gnss_mode
uint8 error
uint16 info
uint16 gnss_age # 0.01 s
float64 latitude # rad
float64 longitude # rad
float64 height # m (ellipsoidal)
float32 undulation # m
uint16 accuracy # 0.01 m
uint16 latency # 0.0001 s
uint8 datum
#uint8 reserved
uint16 sb_list
# INSNavGeodPosStdDev sub-block definition:
# If the Position StdDev field is 1 then this sub block is available:
float32 latitude_std_dev # m
float32 longitude_std_dev # m
float32 height_std_dev # m
# INSNavGeodPosCov sub-block definition:
# If the Position Cov field is 1 then this sub block is available:
float32 latitude_longitude_cov # m^2
float32 latitude_height_cov # m^2
float32 longitude_height_cov # m^2
# INSNavGeodAtt sub-block definition:
# If the Attitude field is 1 then this sub block is available:
float32 heading # deg
float32 pitch # deg
float32 roll # deg
# INSNavGeodAttStdDev sub-block definition:
# If the Attitude StdDev field is 1 then this sub block is available:
float32 heading_std_dev # deg
float32 pitch_std_dev # deg
float32 roll_std_dev # deg
# INSNavGeodAttCov sub-block definition:
# If the Attitude Cov field is 1 then this sub block is available:
float32 heading_pitch_cov # deg^2
float32 heading_roll_cov # deg^2
float32 pitch_roll_cov # deg^2
# INSNavGeodVel sub-block definition:
# If the Velocity field is 1 then this sub block is available:
float32 ve # m/s
float32 vn # m/s
float32 vu # m/s
# INSNavGeodVelStdDev sub-block definition:
# If the Velocity StdDev field is 1 then this sub block is available:
float32 ve_std_dev # m/s
float32 vn_std_dev # m/s
float32 vu_std_dev # m/s
# INSNavGeodVelCov sub-block definition:
# If the Velocity Cov field is 1 then this sub block is available:
float32 ve_vn_cov # m^2/s^2
float32 ve_vu_cov # m^2/s^2
float32 vn_vu_cov # m^2/s^2
Compact Message Definition
std_msgs/Header header
septentrio_gnss_driver/BlockHeader block_header
uint8 gnss_mode
uint8 error
uint16 info
uint16 gnss_age
float64 latitude
float64 longitude
float64 height
float32 undulation
uint16 accuracy
uint16 latency
uint8 datum
uint16 sb_list
float32 latitude_std_dev
float32 longitude_std_dev
float32 height_std_dev
float32 latitude_longitude_cov
float32 latitude_height_cov
float32 longitude_height_cov
float32 heading
float32 pitch
float32 roll
float32 heading_std_dev
float32 pitch_std_dev
float32 roll_std_dev
float32 heading_pitch_cov
float32 heading_roll_cov
float32 pitch_roll_cov
float32 ve
float32 vn
float32 vu
float32 ve_std_dev
float32 vn_std_dev
float32 vu_std_dev
float32 ve_vn_cov
float32 ve_vu_cov
float32 vn_vu_cov