#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: BSD
# https://raw.github.com/stonier/py_trees_ros/license/LICENSE
# Documentation
The :class:`ROS Behaviour Tree <py_trees_ros.trees.BehaviourTree>`
extends the core :class:`Behaviour Tree <py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree>` class
with a few ROS style adornments. The major features currently include:
* Publishers for ascii/dot tree visualisations and the blackboard
* A publisher which dumps the entire tree at every change for the rqt plugin
* Bagging of the tree for offline visualisation and debugging
# Imports
import datetime
import os
import py_trees
import py_trees_msgs.msg as py_trees_msgs
import rosbag
import rospkg
import rospy
import std_msgs.msg as std_msgs
import threading
import unique_id
from . import blackboard
from . import conversions
from . import utilities
from . import visitors
# ROS Trees
[docs]class BehaviourTree(py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree):
Extend the :class:`py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree` class with
a few bells and whistles for ROS:
* ros publishers with snapshot ascii/dot graph views of the tree
* ros publisher with data representation of the entire tree for monitoring/bagging
* ros publisher showing what the current tip is
* a blackboard exchange with introspection and watcher services
ROS Publishers:
* **~ascii/tree** (:class:`std_msgs.msg.String`)
* static view of the entire tree (debugging)
* **~ascii/snapshot** (:class:`std_msgs.msg.String`)
* runtime ascii snapshot view of the ticking tree (debugging)
* **~dot/tree** (:class:`std_msgs.msg.String`)
* static dot graph of the entire tree (debugging)
* **~log/tree** (:class:`py_trees_msgs.msg.BehaviourTree`)
* representation of the entire tree in message form for rqt/bagging
* **~tip** (:class:`py_trees_msgs.msg.Behaviour`)
* the tip of the tree after the last tick
.. seealso::
It also exposes publishers and services from the blackboard exchange
in it's private namespace. Refer to :class:`~py_trees_ros.blackboard.Exchange` for details.
root (:class:`~py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour`): root node of the tree
root (:obj:`bool`): whether the tree should record a rosbag itself or not
AssertionError: if incoming root variable is not the correct type
def __init__(self, root, record_rosbag=True):
Initialise the tree with a root.
:param root: root node of the tree.
:type root: instance or descendant of :py:class:`Behaviour <py_trees.behaviours.Behaviour>`
:param record_rosbag (:obj:`bool`): whether the tree should record a rosbag itself or not.
:raises AssertionError: if incoming root variable is not the correct type.
super(BehaviourTree, self).__init__(root)
self.snapshot_visitor = visitors.SnapshotVisitor()
self.logging_visitor = visitors.LoggingVisitor()
self._bag_closed = False
self.record_rosbag = record_rosbag
self.last_tree = py_trees_msgs.BehaviourTree()
if self.record_rosbag:
now = datetime.datetime.now()
topdir = rospkg.get_ros_home() + '/behaviour_trees'
subdir = topdir + '/' + now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if not os.path.exists(topdir):
if not os.path.exists(subdir):
# opens in ros home directory for the user
self.bag = rosbag.Bag(subdir + '/behaviour_tree_' + now.strftime("%H-%M-%S") + '.bag', 'w')
self.lock = threading.Lock()
# delay the publishers so we can instantiate this class without connecting to ros (private names need init_node)
self.publishers = None
# _cleanup must come last as it assumes the existence of the bag
[docs] def setup(self, timeout):
Setup the publishers, exechange and add ros-relevant pre/post tick handlers to the tree.
Ultimately relays this call down to all the behaviours in the tree.
timeout (:obj:`float`): time to wait (0.0 is blocking forever)
:obj:`bool`: suceess or failure of the operation
self.blackboard_exchange = blackboard.Exchange()
if not self.blackboard_exchange.setup(timeout):
return False
return super(BehaviourTree, self).setup(timeout)
def _setup_publishers(self):
latched = True
self.publishers = utilities.Publishers(
("ascii_tree", "~ascii/tree", std_msgs.String, latched, 2),
("ascii_snapshot", "~ascii/snapshot", std_msgs.String, latched, 2),
("dot_tree", "~dot/tree", std_msgs.String, latched, 2),
("log_tree", "~log/tree", py_trees_msgs.BehaviourTree, latched, 2),
("tip", "~tip", py_trees_msgs.Behaviour, latched, 2)
# publish current state
# set a handler to publish future modifiactions
# tree_update_handler is in the base class, set this to the callback function here.
self.tree_update_handler = self._publish_tree_modifications
def _publish_tree_modifications(self, tree):
Publishes updates when the whole tree has been modified.
This function is passed in as a visitor to the underlying behaviour tree and triggered
when there has been a change.
if self.publishers is None:
rospy.logerr("BehaviourTree: call setup() on this tree to initialise the ros components")
def _publish_tree_snapshots(self, tree):
Callback that runs on a :class:`BehaviourTree <py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree>` after
it has ticked.
:param tree: the behaviour tree
:type tree: :py:class:`BehaviourTree <py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree>`
if self.publishers is None:
rospy.logerr("BehaviourTree: call setup() on this tree to initialise the ros components")
snapshot = "\n\n%s" % py_trees.display.ascii_tree(self.root, snapshot_information=self.snapshot_visitor)
for behaviour in self.logging_visitor.tree.behaviours:
behaviour.is_active = True if unique_id.fromMsg(behaviour.own_id) in self.snapshot_visitor.nodes else False
# We're not interested in sending every single tree - only send a
# message when the tree changes.
if self.logging_visitor.tree.behaviours != self.last_tree.behaviours:
if self.root.tip() is None:
rospy.logerr("Behaviours: your tree is returning in an INVALID state (should always be FAILURE, RUNNING or SUCCESS)")
if self.record_rosbag:
with self.lock:
if not self._bag_closed:
self.bag.write(self.publishers.log_tree.name, self.logging_visitor.tree)
self.last_tree = self.logging_visitor.tree
def _cleanup(self):
if self.record_rosbag:
with self.lock:
self._bag_closed = True
self.interrupt_tick_tocking = True