Source code for py_trees_ros.mock.action_server

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: BSD
# Documentation

Mocks the move base action server of the ROS navigation stack.

# Imports

import actionlib
import dynamic_reconfigure.server
import rospy

from py_trees_msgs.cfg import MockActionServerConfig

# Classes

[docs]class ActionServer(object): """ Generic action server that can be subclassed to quickly create action servers of varying types in a mock simulation. Dynamic Reconfigure: * **~duration** (:obj:`float`) * reonfigure the duration to be used for the next goal execution Args: action_name (:obj:`str`): name of the action server (e.g. move_base) action_type (:obj:`any`): type of the action server (e.g. move_base_msgs.msg.MoveBaseAction worker (:obj:`func`): callback to be executed inside the execute loop, no args goal_recieved_callback(:obj:`func`): callback to be executed immediately upon receiving a goal duration (:obj:`float`): forcibly override the dyn reconf time for a goal to complete (seconds) """
[docs] def __init__(self, action_name, action_type, worker, goal_received_callback=None, duration=None): self.worker = worker self.goal_received_callback = goal_received_callback self.action_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(action_name, action_type, execute_cb=self.execute, auto_start=False ) self.percent_completed = 0 self.title = action_name.replace('_', ' ').title() self.action = action_type() # dynamic reconfigure self.parameters = None # note this instantiation will automatically trigger the callback, so # self.parameters *will* get initialised self.dynamic_reconfigure_server = dynamic_reconfigure.server.Server( MockActionServerConfig, self.dynamic_reconfigure_callback ) # forcibly override the default/rosparam configured duration if duration is not None: self.dynamic_reconfigure_server.update_configuration({"duration": duration})
[docs] def dynamic_reconfigure_callback(self, config, unused_level): """ Args: config (:obj:`dynamic_reconfigure.encoding.Config`): incoming configuration level (:obj:`int`): """ self.parameters = config return config
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the action server. """ self.action_server.start()
[docs] def execute(self, goal): """ Check for pre-emption, but otherwise just spin around gradually incrementing a hypothetical 'percent' done. Args: goal (:obj:`any`): goal of type specified by the action_type in the constructor. """ if self.goal_received_callback: self.goal_received_callback(goal) # goal.target_pose = don't care frequency = 3.0 # hz increment = 100 / (frequency * self.parameters.duration) self.percent_completed = 0 rate = rospy.Rate(frequency) # hz rospy.loginfo("{title}: received a goal".format(title=self.title)) # if we just received a goal, we erase any previous pre-emption self.action_server.preempt_request = False while True: if rospy.is_shutdown() or self.action_server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("{title}: goal preempted".format(title=self.title)) self.action_server.set_preempted(self.action.action_result.result, "goal was preempted") success = False break if self.percent_completed >= 100: rospy.loginfo("{title}: feedback 100%".format(title=self.title)) success = True break else: rospy.loginfo("{title}: feedback {percent:.2f}%".format(title=self.title, percent=self.percent_completed)) self.percent_completed += increment self.worker() rate.sleep() if success: rospy.loginfo("{title}: goal success".format(title=self.title)) self.action_server.set_succeeded(self.action.action_result.result, "goal reached")