
Elements values convention: 000ZZZZZ0XXYYYYYb. More...

Collaboration diagram for SMARTCARD Interrupts Definition:


#define SMARTCARD_IT_EOB   0x0C3BU
#define SMARTCARD_IT_ERR   0x0060U
#define SMARTCARD_IT_FE   0x0100U
#define SMARTCARD_IT_IDLE   0x0424U
#define SMARTCARD_IT_NE   0x0200U
#define SMARTCARD_IT_ORE   0x0300U
#define SMARTCARD_IT_PE   0x0028U
#define SMARTCARD_IT_RTO   0x0B3AU
#define SMARTCARD_IT_RXNE   0x0525U
#define SMARTCARD_IT_TC   0x0626U
#define SMARTCARD_IT_TXE   0x0727U

Detailed Description

Elements values convention: 000ZZZZZ0XXYYYYYb.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SMARTCARD_IT_EOB   0x0C3BU

SMARTCARD end of block interruption

Definition at line 120 of file stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard_ex.h.


#define SMARTCARD_IT_ERR   0x0060U

SMARTCARD error interruption

Definition at line 115 of file stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard_ex.h.


#define SMARTCARD_IT_FE   0x0100U

SMARTCARD frame error interruption

Definition at line 118 of file stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard_ex.h.


#define SMARTCARD_IT_IDLE   0x0424U

SMARTCARD idle line detection interruption

Definition at line 113 of file stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard_ex.h.


#define SMARTCARD_IT_NE   0x0200U

SMARTCARD noise error interruption

Definition at line 117 of file stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard_ex.h.


#define SMARTCARD_IT_ORE   0x0300U

SMARTCARD overrun error interruption

Definition at line 116 of file stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard_ex.h.


#define SMARTCARD_IT_PE   0x0028U

SMARTCARD parity error interruption

Definition at line 109 of file stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard_ex.h.


#define SMARTCARD_IT_RTO   0x0B3AU

SMARTCARD receiver timeout interruption

Definition at line 121 of file stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard_ex.h.


#define SMARTCARD_IT_RXNE   0x0525U

SMARTCARD read data register not empty interruption

Definition at line 112 of file stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard_ex.h.


#define SMARTCARD_IT_TC   0x0626U

SMARTCARD transmission complete interruption

Definition at line 111 of file stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard_ex.h.


#define SMARTCARD_IT_TXE   0x0727U

SMARTCARD transmit data register empty interruption

Definition at line 110 of file stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard_ex.h.

autogenerated on Fri Apr 1 2022 02:15:08