typedef pcl::IndicesConstPtr | IndicesConstPtr |
typedef pcl::IndicesPtr | IndicesPtr |
typedef pcl_msgs::ModelCoefficients | ModelCoefficients |
typedef ModelCoefficients::ConstPtr | ModelCoefficientsConstPtr |
typedef ModelCoefficients::Ptr | ModelCoefficientsPtr |
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > | PointCloud |
typedef sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 | PointCloud2 |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const PointCloud > | PointCloudConstPtr |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PointCloud > | PointCloudPtr |
typedef pcl_msgs::PointIndices | PointIndices |
typedef PointIndices::ConstPtr | PointIndicesConstPtr |
typedef PointIndices::Ptr | PointIndicesPtr |
| PCLNodelet () |
| Empty constructor. More...
| NodeletLazy () |
void | init (const std::string &name, const M_string &remapping_args, const V_string &my_argv, ros::CallbackQueueInterface *st_queue=NULL, ros::CallbackQueueInterface *mt_queue=NULL) |
| Nodelet () |
virtual | ~Nodelet () |
bool | isValid (const ModelCoefficientsConstPtr &, const std::string &="model") |
| Test whether a given ModelCoefficients message is "valid" (i.e., has values). More...
bool | isValid (const PointCloud2::ConstPtr &cloud, const std::string &topic_name="input") |
| Test whether a given PointCloud message is "valid" (i.e., has points, and width and height are non-zero). More...
bool | isValid (const PointCloudConstPtr &cloud, const std::string &topic_name="input") |
| Test whether a given PointCloud message is "valid" (i.e., has points, and width and height are non-zero). More...
bool | isValid (const PointIndicesConstPtr &, const std::string &="indices") |
| Test whether a given PointIndices message is "valid" (i.e., has values). More...
ros::Publisher | advertise (ros::NodeHandle &nh, std::string topic, int queue_size, bool latch=false) |
virtual void | connectionCallback (const ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher &pub) |
virtual void | onInitPostProcess () |
virtual void | warnNeverSubscribedCallback (const ros::WallTimerEvent &event) |
ros::CallbackQueueInterface & | getMTCallbackQueue () const |
ros::NodeHandle & | getMTNodeHandle () const |
ros::NodeHandle & | getMTPrivateNodeHandle () const |
const V_string & | getMyArgv () const |
const std::string & | getName () const |
ros::NodeHandle & | getNodeHandle () const |
ros::NodeHandle & | getPrivateNodeHandle () const |
const M_string & | getRemappingArgs () const |
ros::CallbackQueueInterface & | getSTCallbackQueue () const |
std::string | getSuffixedName (const std::string &suffix) const |
bool | approximate_sync_ |
| True if we use an approximate time synchronizer versus an exact one (false by default). More...
bool | latched_indices_ |
| Set to true if the indices topic is latched. More...
int | max_queue_size_ |
| The maximum queue size (default: 3). More...
ros::Publisher | pub_output_ |
| The output PointCloud publisher. More...
message_filters::Subscriber< PointIndices > | sub_indices_filter_ |
| The message filter subscriber for PointIndices. More...
message_filters::Subscriber< PointCloud > | sub_input_filter_ |
| The message filter subscriber for PointCloud2. More...
tf::TransformListener | tf_listener_ |
| TF listener object. More...
bool | use_indices_ |
| Set to true if point indices are used. More...
boost::mutex | connection_mutex_ |
ConnectionStatus | connection_status_ |
bool | ever_subscribed_ |
bool | lazy_ |
boost::shared_ptr< ros::NodeHandle > | nh_ |
boost::shared_ptr< ros::NodeHandle > | pnh_ |
std::vector< ros::Publisher > | publishers_ |
ros::WallTimer | timer_ever_subscribed_ |
bool | verbose_connection_ |