Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cmbf_abstract_core::AbstractController [external]
 Cmbf_costmap_core::CostmapController [external]
 Cmbf_abstract_nav::AbstractExecutionBase [external]
 Cmbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution [external]
 Cmbf_costmap_nav::CostmapControllerExecutionThe CostmapControllerExecution binds a local costmap to the AbstractControllerExecution and uses the nav_core/BaseLocalPlanner class as base plugin interface. This class makes move_base_flex compatible to the old move_base
 Cmbf_abstract_nav::AbstractPlannerExecution [external]
 Cmbf_costmap_nav::CostmapPlannerExecutionThe CostmapPlannerExecution binds a global costmap to the AbstractPlannerExecution and uses the nav_core/BaseCostmapPlanner class as base plugin interface. This class makes move_base_flex compatible to the old move_base
 Cmbf_abstract_nav::AbstractRecoveryExecution [external]
 Cmbf_costmap_nav::CostmapRecoveryExecutionThe CostmapRecoveryExecution binds a local and a global costmap to the AbstractRecoveryExecution and uses the nav_core/CostmapRecovery class as base plugin interface. This class makes move_base_flex compatible to the old move_base
 Cmbf_abstract_nav::AbstractNavigationServer [external]
 Cmbf_costmap_nav::CostmapNavigationServerThe CostmapNavigationServer makes Move Base Flex backwards compatible to the old move_base. It combines the execution classes which use the nav_core/BaseLocalPlanner, nav_core/BaseCostmapPlanner and the nav_core/RecoveryBehavior base classes as plugin interfaces. These plugin interface are the same for the old move_base
 Cmbf_abstract_core::AbstractPlanner [external]
 Cmbf_costmap_core::CostmapPlanner [external]
 Cmbf_abstract_core::AbstractRecovery [external]
 Cmbf_costmap_core::CostmapRecovery [external]
 Ccostmap_2d::Costmap2DROS [external]
 Cmbf_costmap_nav::CostmapWrapperManages access to a costmap by locking/unlocking its mutex and handles (de)activation
 CCostmapPlannerProvides an interface for global planners used in navigation. All global planners written to work as MBF plugins must adhere to this interface. Alternatively, this class can also operate as a wrapper for old API nav_core-based plugins, providing backward compatibility
 CCostmapRecoveryProvides an interface for recovery behaviors used in navigation. All recovery behaviors written to work as MBF plugins must adhere to this interface. Alternatively, this class can also operate as a wrapper for old API nav_core-based plugins, providing backward compatibility
 CLocalPlannerProvides an interface for local planners used in navigation. All local planners written to work as MBF plugins must adhere to this interface. Alternatively, this class can also operate as a wrapper for old API nav_core-based plugins, providing backward compatibility

Author(s): Sebastian Pütz
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 00:33:55