Public Member Functions | List of all members
AbstractControllerExecutionFixture Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for AbstractControllerExecutionFixture:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 AbstractControllerExecutionFixture ()
void TearDown () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution
 AbstractControllerExecution (const std::string &name, const mbf_abstract_core::AbstractController::Ptr &controller_ptr, const ros::Publisher &vel_pub, const ros::Publisher &goal_pub, const TFPtr &tf_listener_ptr, const MoveBaseFlexConfig &config)
 Constructor. More...
virtual bool cancel ()
 Cancel the controller execution. Normally called upon aborting the navigation. This calls the cancel method of the controller plugin. If the plugins returns true, it becomes responsible of stopping, and we will keep requesting velocity commands until it returns CANCELED. If it returns false (meaning cancel is not implemented, or that the controller defers handling it), MBF will set the cancel_ flag to true, and wait for the control loop to stop. More...
ros::Time getLastPluginCallTime () const
 Returns the time of the last plugin call. More...
ControllerState getState () const
 Return the current state of the controller execution. Thread communication safe. More...
geometry_msgs::TwistStamped getVelocityCmd () const
 Returns the last velocity command calculated by the plugin. Set by setVelocityCmd method. Note that it doesn't need to be a valid command sent to the robot, as we report also failed calls to the plugin on controller action feedback. More...
bool isMoving () const
 Returns whether the robot should normally move or not. True if the controller seems to work properly. More...
bool isPatienceExceeded () const
 Checks whether the patience duration time has been exceeded, ot not. More...
void reconfigure (const MoveBaseFlexConfig &config)
 Is called by the server thread to reconfigure the controller execution, if a user uses dynamic reconfigure to reconfigure the current state. More...
bool setControllerFrequency (double frequency)
 Sets the controller frequency. More...
void setNewPlan (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > &plan, bool tolerance_from_action=false, double action_dist_tolerance=1.0, double action_angle_tolerance=3.1415)
 Sets a new plan to the controller execution. More...
virtual bool start ()
 Starts the controller, a valid plan should be given in advance. More...
virtual ~AbstractControllerExecution ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractExecutionBase
 AbstractExecutionBase (const std::string &name)
const std::string & getMessage () const
 Gets the current plugin execution message. More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the name of the corresponding plugin. More...
uint32_t getOutcome () const
 Gets the current plugin execution outcome. More...
void join ()
virtual void postRun ()
 Optional implementation-specific cleanup function, called right after execution. More...
virtual void preRun ()
 Optional implementation-specific setup function, called right before execution. More...
virtual void reconfigure (MoveBaseFlexConfig &_cfg)
 Optional implementaiton-specific configuration function. More...
virtual void stop ()
boost::cv_status waitForStateUpdate (boost::chrono::microseconds const &duration)
virtual ~AbstractExecutionBase ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution
enum  ControllerState {
 Internal states. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AbstractControllerExecutionPtr
- Static Public Attributes inherited from mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution
static const double DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_FREQUENCY = 100.0
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution
virtual uint32_t computeVelocityCmd (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose, const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped &velocity, geometry_msgs::TwistStamped &vel_cmd, std::string &message)
 Request plugin for a new velocity command, given the current position, orientation, and velocity of the robot. We use this virtual method to give concrete implementations as move_base the chance to override it and do additional stuff, for example locking the costmap. More...
virtual void run ()
 The main run method, a thread will execute this method. It contains the main controller execution loop. More...
virtual bool safetyCheck ()
 Check if its safe to drive. This method gets called at every controller cycle, stopping the robot if its not. When overridden by child class, gives a chance to the specific execution implementation to stop the robot if it detects something wrong on the underlying map. More...
void setVelocityCmd (const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped &vel_cmd_stamped)
 Sets the velocity command, to make it available for another thread. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution
mbf_abstract_core::AbstractController::Ptr controller_
 the local planer to calculate the velocity command More...
std::string global_frame_
 the global frame the robot is controlling in. More...
ros::Time last_call_time_
 The current cycle start time of the last cycle run. Will by updated each cycle. More...
ros::Time last_valid_cmd_time_
 The time the controller responded with a success output (output < 10). More...
int max_retries_
 The maximum number of retries. More...
ros::Duration patience_
 The time / duration of patience, before changing the state. More...
std::string plugin_name_
 the name of the loaded plugin More...
std::string robot_frame_
 the frame of the robot, which will be used to determine its position. More...
ros::Time start_time_
 The time the controller has been started. More...
const TFPtrtf_listener_ptr
 shared pointer to the shared tf listener More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from mbf_abstract_nav::AbstractExecutionBase
bool cancel_
 flag for canceling controlling More...
boost::condition_variable condition_
 condition variable to wake up control th
std::string message_
 the last received plugin execution message More...
std::string name_
 the plugin name; not the plugin type! More...
uint32_t outcome_
 the last received plugin execution outcome More...
boost::thread thread_
 the controlling thread object More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 48 of file test/abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AbstractControllerExecutionFixture()

AbstractControllerExecutionFixture::AbstractControllerExecutionFixture ( )

Definition at line 50 of file test/abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ TearDown()

void AbstractControllerExecutionFixture::TearDown ( )

Definition at line 56 of file test/abstract_controller_execution.cpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Sebastian Pütz
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 00:33:47