Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs | Functions
SfmData.h File Reference

Data structure for dealing with Structure from Motion data. More...

#include <gtsam/geometry/Cal3Bundler.h>
#include <gtsam/geometry/PinholeCamera.h>
#include <gtsam/nonlinear/NonlinearFactorGraph.h>
#include <gtsam/nonlinear/Values.h>
#include <gtsam/sfm/SfmTrack.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
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struct  gtsam::SfmData
 SfmData stores a bunch of SfmTracks. More...
struct  gtsam::traits< SfmData >
 traits More...




typedef PinholeCamera< Cal3Bundler > gtsam::SfmCamera
 Define the structure for the camera poses. More...


Pose3 gtsam::gtsam2openGL (const Pose3 &PoseGTSAM)
 This function converts a GTSAM camera pose to an openGL camera pose. More...
Pose3 gtsam::gtsam2openGL (const Rot3 &R, double tx, double ty, double tz)
 This function converts a GTSAM camera pose to an openGL camera pose. More...
Values gtsam::initialCamerasAndPointsEstimate (const SfmData &db)
 This function creates initial values for cameras and points from db. More...
Values gtsam::initialCamerasEstimate (const SfmData &db)
 This function creates initial values for cameras from db. More...
Pose3 gtsam::openGL2gtsam (const Rot3 &R, double tx, double ty, double tz)
 This function converts an openGL camera pose to an GTSAM camera pose. More...
SfmData gtsam::readBal (const std::string &filename)
 This function parses a "Bundle Adjustment in the Large" (BAL) file and returns the data as a SfmData structure. Mainly used by wrapped code. More...
bool gtsam::writeBAL (const std::string &filename, const SfmData &data)
 This function writes a "Bundle Adjustment in the Large" (BAL) file from a SfmData structure. More...
bool gtsam::writeBALfromValues (const std::string &filename, const SfmData &data, const Values &values)
 This function writes a "Bundle Adjustment in the Large" (BAL) file from a SfmData structure and a value structure (measurements are the same as the SfM input data, while camera poses and values are read from Values) More...

Detailed Description

Data structure for dealing with Structure from Motion data.

January 2022
Frank dellaert

Definition in file SfmData.h.

autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:09:12