►Nboost | |
►Npython | |
►Nconverter | |
Cexpected_pytype_for_arg< boost::optional< T > > | |
Cexpected_pytype_for_arg< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > | |
Cexpected_pytype_for_arg< Eigen::SparseMatrix< Scalar, Options, StorageIndex > > | |
Cexpected_pytype_for_arg< Eigen::Tensor< Scalar, Rank, Options, IndexType > > | |
Cimplicit< Quaternion, Eigen::QuaternionBase< Quaternion > > | |
Creference_arg_from_python< std::vector< Type, Allocator > & > | |
Crvalue_from_python_data< const Eigen::Ref< const MatType, Options, Stride > & > | |
Crvalue_from_python_data< Eigen::EigenBase< Derived > const & > | |
Crvalue_from_python_data< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > const & > | |
Crvalue_from_python_data< Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > const & > | |
Crvalue_from_python_data< Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived > const & > | |
Crvalue_from_python_data< Eigen::QuaternionBase< Quaternion > const & > | Template specialization of rvalue_from_python_data |
Crvalue_from_python_data< Eigen::Ref< MatType, Options, Stride > & > | |
Crvalue_from_python_data< Eigen::SparseMatrix< Scalar, Options, StorageIndex > const & > | |
Crvalue_from_python_data< Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< Derived > const & > | |
Crvalue_from_python_data< Eigen::Tensor< Scalar, Rank, Options, IndexType > const & > | |
Crvalue_from_python_data< Eigen::TensorBase< Derived > const & > | |
►Ndetail | |
Creferent_storage< const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > & > | |
Creferent_storage< const Eigen::Quaternion< Scalar, Options > & > | |
Creferent_storage< const Eigen::TensorRef< const TensorType > & > | |
Creferent_storage< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > & > | |
Creferent_storage< Eigen::Quaternion< Scalar, Options > & > | |
Creferent_storage< Eigen::TensorRef< TensorType > & > | |
►Nobjects | |
Cinstance< value_holder< Derived > > | |
Cextract< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > & > | Specialization of the boost::python::extract struct for references to Eigen matrix objects |
Cextract< Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > & > | |
Cextract< Eigen::RefBase< Derived > & > | |
Cextract_to_eigen_ref | |
Cto_python_indirect< const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime, Options, MaxRowsAtCompileTime, MaxColsAtCompileTime > &, MakeHolder > | |
Cto_python_indirect< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime, Options, MaxRowsAtCompileTime, MaxColsAtCompileTime > &, MakeHolder > | |
Cto_python_indirect_eigen | |
Cto_python_value< const std::unique_ptr< T > & > | Specialize to_python_value for std::unique_ptr |
►NEigen | |
CNumTraits< CustomType< Scalar > > | Eigen::NumTraits<> specialization for casadi::SX |
►Neigenpy | |
►Ndetail | |
CNoneToPython | |
Cnullopt_helper | |
Cnullopt_helper< boost::optional > | |
COptionalFromPython | |
COptionalToPython | |
►Ndetails | |
Cbuild_list | |
Cbuild_list< vector_type, true > | |
Ccast | |
Ccast< Scalar, NewScalar, EigenBase, false > | |
Ccheck_swap_impl | |
Ccheck_swap_impl< MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ccheck_swap_impl_matrix | |
Ccontainer_traits | |
Ccontainer_traits< std::array< _Tp, Size > > | |
Ccopy_if_non_const | |
Ccopy_if_non_const< const MatType, true > | |
Cempty_variant | |
Cempty_variant< boost::variant< Alternatives... > > | |
CEmptyConvertible | |
Cfinal_array_derived_policies | |
Cinit_matrix_or_array | |
Cinit_matrix_or_array< MatType, true > | |
►CInternalStdUniquePtrConverter | Result_converter of ReturnInternalStdUniquePtr |
►Capply | |
Ctype | |
Cis_class_or_union | Trait to detect if T is a class or an union |
Cis_empty_variant | |
Cis_empty_variant< boost::blank > | |
Cis_python_complex | Trait to detect if T is a std::complex managed by Boost Python |
Cis_python_complex< std::complex< double > > | |
Cis_python_complex< std::complex< float > > | From boost/python/converter/builtin_converters |
Cis_python_complex< std::complex< long double > > | |
Cis_python_primitive_type | Trait to detect if T is a Python primitive type |
Cis_python_primitive_type_helper | |
CNumericConvertible | Convert numeric type to Variant without ambiguity |
CNumericConvertibleImpl | Implement convertible and expected_pytype for bool, integer and float |
CNumericConvertibleImpl< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type > | |
CNumericConvertibleImpl< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< T, bool >::value >::type > | |
CNumericConvertibleImpl< T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same< T, bool >::value &&std::is_integral< T >::value >::type > | |
Coverload_base_get_item_for_std_vector | Change the behavior of indexing (method getitem in Python). This is suitable for container of Eigen matrix objects if you want to mutate them |
Cremove_cvref | Trait to remove const& |
►CStdUniquePtrResultConverter | Result_converter of StdUniquePtrCallPolicies |
►Capply | |
Ctype | |
CVariantAlternatives | Allow to get all alternatives in a boost::mpl vector |
CVariantAlternatives< boost::variant< Alternatives... > > | |
►CVariantConverter | |
►Capply | |
Ctype | |
CVariantConvertible | Convert an Alternative type to a Variant |
CVariantRefToObject | |
CVariantValueToObject | |
CVariantVisitorType | Allow to use std::variant and boost::variant with the same API |
CVariantVisitorType< ResultType, boost::variant< Alternatives... > > | Boost::variant implementation |
►Ninternal | |
Ccontains_algo | |
Ccontains_algo< T, false > | |
Ccontains_algo< T, true > | |
Ccontains_vector_derived_policies | |
Cdef_pickle_std_vector | |
Cdef_pickle_std_vector< vector_type, true > | |
CExposeStdMethodToStdVector | Add standard method to a std::vector |
Cgetitem | |
Chas_operator_equal_impl | |
►COffsetOf | |
CData | |
CSpecialMethods | |
CSpecialMethods< T, NPY_USERDEF > | |
►Nwindows_dll_manager | |
CDllDirectoryManager | |
CAccelerateImplVisitor | |
Caligned_instance | |
►Caligned_storage | |
Ctype | |
CAngleAxisVisitor | |
Carray_indexing_suite | |
CBFGSPreconditionerBaseVisitor | |
Ccall | Allows a template specialization |
Ccall< Eigen::AngleAxis< Scalar > > | |
Ccall< Eigen::Quaternion< Scalar, Options > > | |
Ccall_destructor | |
Ccast | Default cast algo to cast a From to To. Can be specialized for any types |
CCholmodBaseVisitor | |
CCholmodDecompositionVisitor | |
CCholmodSimplicialLDLTVisitor | |
CCholmodSimplicialLLTVisitor | |
CCholmodSupernodalLLTVisitor | |
CColPivHouseholderQRSolverVisitor | |
CCompleteOrthogonalDecompositionSolverVisitor | |
CConjugateGradientVisitor | |
CCopyableVisitor | Add the Python method copy to allow a copy of this by calling the copy constructor |
Cdeprecated_function | |
Cdeprecated_member | |
Cdeprecation_warning_policy | A Boost.Python call policy which triggers a Python warning on precall |
CDiagonalPreconditionerVisitor | |
Cdict_to_map | |
Ceigen_allocator_impl | |
Ceigen_allocator_impl< const MatType, const Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_allocator_impl< MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_allocator_impl_matrix | |
Ceigen_from_py_converter_impl | |
Ceigen_from_py_converter_impl< MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_from_py_converter_impl< SparseMatrixType, Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< SparseMatrixType > > | |
Ceigen_from_py_converter_impl< TensorType, Eigen::TensorBase< TensorType > > | |
Ceigen_from_py_impl | |
Ceigen_from_py_impl< MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_from_py_impl< SparseMatrixType, Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< SparseMatrixType > > | |
Ceigen_from_py_impl< TensorType, Eigen::TensorBase< TensorType > > | |
Ceigen_to_py_impl | |
Ceigen_to_py_impl< const MatType &, const Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_to_py_impl< const MatType &, const Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_to_py_impl< const MatType, const Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_to_py_impl< const MatType, const Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_to_py_impl< MatType &, Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_to_py_impl< MatType &, Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_to_py_impl< MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_to_py_impl< MatType, Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Ceigen_to_py_impl_matrix | |
Ceigen_to_py_impl_sparse_matrix | |
CEigenAllocator | |
CEigenBaseVisitor | |
CEigenFromPy | |
CEigenFromPy< const Eigen::TensorRef< const TensorType > > | |
CEigenFromPy< Eigen::EigenBase< MatType >, typename MatType::Scalar > | |
CEigenFromPy< Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
CEigenFromPy< Eigen::PlainObjectBase< MatType > > | |
CEigenFromPy< Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< SparseMatrixType > > | |
CEigenFromPy< Eigen::TensorBase< TensorType > > | |
CEigenFromPy< Eigen::TensorRef< TensorType > > | |
CEigenFromPyConverter | |
CEigenSolverVisitor | |
CEigenToPy | |
CEigenToPyConverter | |
Cemplace_set_derived_policies | |
CEmptyPythonVisitor | |
CEulerAnglesConvertor | |
CException | |
CExceptionIndex | |
Cexpected_pytype_for_arg | |
Cexpected_pytype_for_arg< MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Cexpected_pytype_for_arg< SparseMatrixType, Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< SparseMatrixType > > | |
Cexpected_pytype_for_arg< TensorType, Eigen::TensorBase< TensorType > > | |
Cexpose_eigen_type_impl | |
Cexpose_eigen_type_impl< MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType >, Scalar > | |
Cexpose_eigen_type_impl< MatType, Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< MatType >, Scalar > | |
CFromTypeToType | |
CFromTypeToType< std::complex< ScalarSource >, std::complex< ScalarTarget > > | FromTypeToType specialization to manage std::complex |
CFullPivHouseholderQRSolverVisitor | |
CGenericMapVisitor | Expose the map-like container, e.g. (std::map) |
Cget_eigen_base_type | |
Cget_eigen_plain_type | |
Cget_eigen_plain_type< Eigen::Ref< MatType, Options, Stride > > | |
Chas_operator_equal | |
CHouseholderQRSolverVisitor | |
CIdentityPreconditionerVisitor | |
CIdVisitor | Add the Python method id to retrieving a unique id for a given object exposed with Boost.Python |
CIterativeSolverBaseVisitor | |
CIterativeSolverVisitor | |
CLDLTSolverVisitor | |
CLeastSquaresConjugateGradientVisitor | |
CLimitedBFGSPreconditionerBaseVisitor | |
CLLTSolverVisitor | |
CMINRESSolverVisitor | |
Cnumpy_allocator_impl | |
Cnumpy_allocator_impl< const MatType &, const Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Cnumpy_allocator_impl< const MatType, const Eigen::MatrixBase< typename remove_const_reference< MatType >::type > > | |
Cnumpy_allocator_impl< MatType, Eigen::MatrixBase< typename remove_const_reference< MatType >::type > > | |
Cnumpy_allocator_impl_matrix | |
Cnumpy_allocator_impl_matrix< const MatType & > | |
Cnumpy_allocator_impl_matrix< MatType & > | |
Cnumpy_map_impl | |
Cnumpy_map_impl< const MatType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride, const Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Cnumpy_map_impl< MatType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride, Eigen::MatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Cnumpy_map_impl_matrix | |
Cnumpy_map_impl_matrix< MatType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride, false > | |
Cnumpy_map_impl_matrix< MatType, InputScalar, AlignmentValue, Stride, true > | |
CNumpyAllocator | |
CNumpyEquivalentType | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< bool > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< char > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< double > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< float > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< int16_t > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< int32_t > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< int64_t > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< int8_t > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< long double > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< std::complex< double > > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< std::complex< float > > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< std::complex< long double > > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< uint16_t > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< uint32_t > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< uint64_t > | |
CNumpyEquivalentType< unsigned char > | |
CNumpyMap | |
CNumpyType | |
COptionalConverter | |
Coverload_base_get_item_for_map | Change the behavior of indexing (method getitem in Python). This is suitable e.g. for container of Eigen matrix objects if you want to mutate them |
CPermutationMatrixVisitor | |
CPickleMap | Create a pickle interface for the map type |
CPickleVector | Create a pickle interface for the std::vector |
CPreconditionerBaseVisitor | |
CPySwigObject | |
CQuaternionVisitor | |
►CRegister | Structure collecting all the types registers in Numpy via EigenPy |
CCompare_PyTypeObject | |
CCompare_TypeInfo | |
Cregistration_class | |
Cremove_const_reference | |
CReturnInternalStdUniquePtr | |
CReturnInternalVariant | |
Crvalue_from_python_data | |
Cscalar_name | |
Cscalar_name< double > | |
Cscalar_name< float > | |
Cscalar_name< long double > | |
Cscalar_name< std::complex< Scalar > > | |
Cscipy_allocator_impl | |
Cscipy_allocator_impl< const MatType &, const Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< MatType > > | |
Cscipy_allocator_impl< const MatType, const Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< typename remove_const_reference< MatType >::type > > | |
Cscipy_allocator_impl< MatType, Eigen::SparseMatrixBase< typename remove_const_reference< MatType >::type > > | |
Cscipy_allocator_impl_sparse_matrix | |
CScipyAllocator | |
CScipyType | |
CSelfAdjointEigenSolverVisitor | |
CSimplicialCholeskyVisitor | |
CSimplicialLDLTVisitor | |
CSimplicialLLTVisitor | |
CSolversScope | |
CSparseSolverBaseVisitor | |
CSparseSolverVisitor | |
CStdArrayPythonVisitor | Expose an std::array (a C++11 fixed-size array) from a given type |
CStdContainerFromPythonList | Register the conversion from a Python list to a std::vector |
CStdMapPythonVisitor | Expose an std::map from a type given as template argument |
CStdPairConverter | |
CStdUniquePtrCallPolicies | |
CStdVectorPythonVisitor | Expose an std::vector from a type given as template argument |
Cstride_type | |
Cstride_type< const MatrixType, InnerStride, OuterStride, const Eigen::MatrixBase< MatrixType > > | |
Cstride_type< MatrixType, InnerStride, OuterStride, Eigen::MatrixBase< MatrixType > > | |
Cstride_type_matrix | |
Cstride_type_matrix< MatType, InnerStride, OuterStride, true > | |
CStrideType | |
CTypeInfoVisitor | Add the Python method type_info to query information of a type |
CVariantConverter | |
►Ngit-archive-all | |
CGitArchiver | |
►Nomniidl_be_python_with_docstring | |
CCommentToConstVisitor | |
►Nsetup | |
Cpkg_config | |
►Ntest_bind_virtual | |
CImplClass | |
CImplData | |
CBase | |
CCustomTestStruct | |
CCustomType | |
CDataWrapper | |
CDummy | |
Chas_ref_member | |
Cmodify_block | |
Cmodify_block_wrap | |
Cmystruct | |
CMyVirtualClass | |
CMyVirtualData | |
CStdContainerFromPythonList | Defines traits for the container, used in |
CTensorContainer | |
Ctest_struct | |
CUniquePtrHolder | |
CV1 | |
CVirtualClassWrapper | Wrapper classes |
CX | |
CX_wrapper | |