class | Array |
class | Array< Type, DynamicStorage > |
class | BinaryFunction |
class | BluePrint |
class | BluePrintConcept |
class | BluePrintFactory |
class | BluePrintFactory< Array< Type, DynamicStorage > > |
class | Bool |
class | BoundNullaryMemberFunction |
class | BoundNullaryMemberFunction< C, void > |
class | BoundUnaryFreeFunction |
class | BoundUnaryFreeFunction< A, void > |
class | BoundUnaryMemberFunction |
class | ByteContainerConcept |
class | ClearScreen |
| Manipulator that clears a terminal screen the c++ (hard) way. More...
class | ContainerConcept |
class | Converter |
class | Converter< Array< char >, Integral > |
class | Converter< Array< signed char >, Integral > |
class | Converter< Array< unsigned char >, Integral > |
class | Converter< char *, bool > |
class | Converter< char *, char > |
class | Converter< char *, double > |
class | Converter< char *, float > |
class | Converter< char *, int > |
class | Converter< char *, long > |
class | Converter< char *, long long > |
class | Converter< char *, short > |
class | Converter< char *, unsigned char > |
class | Converter< char *, unsigned int > |
class | Converter< char *, unsigned long > |
class | Converter< char *, unsigned long long > |
class | Converter< char *, unsigned short > |
class | Converter< char *, void > |
class | Converter< char, int > |
class | Converter< char, unsigned int > |
class | Converter< char, void > |
class | Converter< int, char * > |
class | Converter< int, char > |
class | Converter< int, std::string > |
class | Converter< int, unsigned char * > |
class | Converter< int, void > |
class | Converter< Integral, Array< char, Size > > |
class | Converter< Integral, Array< signed char, Size > > |
class | Converter< Integral, Array< unsigned char, Size > > |
class | Converter< Integral, std::vector< char > > |
class | Converter< Integral, std::vector< signed char > > |
class | Converter< Integral, std::vector< unsigned char > > |
class | Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< char, Size > > > |
class | Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< signed char, Size > > > |
class | Converter< Integral, Stencil< Array< unsigned char, Size > > > |
class | Converter< Integral, Stencil< const unsigned char * > > |
class | Converter< Output, void > |
class | Converter< std::string, int > |
class | Converter< std::string, void > |
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, char * > |
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, int > |
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, long > |
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, long long > |
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, unsigned int > |
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, unsigned long > |
class | Converter< std::vector< char >, void > |
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, int > |
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, long > |
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, long long > |
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, unsigned int > |
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, unsigned long > |
class | Converter< std::vector< signed char >, void > |
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, int > |
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, long > |
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, long long > |
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, unsigned int > |
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, unsigned long > |
class | Converter< std::vector< unsigned char >, void > |
class | Converter< Stencil< Array< char, Size > >, Integral > |
class | Converter< Stencil< Array< signed char, Size > >, Integral > |
class | Converter< Stencil< Array< unsigned char, Size > >, Integral > |
class | Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, int > |
class | Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, long > |
class | Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, long long > |
class | Converter< Stencil< std::vector< unsigned char > >, unsigned int > |
class | DataException |
class | DynamicContainerConcept |
struct | ecl_traits |
class | EConsole |
struct | enable_if |
struct | enable_if_c |
struct | enable_if_c< false, T > |
class | EndOfLine |
| Replicates the well known end of line/flush combination. More...
class | Error |
class | Exception |
class | FailedObject |
class | FiFo |
class | Flags |
class | Format |
class | Format< char > |
class | Format< double > |
class | Format< float > |
class | Format< int > |
class | Format< long > |
class | Format< short > |
class | Format< signed char > |
class | Format< std::string > |
class | Format< unsigned char > |
class | Format< unsigned int > |
class | Format< unsigned long > |
class | Format< unsigned short > |
struct | FrequencyDiagnostics |
class | FrequencyMonitor |
class | IConsole |
struct | if_c |
struct | if_c< false, T1, T2 > |
class | InputByteDeviceConcept |
class | InputCharDeviceConcept |
class | InputOutputByteDeviceConcept |
class | InputOutputCharDeviceConcept |
class | is_byte |
class | is_byte< char > |
class | is_byte< signed char > |
class | is_byte< unsigned char > |
class | is_float |
class | is_float< double > |
class | is_float< float > |
class | is_float< long double > |
class | is_integral |
class | is_integral< char > |
class | is_integral< int > |
class | is_integral< long > |
class | is_integral< long long > |
class | is_integral< short > |
class | is_integral< unsigned char > |
class | is_integral< unsigned int > |
class | is_integral< unsigned long > |
class | is_integral< unsigned long long > |
class | is_integral< unsigned short > |
class | is_reference_wrapper |
class | is_reference_wrapper< ReferenceWrapper< T > > |
class | is_seekable |
class | is_signed |
class | is_signed< char > |
class | is_signed< int > |
class | is_signed< long > |
class | is_signed< long long > |
class | is_signed< short > |
class | is_signed_byte |
class | is_signed_byte< char > |
class | is_signed_byte< signed char > |
class | is_sink |
class | is_sink< EConsole > |
class | is_sink< OConsole > |
class | is_sink< SharedFile > |
class | is_sink< String > |
class | is_source |
class | is_source< IConsole > |
class | is_source< String > |
class | is_sourcesink |
class | is_sourcesink< String > |
class | is_unsigned |
class | is_unsigned< unsigned char > |
class | is_unsigned< unsigned int > |
class | is_unsigned< unsigned long > |
class | is_unsigned< unsigned long long > |
class | is_unsigned< unsigned short > |
class | is_unsigned_byte |
class | is_unsigned_byte< char > |
class | is_unsigned_byte< unsigned char > |
class | LogStream |
| A customised textstream for fast, multithreaded logging to file. More...
class | Manipulator |
| Parent template for c++ style stream manipulators. More...
class | NullaryFreeFunction |
class | NullaryFreeFunction< void > |
class | NullaryFunction |
class | NullaryFunctionConcept |
class | NullaryFunctionCopy |
class | NullaryFunctionCopy< FunctionObject, void > |
class | NullaryFunctionReference |
class | NullaryFunctionReference< FunctionObject, void > |
class | NullaryMemberFunction |
class | NullaryMemberFunction< C, void > |
class | numeric_limits |
class | numeric_limits< char > |
class | numeric_limits< double > |
class | numeric_limits< float > |
class | numeric_limits< int > |
class | numeric_limits< long > |
class | numeric_limits< long double > |
class | numeric_limits< long long > |
class | numeric_limits< short > |
class | numeric_limits< unsigned char > |
class | numeric_limits< unsigned int > |
class | numeric_limits< unsigned long > |
class | numeric_limits< unsigned long long > |
class | numeric_limits< unsigned short > |
class | OConsole |
class | OFileStream |
| Convenience class for OFile TextStream definitions. More...
class | OutputByteDeviceConcept |
class | OutputCharDeviceConcept |
class | Parameter |
class | PartiallyBoundBinaryMemberFunction |
class | PartiallyBoundUnaryMemberFunction |
class | PosixErrorHandler |
struct | PrecisionWidth |
struct | PrecisionWidth< double > |
struct | PrecisionWidth< float > |
class | PushAndPop |
class | PushAndPop< Type, DynamicStorage > |
class | RandomNumberGenerator |
class | ReferenceWrapper |
class | SerialStream |
| Convenience class for Serial TextStream definitions. More...
class | SharedFile |
class | SharedFileStream |
| Convenience class for SharedFile TextStream definitions. More...
class | SignedByteContainerConcept |
class | Singleton |
class | StandardException |
class | Stencil |
class | Stencil< const unsigned char * > |
class | Stencil< unsigned char * > |
class | StreamConcept |
class | String |
class | StringStream |
| Convenience wrapper for string device based textstreams. More...
class | TextStream |
| A text streaming interface. More...
class | TimeData |
class | TimeError |
class | TimeStampBase |
class | UnaryFreeFunction |
class | UnaryFreeFunction< A, void > |
class | UnaryFunction |
class | UnaryFunctionCopy |
class | UnaryFunctionCopy< FunctionObject, T, void > |
class | UnaryFunctionReference |
class | UnaryFunctionReference< ReferenceWrapper, T, void > |
class | UnaryMemberFunction |
class | UnaryMemberFunction< C, A, void > |
struct | Unsigned |
struct | Unsigned< char > |
struct | Unsigned< int > |
struct | Unsigned< long > |
struct | Unsigned< long long > |
struct | Unsigned< short > |
struct | Unsigned< unsigned char > |
struct | Unsigned< unsigned int > |
struct | Unsigned< unsigned long > |
struct | Unsigned< unsigned long long > |
struct | Unsigned< unsigned short > |
class | UnsignedByteContainerConcept |
class | Void |
T * | addressOf (T &v) |
ReferenceWrapper< T const > | cref (T const &wrapped_object) |
NullaryFreeFunction< R > | generateFunctionObject (R(*function)()) |
UnaryFreeFunction< A, R > | generateFunctionObject (R(*function)(A)) |
BoundUnaryFreeFunction< A, R > | generateFunctionObject (R(*function)(A), const I &a) |
BoundUnaryFreeFunction< A, R > | generateFunctionObject (R(*function)(A), I &a) |
NullaryMemberFunction< C, R > | generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)()) |
BoundNullaryMemberFunction< C, R > | generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(), C &c) |
UnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > | generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A)) |
PartiallyBoundUnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > | generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A), C &c) |
BoundUnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > | generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A), C &c, const I &a) |
BoundUnaryMemberFunction< C, A, R > | generateFunctionObject (R(C::*function)(A), C &c, I &a) |
bool | is_big_endian () |
bool | is_char_signed () |
OutputStream & | operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Array< ElementType, ArraySize > &array) |
OutputStream & | operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Array< ElementType, DynamicStorage > &array) |
OutputStream & | operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Stencil< ArrayType > &stencil) |
OutputStream & | operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const TimeStampBase &time_stamp) |
OutputStream & | operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const Void void_object) |
OutputStream & | operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, Format< std::string > &formatter) |
ReferenceWrapper< T > | ref (T &wrapped_object) |
Streams to standard output.
This class operates similar to, but posesses several advantages to the usual cout c++ mechanism.
- Faster.
- Can be instantiated separately, each with its own internal buffer.
The ecl could provide a global mechanism very much like the cout handle, but instantiating separately stops getting standard output messages confused and is a useful property for multi-threaded control applications. If you wish to use a global mechanism, simply instantiate a global instance in your program.
There is no need to open this device, it automatically connects to stdout.
OConsoleStream ostream;
ostream << "Hey dude";
- See also
- TextStream.
Definition at line 64 of file console_streams.hpp.