Convex< Quadrilateral > | coal::buildBox (CoalScalar l, CoalScalar w, CoalScalar d) |
| Constructs a box with halfsides (l, w, d), centered around 0. The box is 2*l wide on the x-axis, 2*w wide on the y-axis and 2*d wide on the z-axis. More...
Convex< Triangle > | coal::constructPolytopeFromEllipsoid (const Ellipsoid &ellipsoid) |
| We give an ellipsoid as input. The output is a 20 faces polytope which vertices belong to the original ellipsoid surface. The procedure is simple: we construct a icosahedron, see https://sinestesia.co/blog/tutorials/python-icospheres/ . We then apply an ellipsoid tranformation to each vertex of the icosahedron. More...
bool | coal::defaultCollisionFunction (CollisionObject *o1, CollisionObject *o2, void *data) |
| Provides a simple callback for the collision query in the BroadPhaseCollisionManager. It assumes the data parameter is non-null and points to an instance of CollisionData. It simply invokes the collide() method on the culled pair of geometries and stores the results in the data's CollisionResult instance. More...
bool | coal::defaultDistanceFunction (CollisionObject *o1, CollisionObject *o2, void *data, CoalScalar &dist) |
| Collision data for use with the DefaultContinuousCollisionFunction. It stores the collision request and the result given by the collision algorithm (and stores the conclusion of whether further evaluation of the broadphase collision manager has been deemed unnecessary). More...
void | coal::eulerToMatrix (CoalScalar a, CoalScalar b, CoalScalar c, Matrix3s &R) |
void | coal::generateEnvironments (std::vector< CollisionObject * > &env, CoalScalar env_scale, std::size_t n) |
void | coal::generateEnvironmentsMesh (std::vector< CollisionObject * > &env, CoalScalar env_scale, std::size_t n) |
void | coal::generateRandomTransform (CoalScalar extents[6], Transform3s &transform) |
| Generate one random transform whose translation is constrained by extents and rotation without constraints. The translation is (x, y, z), and extents[0] <= x <= extents[3], extents[1] <= y <= extents[4], extents[2] <= z <= extents[5]. More...
void | coal::generateRandomTransforms (CoalScalar extents[6], CoalScalar delta_trans[3], CoalScalar delta_rot, std::vector< Transform3s > &transforms, std::vector< Transform3s > &transforms2, std::size_t n) |
| Generate n random transforms whose translations are constrained by extents. Also generate another transforms2 which have additional random translation & rotation to the transforms generated. More...
void | coal::generateRandomTransforms (CoalScalar extents[6], std::vector< Transform3s > &transforms, std::size_t n) |
| Generate n random transforms whose translations are constrained by extents. More...
std::size_t | coal::getNbRun (const int &argc, char const *const *argv, std::size_t defaultValue) |
| Get the argument –nb-run from argv. More...
std::string | coal::getNodeTypeName (NODE_TYPE node_type) |
void | coal::loadOBJFile (const char *filename, std::vector< Vec3s > &points, std::vector< Triangle > &triangles) |
| Load an obj mesh file. More...
Quatf | coal::makeQuat (CoalScalar w, CoalScalar x, CoalScalar y, CoalScalar z) |
Box | coal::makeRandomBox (CoalScalar min_size, CoalScalar max_size) |
Capsule | coal::makeRandomCapsule (std::array< CoalScalar, 2 > min_size, std::array< CoalScalar, 2 > max_size) |
Cone | coal::makeRandomCone (std::array< CoalScalar, 2 > min_size, std::array< CoalScalar, 2 > max_size) |
Convex< Triangle > | coal::makeRandomConvex (CoalScalar min_size, CoalScalar max_size) |
Cylinder | coal::makeRandomCylinder (std::array< CoalScalar, 2 > min_size, std::array< CoalScalar, 2 > max_size) |
Ellipsoid | coal::makeRandomEllipsoid (CoalScalar min_size, CoalScalar max_size) |
std::shared_ptr< ShapeBase > | coal::makeRandomGeometry (NODE_TYPE node_type) |
Halfspace | coal::makeRandomHalfspace (CoalScalar min_size, CoalScalar max_size) |
Plane | coal::makeRandomPlane (CoalScalar min_size, CoalScalar max_size) |
Sphere | coal::makeRandomSphere (CoalScalar min_size, CoalScalar max_size) |
std::ostream & | coal::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Transform3s &tf) |
CoalScalar | coal::rand_interval (CoalScalar rmin, CoalScalar rmax) |
void | coal::saveOBJFile (const char *filename, std::vector< Vec3s > &points, std::vector< Triangle > &triangles) |
void | coal::toEllipsoid (Vec3s &point, const Ellipsoid &ellipsoid) |
void | coal::toSphere (Vec3s &point) |
| Takes a point and projects it onto the surface of the unit sphere. More...