Public Member Functions | List of all members
MyCondition Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MyCondition:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 MyCondition (const std::string &name)
BT::ReturnStatus Tick ()
 ~MyCondition ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BT::ConditionNode
 ConditionNode (const std::string &name, const NodeConfig &config)
virtual void halt () override final
virtual NodeType type () const override final
virtual ~ConditionNode () override=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from BT::LeafNode
 LeafNode (const std::string &name, const NodeConfig &config)
virtual ~LeafNode () override=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from BT::TreeNode
const NodeConfigconfig () const
void emitWakeUpSignal ()
 Notify that the tree should be ticked again() More...
virtual BT::NodeStatus executeTick ()
 The method that should be used to invoke tick() and setStatus();. More...
const std::string & fullPath () const
template<typename T >
Expected< T > getInput (const std::string &key) const
template<typename T >
Result getInput (const std::string &key, T &destination) const
template<typename T >
Expected< StampedValue< T > > getInputStamped (const std::string &key) const
template<typename T >
Expected< TimestampgetInputStamped (const std::string &key, T &destination) const
 getInputStamped is similar to getInput(dey, destination), but it returne also the Timestamp object, that can be used to check if a value was updated and when. More...
AnyPtrLocked getLockedPortContent (const std::string &key)
 getLockedPortContent should be used when: More...
StringView getRawPortValue (const std::string &key) const
void haltNode ()
bool isHalted () const
const std::string & name () const
 Name of the instance, not the type. More...
TreeNodeoperator= (const TreeNode &other)=delete
TreeNodeoperator= (TreeNode &&other) noexcept
const std::string & registrationName () const
 registrationName is the ID used by BehaviorTreeFactory to create an instance. More...
bool requiresWakeUp () const
template<typename T >
Result setOutput (const std::string &key, const T &value)
 setOutput modifies the content of an Output port More...
void setPostTickFunction (PostTickCallback callback)
void setPreTickFunction (PreTickCallback callback)
void setTickMonitorCallback (TickMonitorCallback callback)
NodeStatus status () const
StatusChangeSubscriber subscribeToStatusChange (StatusChangeCallback callback)
 subscribeToStatusChange is used to attach a callback to a status change. When StatusChangeSubscriber goes out of scope (it is a shared_ptr) the callback is unsubscribed automatically. More...
 TreeNode (const TreeNode &other)=delete
 TreeNode (std::string name, NodeConfig config)
 TreeNode main constructor. More...
 TreeNode (TreeNode &&other) noexcept
uint16_t UID () const
BT::NodeStatus waitValidStatus ()
virtual ~TreeNode ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from BT::TreeNode
using PostTickCallback = std::function< NodeStatus(TreeNode &, NodeStatus)>
using PreTickCallback = std::function< NodeStatus(TreeNode &)>
typedef std::shared_ptr< TreeNodePtr
using StatusChangeCallback = StatusChangeSignal::CallableFunction
using StatusChangeSignal = Signal< TimePoint, const TreeNode &, NodeStatus, NodeStatus >
using StatusChangeSubscriber = StatusChangeSignal::Subscriber
using TickMonitorCallback = std::function< void(TreeNode &, NodeStatus, std::chrono::microseconds)>
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BT::TreeNode
static Expected< StringViewgetRemappedKey (StringView port_name, StringView remapped_port)
template<class DerivedT , typename... ExtraArgs>
static std::unique_ptr< TreeNodeInstantiate (const std::string &name, const NodeConfig &config, ExtraArgs... args)
static bool isBlackboardPointer (StringView str, StringView *stripped_pointer=nullptr)
 Check a string and return true if it matches the pattern: {...}. More...
static StringView stripBlackboardPointer (StringView str)
- Protected Types inherited from BT::TreeNode
using PostScripts = std::array< ScriptFunction, size_t(PostCond::COUNT_)>
using PreScripts = std::array< ScriptFunction, size_t(PreCond::COUNT_)>
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BT::TreeNode
NodeConfigconfig ()
void modifyPortsRemapping (const PortsRemapping &new_remapping)
template<typename T >
parseString (const std::string &str) const
PostScriptspostConditionsScripts ()
PreScriptspreConditionsScripts ()
void resetStatus ()
 Set the status to IDLE. More...
void setRegistrationID (StringView ID)
void setStatus (NodeStatus new_status)
 setStatus changes the status of the node. it will throw if you try to change the status to IDLE, because your parent node should do that, not the user! More...
void setWakeUpInstance (std::shared_ptr< WakeUpSignal > instance)
virtual BT::NodeStatus tick ()=0
 Method to be implemented by the user. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 4 of file example.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MyCondition()

MyCondition::MyCondition ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 12 of file example.cpp.

◆ ~MyCondition()

MyCondition::~MyCondition ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Tick()

BT::ReturnStatus MyCondition::Tick ( )

Definition at line 15 of file example.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Sun Sep 22 2024 02:19:17