Classes | Namespaces | Macros | Functions
all_indices.h File Reference
#include "rtflann/general.h"
#include "rtflann/algorithms/nn_index.h"
#include "rtflann/algorithms/kdtree_index.h"
#include "rtflann/algorithms/kdtree_single_index.h"
#include "rtflann/algorithms/kmeans_index.h"
#include "rtflann/algorithms/composite_index.h"
#include "rtflann/algorithms/linear_index.h"
#include "rtflann/algorithms/hierarchical_clustering_index.h"
#include "rtflann/algorithms/lsh_index.h"
#include "rtflann/algorithms/autotuned_index.h"
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struct  rtflann::disable_if< bool, T >
struct  rtflann::disable_if< true, T >
struct  rtflann::DummyDistance
struct  rtflann::enable_if< bool, T >
struct  rtflann::enable_if< true, T >
struct  rtflann::same_type< T, U >
struct  rtflann::same_type< T, T >
struct  rtflann::valid_combination< Index, Distance, ElemType >




#define HAS_MEMBER(member)


template<template< typename > class Index, typename Distance , typename T >
NNIndex< Distance > * rtflann::create_index_ (rtflann::Matrix< T > data, const rtflann::IndexParams &params, const Distance &distance, typename enable_if< valid_combination< Index, Distance, T >::value, void >::type *=0)
template<template< typename > class Index, typename Distance , typename T >
NNIndex< Distance > * rtflann::create_index_ (rtflann::Matrix< T > data, const rtflann::IndexParams &params, const Distance &distance, typename disable_if< valid_combination< Index, Distance, T >::value, void >::type *=0)
template<typename Distance >
NNIndex< Distance > * rtflann::create_index_by_type (const flann_algorithm_t index_type, const Matrix< typename Distance::ElementType > &dataset, const IndexParams &params, const Distance &distance)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define HAS_MEMBER (   member)
template<typename T> \
struct member { \
typedef char No; \
typedef long Yes; \
template<typename C> static Yes test( typename C::member* ); \
template<typename C> static No test( ... ); \
enum { value = sizeof (test<T>(0))==sizeof(Yes) }; \

Definition at line 79 of file all_indices.h.

Author(s): Mathieu Labbe
autogenerated on Mon Jan 23 2023 03:38:58