Public Attributes | List of all members
CAN_TypeDef Struct Reference

Controller Area Network. More...

#include <stm32f4xx.h>

Public Attributes

__IO uint32_t BTR
__IO uint32_t ESR
__IO uint32_t FA1R
__IO uint32_t FFA1R
__IO uint32_t FM1R
__IO uint32_t FMR
__IO uint32_t FS1R
__IO uint32_t IER
__IO uint32_t MCR
__IO uint32_t MSR
uint32_t RESERVED0 [88]
uint32_t RESERVED1 [12]
uint32_t RESERVED2
uint32_t RESERVED3
uint32_t RESERVED4
uint32_t RESERVED5 [8]
__IO uint32_t RF0R
__IO uint32_t RF1R
CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef sFIFOMailBox [2]
CAN_FilterRegister_TypeDef sFilterRegister [28]
CAN_TxMailBox_TypeDef sTxMailBox [3]
__IO uint32_t TSR

Detailed Description

Controller Area Network.

Definition at line 796 of file stm32f4xx.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Daniel Koch , James Jackson
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 23:36:18