
Output Compare management functions. More...

Collaboration diagram for Output Compare management functions:


void TIM_CCxCmd (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_Channel, uint16_t TIM_CCx)
 Enables or disables the TIM Capture Compare Channel x. More...
void TIM_CCxNCmd (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_Channel, uint16_t TIM_CCxN)
 Enables or disables the TIM Capture Compare Channel xN. More...
void TIM_ClearOC1Ref (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCClear)
 Clears or safeguards the OCREF1 signal on an external event. More...
void TIM_ClearOC2Ref (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCClear)
 Clears or safeguards the OCREF2 signal on an external event. More...
void TIM_ClearOC3Ref (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCClear)
 Clears or safeguards the OCREF3 signal on an external event. More...
void TIM_ClearOC4Ref (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCClear)
 Clears or safeguards the OCREF4 signal on an external event. More...
void TIM_ClearOC5Ref (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCClear)
 Clears or safeguards the OCREF5 signal on an external event. More...
void TIM_ClearOC6Ref (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCClear)
 Clears or safeguards the OCREF6 signal on an external event. More...
void TIM_ForcedOC1Config (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_ForcedAction)
 Forces the TIMx output 1 waveform to active or inactive level. More...
void TIM_ForcedOC2Config (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_ForcedAction)
 Forces the TIMx output 2 waveform to active or inactive level. More...
void TIM_ForcedOC3Config (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_ForcedAction)
 Forces the TIMx output 3 waveform to active or inactive level. More...
void TIM_ForcedOC4Config (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_ForcedAction)
 Forces the TIMx output 4 waveform to active or inactive level. More...
void TIM_ForcedOC5Config (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_ForcedAction)
 Forces the TIMx output 5 waveform to active or inactive level. More...
void TIM_ForcedOC6Config (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_ForcedAction)
 Forces the TIMx output 6 waveform to active or inactive level. More...
void TIM_OC1FastConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCFast)
 Configures the TIMx Output Compare 1 Fast feature. More...
void TIM_OC1Init (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, TIM_OCInitTypeDef *TIM_OCInitStruct)
 Initializes the TIMx Channel1 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct. More...
void TIM_OC1NPolarityConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCNPolarity)
 Configures the TIMx Channel 1N polarity. More...
void TIM_OC1PolarityConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPolarity)
 Configures the TIMx channel 1 polarity. More...
void TIM_OC1PreloadConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPreload)
 Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR1. More...
void TIM_OC2FastConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCFast)
 Configures the TIMx Output Compare 2 Fast feature. More...
void TIM_OC2Init (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, TIM_OCInitTypeDef *TIM_OCInitStruct)
 Initializes the TIMx Channel2 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct. More...
void TIM_OC2NPolarityConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCNPolarity)
 Configures the TIMx Channel 2N polarity. More...
void TIM_OC2PolarityConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPolarity)
 Configures the TIMx channel 2 polarity. More...
void TIM_OC2PreloadConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPreload)
 Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR2. More...
void TIM_OC3FastConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCFast)
 Configures the TIMx Output Compare 3 Fast feature. More...
void TIM_OC3Init (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, TIM_OCInitTypeDef *TIM_OCInitStruct)
 Initializes the TIMx Channel3 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct. More...
void TIM_OC3NPolarityConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCNPolarity)
 Configures the TIMx Channel 3N polarity. More...
void TIM_OC3PolarityConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPolarity)
 Configures the TIMx channel 3 polarity. More...
void TIM_OC3PreloadConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPreload)
 Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR3. More...
void TIM_OC4FastConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCFast)
 Configures the TIMx Output Compare 4 Fast feature. More...
void TIM_OC4Init (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, TIM_OCInitTypeDef *TIM_OCInitStruct)
 Initializes the TIMx Channel4 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct. More...
void TIM_OC4PolarityConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPolarity)
 Configures the TIMx channel 4 polarity. More...
void TIM_OC4PreloadConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPreload)
 Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR4. More...
void TIM_OC5Init (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, TIM_OCInitTypeDef *TIM_OCInitStruct)
 Initializes the TIMx Channel5 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct. More...
void TIM_OC5PolarityConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPolarity)
 Configures the TIMx channel 5 polarity. More...
void TIM_OC5PreloadConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPreload)
 Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR5. More...
void TIM_OC6Init (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, TIM_OCInitTypeDef *TIM_OCInitStruct)
 Initializes the TIMx Channel6 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct. More...
void TIM_OC6PolarityConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPolarity)
 Configures the TIMx channel 6 polarity. More...
void TIM_OC6PreloadConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCPreload)
 Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR6. More...
void TIM_OCStructInit (TIM_OCInitTypeDef *TIM_OCInitStruct)
 Fills each TIM_OCInitStruct member with its default value. More...
void TIM_SelectGC5C1 (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Selects the TIM Group Channel 5 and Channel 1, OC1REFC is the logical AND of OC1REFC and OC5REF. More...
void TIM_SelectGC5C2 (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Selects the TIM Group Channel 5 and Channel 2, OC2REFC is the logical AND of OC2REFC and OC5REF. More...
void TIM_SelectGC5C3 (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, FunctionalState NewState)
 Selects the TIM Group Channel 5 and Channel 3, OC3REFC is the logical AND of OC3REFC and OC5REF. More...
void TIM_SelectOCREFClear (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_OCReferenceClear)
 Selects the OCReference Clear source. More...
void TIM_SelectOCxM (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_Channel, uint16_t TIM_OCMode)
 Selects the TIM Output Compare Mode. More...
void TIM_SelectOCxM (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_Channel, uint32_t TIM_OCMode)
 Selects the TIM Output Compare Mode. More...
void TIM_SetCompare1 (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint32_t Compare1)
 Sets the TIMx Capture Compare1 Register value. More...
void TIM_SetCompare2 (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint32_t Compare2)
 Sets the TIMx Capture Compare2 Register value. More...
void TIM_SetCompare3 (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint32_t Compare3)
 Sets the TIMx Capture Compare3 Register value. More...
void TIM_SetCompare4 (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint32_t Compare4)
 Sets the TIMx Capture Compare4 Register value. More...
void TIM_SetCompare5 (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint32_t Compare5)
 Sets the TIMx Capture Compare5 Register value. More...
void TIM_SetCompare6 (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint32_t Compare6)
 Sets the TIMx Capture Compare6 Register value. More...

Detailed Description

Output Compare management functions.

              ##### Output Compare management functions #####
        ##### TIM Driver: how to use it in Output Compare Mode #####
    To use the Timer in Output Compare mode, the following steps are mandatory:
      (#) Enable TIM clock using RCC_APBxPeriphClockCmd(RCC_APBxPeriph_TIMx, ENABLE) 
      (#) Configure the TIM pins by configuring the corresponding GPIO pins
      (#) Configure the Time base unit as described in the first part of this driver, 
        (++) if needed, else the Timer will run with the default configuration:
            Autoreload value = 0xFFFF
        (++) Prescaler value = 0x0000
        (++) Counter mode = Up counting
        (++) Clock Division = TIM_CKD_DIV1
      (#) Fill the TIM_OCInitStruct with the desired parameters including:
        (++) The TIM Output Compare mode: TIM_OCMode
        (++) TIM Output State: TIM_OutputState
        (++) TIM Pulse value: TIM_Pulse
        (++) TIM Output Compare Polarity : TIM_OCPolarity
      (#) Call TIM_OCxInit(TIMx, &TIM_OCInitStruct) to configure the desired 
          channel with the corresponding configuration
      (#) Call the TIM_Cmd(ENABLE) function to enable the TIM counter.
      -@- All other functions can be used separately to modify, if needed,
          a specific feature of the Timer. 
      -@- In case of PWM mode, this function is mandatory:
          TIM_OCxPreloadConfig(TIMx, TIM_OCPreload_ENABLE); 
      -@- If the corresponding interrupt or DMA request are needed, the user should:
        (+@) Enable the NVIC (or the DMA) to use the TIM interrupts (or DMA requests). 
        (+@) Enable the corresponding interrupt (or DMA request) using the function 
             TIM_ITConfig(TIMx, TIM_IT_CCx) (or TIM_DMA_Cmd(TIMx, TIM_DMA_CCx))   
                ##### Output Compare management functions #####
  *** TIM Driver: how to use it in Output Compare Mode ***
  To use the Timer in Output Compare mode, the following steps are mandatory:
       (#) Enable TIM clock using RCC_APBxPeriphClockCmd(RCC_APBxPeriph_TIMx, ENABLE) function
       (#) Configure the TIM pins by configuring the corresponding GPIO pins
       (#) Configure the Time base unit as described in the first part of this driver, 
           if needed, else the Timer will run with the default configuration:
           (++) Autoreload value = 0xFFFF
           (++) Prescaler value = 0x0000
           (++) Counter mode = Up counting
           (++) Clock Division = TIM_CKD_DIV1   
       (#) Fill the TIM_OCInitStruct with the desired parameters including:
           (++) The TIM Output Compare mode: TIM_OCMode
           (++) TIM Output State: TIM_OutputState
           (++) TIM Pulse value: TIM_Pulse
           (++) TIM Output Compare Polarity : TIM_OCPolarity
       (#) Call TIM_OCxInit(TIMx, &TIM_OCInitStruct) to configure the desired channel with the 
           corresponding configuration
       (#) Call the TIM_Cmd(ENABLE) function to enable the TIM counter.
       (@) All other functions can be used separately to modify, if needed,
           a specific feature of the Timer. 
       (@) In case of PWM mode, this function is mandatory:
           TIM_OCxPreloadConfig(TIMx, TIM_OCPreload_ENABLE); 
       (@) If the corresponding interrupt or DMA request are needed, the user should:
                (#@) Enable the NVIC (or the DMA) to use the TIM interrupts (or DMA requests). 
                (#@) Enable the corresponding interrupt (or DMA request) using the function 
                     TIM_ITConfig(TIMx, TIM_IT_CCx) (or TIM_DMA_Cmd(TIMx, TIM_DMA_CCx))   

Function Documentation

◆ TIM_CCxCmd()

void TIM_CCxCmd ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_Channel,
uint16_t  TIM_CCx 

Enables or disables the TIM Capture Compare Channel x.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 to 14 except 6 and 7, to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_Channelspecifies the TIM Channel This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_Channel_1: TIM Channel 1
  • TIM_Channel_2: TIM Channel 2
  • TIM_Channel_3: TIM Channel 3
  • TIM_Channel_4: TIM Channel 4
TIM_CCxspecifies the TIM Channel CCxE bit new state. This parameter can be: TIM_CCx_Enable or TIM_CCx_Disable.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 16 or 17 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_Channelspecifies the TIM Channel This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_Channel_1: TIM Channel 1
  • TIM_Channel_2: TIM Channel 2
  • TIM_Channel_3: TIM Channel 3
  • TIM_Channel_4: TIM Channel 4
  • TIM_Channel_5: TIM Channel 5
  • TIM_Channel_6: TIM Channel 6
TIM_CCxspecifies the TIM Channel CCxE bit new state. This parameter can be: TIM_CCx_Enable or TIM_CCx_Disable.
Return values

Definition at line 1786 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_CCxNCmd()

void TIM_CCxNCmd ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_Channel,
uint16_t  TIM_CCxN 

Enables or disables the TIM Capture Compare Channel xN.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_Channelspecifies the TIM Channel This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_Channel_1: TIM Channel 1
  • TIM_Channel_2: TIM Channel 2
  • TIM_Channel_3: TIM Channel 3
TIM_CCxNspecifies the TIM Channel CCxNE bit new state. This parameter can be: TIM_CCxN_Enable or TIM_CCxN_Disable.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 8, 15, 16 or 17 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_Channelspecifies the TIM Channel This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_Channel_1: TIM Channel 1
  • TIM_Channel_2: TIM Channel 2
  • TIM_Channel_3: TIM Channel 3
TIM_CCxNspecifies the TIM Channel CCxNE bit new state. This parameter can be: TIM_CCxN_Enable or TIM_CCxN_Disable.
Return values

Definition at line 1816 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ClearOC1Ref()

void TIM_ClearOC1Ref ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCClear 

Clears or safeguards the OCREF1 signal on an external event.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 to 14 except 6 and 7, to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCClearnew state of the Output Compare Clear Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCClear_Enable: TIM Output clear enable
  • TIM_OCClear_Disable: TIM Output clear disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 16 or 17 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCClearnew state of the Output Compare Clear Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCClear_Enable: TIM Output clear enable
  • TIM_OCClear_Disable: TIM Output clear disable
Return values

Definition at line 1476 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ClearOC2Ref()

void TIM_ClearOC2Ref ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCClear 

Clears or safeguards the OCREF2 signal on an external event.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 or 12 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCClearnew state of the Output Compare Clear Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCClear_Enable: TIM Output clear enable
  • TIM_OCClear_Disable: TIM Output clear disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 15 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCClearnew state of the Output Compare Clear Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCClear_Enable: TIM Output clear enable
  • TIM_OCClear_Disable: TIM Output clear disable
Return values

Definition at line 1506 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ClearOC3Ref()

void TIM_ClearOC3Ref ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCClear 

Clears or safeguards the OCREF3 signal on an external event.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCClearnew state of the Output Compare Clear Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCClear_Enable: TIM Output clear enable
  • TIM_OCClear_Disable: TIM Output clear disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCClearnew state of the Output Compare Clear Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCClear_Enable: TIM Output clear enable
  • TIM_OCClear_Disable: TIM Output clear disable
Return values

Definition at line 1535 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ClearOC4Ref()

void TIM_ClearOC4Ref ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCClear 

Clears or safeguards the OCREF4 signal on an external event.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCClearnew state of the Output Compare Clear Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCClear_Enable: TIM Output clear enable
  • TIM_OCClear_Disable: TIM Output clear disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCClearnew state of the Output Compare Clear Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCClear_Enable: TIM Output clear enable
  • TIM_OCClear_Disable: TIM Output clear disable
Return values

Definition at line 1564 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ClearOC5Ref()

void TIM_ClearOC5Ref ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCClear 

Clears or safeguards the OCREF5 signal on an external event.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCClearnew state of the Output Compare Clear Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCClear_Enable: TIM Output clear enable
  • TIM_OCClear_Disable: TIM Output clear disable
Return values

Definition at line 1952 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ClearOC6Ref()

void TIM_ClearOC6Ref ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCClear 

Clears or safeguards the OCREF6 signal on an external event.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCClearnew state of the Output Compare Clear Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCClear_Enable: TIM Output clear enable
  • TIM_OCClear_Disable: TIM Output clear disable
Return values

Definition at line 1981 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ForcedOC1Config()

void TIM_ForcedOC1Config ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_ForcedAction 

Forces the TIMx output 1 waveform to active or inactive level.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 to 14 except 6 and 7, to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_ForcedActionspecifies the forced Action to be set to the output waveform. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active: Force active level on OC1REF
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive: Force inactive level on OC1REF.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 16 or 17 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_ForcedActionspecifies the forced Action to be set to the output waveform. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active: Force active level on OC1REF
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive: Force inactive level on OC1REF.
Return values

Definition at line 1124 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ForcedOC2Config()

void TIM_ForcedOC2Config ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_ForcedAction 

Forces the TIMx output 2 waveform to active or inactive level.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 or 12 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_ForcedActionspecifies the forced Action to be set to the output waveform. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active: Force active level on OC2REF
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive: Force inactive level on OC2REF.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 15 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_ForcedActionspecifies the forced Action to be set to the output waveform. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active: Force active level on OC2REF
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive: Force inactive level on OC2REF.
Return values

Definition at line 1153 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ForcedOC3Config()

void TIM_ForcedOC3Config ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_ForcedAction 

Forces the TIMx output 3 waveform to active or inactive level.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_ForcedActionspecifies the forced Action to be set to the output waveform. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active: Force active level on OC3REF
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive: Force inactive level on OC3REF.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_ForcedActionspecifies the forced Action to be set to the output waveform. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active: Force active level on OC3REF
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive: Force inactive level on OC3REF.
Return values

Definition at line 1181 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ForcedOC4Config()

void TIM_ForcedOC4Config ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_ForcedAction 

Forces the TIMx output 4 waveform to active or inactive level.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_ForcedActionspecifies the forced Action to be set to the output waveform. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active: Force active level on OC4REF
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive: Force inactive level on OC4REF.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_ForcedActionspecifies the forced Action to be set to the output waveform. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active: Force active level on OC4REF
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive: Force inactive level on OC4REF.
Return values

Definition at line 1210 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ForcedOC5Config()

void TIM_ForcedOC5Config ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_ForcedAction 

Forces the TIMx output 5 waveform to active or inactive level.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_ForcedActionspecifies the forced Action to be set to the output waveform. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active: Force active level on OC5REF
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive: Force inactive level on OC5REF.
Return values

Definition at line 1483 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_ForcedOC6Config()

void TIM_ForcedOC6Config ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_ForcedAction 

Forces the TIMx output 6 waveform to active or inactive level.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_ForcedActionspecifies the forced Action to be set to the output waveform. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active: Force active level on OC5REF
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive: Force inactive level on OC5REF.
Return values

Definition at line 1511 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC1FastConfig()

void TIM_OC1FastConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCFast 

Configures the TIMx Output Compare 1 Fast feature.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 to 14 except 6 and 7, to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCFastnew state of the Output Compare Fast Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCFast_Enable: TIM output compare fast enable
  • TIM_OCFast_Disable: TIM output compare fast disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 16 or 17 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCFastnew state of the Output Compare Fast Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCFast_Enable: TIM output compare fast enable
  • TIM_OCFast_Disable: TIM output compare fast disable
Return values

Definition at line 1355 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC1Init()

void TIM_OC1Init ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStruct 

Initializes the TIMx Channel1 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 to 14 except 6 and 7, to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCInitStructpointer to a TIM_OCInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified TIM peripheral.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 16 or 17, to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCInitStructpointer to a TIM_OCInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified TIM peripheral.
Return values

Definition at line 673 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC1NPolarityConfig()

void TIM_OC1NPolarityConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCNPolarity 

Configures the TIMx Channel 1N polarity.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCNPolarityspecifies the OC1N Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCNPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCNPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 8, 15, 16 or 17 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCNPolarityspecifies the OC1N Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCNPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCNPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values

Definition at line 1620 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC1PolarityConfig()

void TIM_OC1PolarityConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPolarity 

Configures the TIMx channel 1 polarity.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 to 14 except 6 and 7, to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPolarityspecifies the OC1 Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 16 or 17 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPolarityspecifies the OC1 Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values

Definition at line 1593 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC1PreloadConfig()

void TIM_OC1PreloadConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPreload 

Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR1.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 to 14 except 6 and 7, to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPreloadnew state of the TIMx peripheral Preload register This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPreload_Enable
  • TIM_OCPreload_Disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 16 or 17 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPreloadnew state of the TIMx peripheral Preload register This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPreload_Enable
  • TIM_OCPreload_Disable
Return values

Definition at line 1238 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC2FastConfig()

void TIM_OC2FastConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCFast 

Configures the TIMx Output Compare 2 Fast feature.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 or 12 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCFastnew state of the Output Compare Fast Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCFast_Enable: TIM output compare fast enable
  • TIM_OCFast_Disable: TIM output compare fast disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 15 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCFastnew state of the Output Compare Fast Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCFast_Enable: TIM output compare fast enable
  • TIM_OCFast_Disable: TIM output compare fast disable
Return values

Definition at line 1386 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC2Init()

void TIM_OC2Init ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStruct 

Initializes the TIMx Channel2 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 or 12 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCInitStructpointer to a TIM_OCInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified TIM peripheral.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 15 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCInitStructpointer to a TIM_OCInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified TIM peripheral.
Return values

Definition at line 754 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC2NPolarityConfig()

void TIM_OC2NPolarityConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCNPolarity 

Configures the TIMx Channel 2N polarity.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCNPolarityspecifies the OC2N Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCNPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCNPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values

Definition at line 1674 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC2PolarityConfig()

void TIM_OC2PolarityConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPolarity 

Configures the TIMx channel 2 polarity.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 or 12 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPolarityspecifies the OC2 Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 8 or 15 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPolarityspecifies the OC2 Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values

Definition at line 1647 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC2PreloadConfig()

void TIM_OC2PreloadConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPreload 

Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR2.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 or 12 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPreloadnew state of the TIMx peripheral Preload register This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPreload_Enable
  • TIM_OCPreload_Disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 15 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPreloadnew state of the TIMx peripheral Preload register This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPreload_Enable
  • TIM_OCPreload_Disable
Return values

Definition at line 1268 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC3FastConfig()

void TIM_OC3FastConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCFast 

Configures the TIMx Output Compare 3 Fast feature.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCFastnew state of the Output Compare Fast Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCFast_Enable: TIM output compare fast enable
  • TIM_OCFast_Disable: TIM output compare fast disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCFastnew state of the Output Compare Fast Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCFast_Enable: TIM output compare fast enable
  • TIM_OCFast_Disable: TIM output compare fast disable
Return values

Definition at line 1416 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC3Init()

void TIM_OC3Init ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStruct 

Initializes the TIMx Channel3 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCInitStructpointer to a TIM_OCInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified TIM peripheral.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCInitStructpointer to a TIM_OCInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified TIM peripheral.
Return values

Definition at line 835 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC3NPolarityConfig()

void TIM_OC3NPolarityConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCNPolarity 

Configures the TIMx Channel 3N polarity.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCNPolarityspecifies the OC3N Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCNPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCNPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values

Definition at line 1728 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC3PolarityConfig()

void TIM_OC3PolarityConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPolarity 

Configures the TIMx channel 3 polarity.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPolarityspecifies the OC3 Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPolarityspecifies the OC3 Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values

Definition at line 1701 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC3PreloadConfig()

void TIM_OC3PreloadConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPreload 

Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR3.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPreloadnew state of the TIMx peripheral Preload register This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPreload_Enable
  • TIM_OCPreload_Disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPreloadnew state of the TIMx peripheral Preload register This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPreload_Enable
  • TIM_OCPreload_Disable
Return values

Definition at line 1297 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC4FastConfig()

void TIM_OC4FastConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCFast 

Configures the TIMx Output Compare 4 Fast feature.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCFastnew state of the Output Compare Fast Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCFast_Enable: TIM output compare fast enable
  • TIM_OCFast_Disable: TIM output compare fast disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCFastnew state of the Output Compare Fast Enable Bit. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCFast_Enable: TIM output compare fast enable
  • TIM_OCFast_Disable: TIM output compare fast disable
Return values

Definition at line 1446 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC4Init()

void TIM_OC4Init ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStruct 

Initializes the TIMx Channel4 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCInitStructpointer to a TIM_OCInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified TIM peripheral.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCInitStructpointer to a TIM_OCInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified TIM peripheral.
Return values

Definition at line 915 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC4PolarityConfig()

void TIM_OC4PolarityConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPolarity 

Configures the TIMx channel 4 polarity.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPolarityspecifies the OC4 Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPolarityspecifies the OC4 Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values

Definition at line 1755 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC4PreloadConfig()

void TIM_OC4PreloadConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPreload 

Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR4.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPreloadnew state of the TIMx peripheral Preload register This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPreload_Enable
  • TIM_OCPreload_Disable
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPreloadnew state of the TIMx peripheral Preload register This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPreload_Enable
  • TIM_OCPreload_Disable
Return values

Definition at line 1326 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC5Init()

void TIM_OC5Init ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStruct 

Initializes the TIMx Channel5 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCInitStructpointer to a TIM_OCInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified TIM peripheral.
Return values

Definition at line 982 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC5PolarityConfig()

void TIM_OC5PolarityConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPolarity 

Configures the TIMx channel 5 polarity.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPolarityspecifies the OC5 Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values

Definition at line 2219 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC5PreloadConfig()

void TIM_OC5PreloadConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPreload 

Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR5.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPreloadnew state of the TIMx peripheral Preload register This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPreload_Enable
  • TIM_OCPreload_Disable
Return values

Definition at line 1656 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC6Init()

void TIM_OC6Init ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStruct 

Initializes the TIMx Channel6 according to the specified parameters in the TIM_OCInitStruct.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCInitStructpointer to a TIM_OCInitTypeDef structure that contains the configuration information for the specified TIM peripheral.
Return values

Definition at line 1046 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC6PolarityConfig()

void TIM_OC6PolarityConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPolarity 

Configures the TIMx channel 6 polarity.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPolarityspecifies the OC6 Polarity This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPolarity_High: Output Compare active high
  • TIM_OCPolarity_Low: Output Compare active low
Return values

Definition at line 2246 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OC6PreloadConfig()

void TIM_OC6PreloadConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCPreload 

Enables or disables the TIMx peripheral Preload register on CCR6.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCPreloadnew state of the TIMx peripheral Preload register This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCPreload_Enable
  • TIM_OCPreload_Disable
Return values

Definition at line 1685 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_OCStructInit()

void TIM_OCStructInit ( TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStruct)

Fills each TIM_OCInitStruct member with its default value.

TIM_OCInitStructpointer to a TIM_OCInitTypeDef structure which will be initialized.
Return values

Definition at line 978 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SelectGC5C1()

void TIM_SelectGC5C1 ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Selects the TIM Group Channel 5 and Channel 1, OC1REFC is the logical AND of OC1REFC and OC5REF.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIMx peripheral
NewStatenew state of the Commutation event. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 1110 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SelectGC5C2()

void TIM_SelectGC5C2 ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Selects the TIM Group Channel 5 and Channel 2, OC2REFC is the logical AND of OC2REFC and OC5REF.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIMx peripheral
NewStatenew state of the Commutation event. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 1136 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SelectGC5C3()

void TIM_SelectGC5C3 ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
FunctionalState  NewState 

Selects the TIM Group Channel 5 and Channel 3, OC3REFC is the logical AND of OC3REFC and OC5REF.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIMx peripheral
NewStatenew state of the Commutation event. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
Return values

Definition at line 1163 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SelectOCREFClear()

void TIM_SelectOCREFClear ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_OCReferenceClear 

Selects the OCReference Clear source.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 16 or 17 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_OCReferenceClearspecifies the OCReference Clear source. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCReferenceClear_ETRF: The internal OCreference clear input is connected to ETRF.
  • TIM_OCReferenceClear_OCREFCLR: The internal OCreference clear input is connected to OCREF_CLR input.
Return values

Definition at line 2010 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SelectOCxM() [1/2]

void TIM_SelectOCxM ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_Channel,
uint16_t  TIM_OCMode 

Selects the TIM Output Compare Mode.

This function disables the selected channel before changing the Output Compare Mode. If needed, user has to enable this channel using TIM_CCxCmd() and TIM_CCxNCmd() functions.
TIMxwhere x can be 1 to 14 except 6 and 7, to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_Channelspecifies the TIM Channel This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_Channel_1: TIM Channel 1
  • TIM_Channel_2: TIM Channel 2
  • TIM_Channel_3: TIM Channel 3
  • TIM_Channel_4: TIM Channel 4
TIM_OCModespecifies the TIM Output Compare Mode. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCMode_Timing
  • TIM_OCMode_Active
  • TIM_OCMode_Toggle
  • TIM_OCMode_PWM1
  • TIM_OCMode_PWM2
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive
Return values

Definition at line 1014 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SelectOCxM() [2/2]

void TIM_SelectOCxM ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_Channel,
uint32_t  TIM_OCMode 

Selects the TIM Output Compare Mode.

This function disables the selected channel before changing the Output Compare Mode. If needed, user has to enable this channel using TIM_CCxCmd() and TIM_CCxNCmd() functions.
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 16 or 17 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_Channelspecifies the TIM Channel This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_Channel_1: TIM Channel 1
  • TIM_Channel_2: TIM Channel 2
  • TIM_Channel_3: TIM Channel 3
  • TIM_Channel_4: TIM Channel 4
TIM_OCModespecifies the TIM Output Compare Mode. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM_OCMode_Timing
  • TIM_OCMode_Active
  • TIM_OCMode_Toggle
  • TIM_OCMode_PWM1
  • TIM_OCMode_PWM2
  • TIM_ForcedAction_Active
  • TIM_ForcedAction_InActive
  • TIM_OCMode_Retrigerrable_OPM1
  • TIM_OCMode_Retrigerrable_OPM2
  • TIM_OCMode_Combined_PWM1
  • TIM_OCMode_Combined_PWM2
  • TIM_OCMode_Asymmetric_PWM1
  • TIM_OCMode_Asymmetric_PWM2
Return values

Definition at line 1229 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SetCompare1()

void TIM_SetCompare1 ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint32_t  Compare1 

Sets the TIMx Capture Compare1 Register value.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 to 14 except 6 and 7, to select the TIM peripheral.
Compare1specifies the Capture Compare1 register new value.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15, 16 or 17 to select the TIM peripheral.
Compare1specifies the Capture Compare1 register new value.
Return values

Definition at line 1060 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SetCompare2()

void TIM_SetCompare2 ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint32_t  Compare2 

Sets the TIMx Capture Compare2 Register value.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 or 12 to select the TIM peripheral.
Compare2specifies the Capture Compare2 register new value.
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 15 to select the TIM peripheral.
Compare2specifies the Capture Compare2 register new value.
Return values

Definition at line 1076 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SetCompare3()

void TIM_SetCompare3 ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint32_t  Compare3 

Sets the TIMx Capture Compare3 Register value.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
Compare3specifies the Capture Compare3 register new value.
Return values

Definition at line 1091 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SetCompare4()

void TIM_SetCompare4 ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint32_t  Compare4 

Sets the TIMx Capture Compare4 Register value.

TIMxwhere x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
Compare4specifies the Capture Compare4 register new value.
Return values

Definition at line 1106 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SetCompare5()

void TIM_SetCompare5 ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint32_t  Compare5 

Sets the TIMx Capture Compare5 Register value.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
Compare5specifies the Capture Compare5 register new value.
Return values

Definition at line 1336 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

◆ TIM_SetCompare6()

void TIM_SetCompare6 ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint32_t  Compare6 

Sets the TIMx Capture Compare6 Register value.

TIMxwhere x can be 1 or 8 to select the TIM peripheral.
Compare6specifies the Capture Compare5 register new value.
Return values

Definition at line 1351 of file stm32f30x_tim.c.

Author(s): Daniel Koch , James Jackson
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 23:36:16