File: rail_manipulation_msgs/SegmentedObject.msg
Raw Message Definition
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 point_cloud # Segmented point cloud
sensor_msgs/Image image # Segmented RGB image
geometry_msgs/Point centroid # Centroid of the point cloud
geometry_msgs/Point center # Center of the point cloud
rail_manipulation_msgs/BoundingVolume bounding_volume # minimum bounding rectangular prism
float64 width # The width of the object in meters (x in point cloud frame)
float64 depth # The depth of the object in meters (y in point cloud frame)
float64 height # The height of the object in meters (z in point cloud frame)
float32[] rgb # Average color in RGB color space
float32[] cielab # Average color in CIELAB color space
geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation # Orientation of the object (typically from object rec)
bool recognized # True if the object is recognized
string name # Object name (if recognized)
uint32 model_id # Object model ID (if recognized)
float64 confidence # Recognition confidence value
Grasp[] grasps # List of grasps (if recognized)
visualization_msgs/Marker marker # The downsampled visualization of the object
Compact Message Definition