7 #include "pinocchio/algorithm/cholesky.hpp" 16 using namespace Eigen;
24 &decompose<double,0,JointCollectionDefaultTpl>,
25 bp::args(
26 "Computes the Cholesky decomposition of the joint space inertia matrix M contained in data.\n" 27 "The upper triangular part of data.M should have been filled first by calling crba, or any related algorithms.",
28 bp::return_value_policy<bp::return_by_value>());
31 &solve<double,0,JointCollectionDefaultTpl,VectorXd>,
32 bp::args(
33 "Returns the solution \f$x\f$ of \f$ M x = y \f$ using the Cholesky decomposition stored in data given the entry \f$ y \f$.",
34 bp::return_value_policy<bp::return_by_value>());
36 bp::def(
37 &pinocchio::cholesky::computeMinv<double,0,JointCollectionDefaultTpl>,
38 bp::args(
39 "Returns the inverse of the inverse of the joint space inertia matrix using the results of the Cholesky decomposition\n" 40 "performed by cholesky.decompose. The result is stored in data.Minv.",
41 bp::return_value_policy<bp::return_by_value>());
boost::python::object getOrCreatePythonNamespace(const std::string &submodule_name)
Helper to create or simply return an existing namespace in Python.
Main pinocchio namespace.