Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2015-2020 CNRS INRIA
3 //
5 #include "pinocchio/parsers/urdf.hpp"
9 #include <boost/python.hpp>
11 namespace pinocchio
12 {
13  namespace python
14  {
16  namespace bp = boost::python;
19  typedef ::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr MeshLoaderPtr;
21  void
22  buildGeomFromUrdf_existing(const Model & model,
23  const std::istream & stream,
24  const GeometryType type,
25  GeometryModel & geometry_model,
26  bp::object py_pkg_dirs,
27  bp::object py_mesh_loader)
28  {
29  MeshLoaderPtr mesh_loader = MeshLoaderPtr();
30  if (!py_mesh_loader.is_none()) {
32  mesh_loader = bp::extract<::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr>(py_mesh_loader);
33 #else
34  PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_UserWarning, "Mesh loader is ignored because Pinocchio is not built with hpp-fcl", 1);
35 #endif
36  }
38  std::vector<std::string> pkg_dirs;
40  bp::extract<std::string> pkg_dir_extract(py_pkg_dirs);
41  bp::extract<bp::list> pkg_dirs_list_extract(py_pkg_dirs);
42  bp::extract<const std::vector<std::string>&> pkg_dirs_vect_extract(py_pkg_dirs);
43  if (py_pkg_dirs.is_none()) {} // Provided None
44  else if (pkg_dir_extract.check()) // Provided a string
45  pkg_dirs.push_back(pkg_dir_extract());
46  else if (pkg_dirs_list_extract.check()) // Provided a list of string
47  extract(pkg_dirs_list_extract(), pkg_dirs);
48  else if (pkg_dirs_vect_extract.check()) // Provided a vector of string
49  pkg_dirs = pkg_dirs_vect_extract();
50  else { // Did not understand the provided argument
51  std::string what = bp::extract<std::string>(py_pkg_dirs.attr("__str__")())();
52  throw std::invalid_argument("pkg_dirs must be either None, a string or a list of strings. Provided " + what);
53  }
55  pinocchio::urdf::buildGeom(model,stream,type,geometry_model,pkg_dirs,mesh_loader);
56  }
58  // This function is complex in order to keep backward compatibility.
59  GeometryModel*
60  buildGeomFromUrdfStream(const Model & model,
61  const std::istream & stream,
62  const GeometryType type,
63  bp::object py_geom_model,
64  bp::object package_dirs,
65  bp::object mesh_loader)
66  {
67  GeometryModel* geom_model;
68  if (py_geom_model.is_none())
69  geom_model = new GeometryModel;
70  else {
71  bp::extract<GeometryModel*> geom_model_extract(py_geom_model);
72  if (geom_model_extract.check())
73  geom_model = geom_model_extract();
74  else {
75  // When backward compat is removed, the code in this `else` section
76  // can be removed and the argument py_geom_model changed into a GeometryModel*
77  PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_UserWarning,
78  "You passed package dir(s) via argument geometry_model and provided package_dirs.",1);
80  // At this stage, py_geom_model contains the package dir(s). mesh_loader can
81  // be passed either by package_dirs or mesh_loader
82  bp::object new_pkg_dirs = py_geom_model;
83  if (!package_dirs.is_none() && !mesh_loader.is_none())
84  throw std::invalid_argument("package_dirs and mesh_loader cannot be both provided since you passed the package dirs via argument geometry_model.");
85  if (mesh_loader.is_none())
86  mesh_loader = package_dirs;
87  try {
88  // If geom_model is not a valid package_dir(s), then rethrow with clearer message
89  geom_model = new GeometryModel;
90  buildGeomFromUrdf_existing(model, stream, type, *geom_model, new_pkg_dirs, mesh_loader);
91  return geom_model;
92  } catch (std::invalid_argument const& e) {
93  std::cout << "Caught: " << e.what() << std::endl;
94  throw std::invalid_argument("Argument geometry_model should be a GeometryModel");
95  }
96  }
97  }
98  buildGeomFromUrdf_existing(model, stream, type, *geom_model, package_dirs, mesh_loader);
99  return geom_model;
100  }
102  GeometryModel*
103  buildGeomFromUrdfFile(const Model & model,
104  const std::string & filename,
105  const GeometryType type,
106  bp::object geom_model,
107  bp::object package_dirs,
108  bp::object mesh_loader)
109  {
110  std::ifstream stream(filename.c_str());
111  if (!stream.is_open())
112  {
113  throw std::invalid_argument(filename + " does not seem to be a valid file.");
114  }
115  return buildGeomFromUrdfStream(model, stream, type, geom_model, package_dirs, mesh_loader);
116  }
118  GeometryModel*
119  buildGeomFromUrdfString(const Model & model,
120  const std::string & xmlString,
121  const GeometryType type,
122  bp::object geom_model,
123  bp::object package_dirs,
124  bp::object mesh_loader)
125  {
126  std::istringstream stream(xmlString);
127  return buildGeomFromUrdfStream(model, stream, type, geom_model, package_dirs, mesh_loader);
128  }
131 # define MESH_LOADER_DOC "\tmesh_loader: an hpp-fcl mesh loader (to load only once the related geometries).\n"
132 #else // #ifdef PINOCCHIO_WITH_HPP_FCL
133 # define MESH_LOADER_DOC "\tmesh_loader: unused because the Pinocchio is built without hpp-fcl\n"
134 #endif // #ifdef PINOCCHIO_WITH_HPP_FCL
135  template <std::size_t owner_arg = 1>
136  struct return_value_policy : bp::return_internal_reference<owner_arg>
137  {
138  public:
139  template <class ArgumentPackage>
140  static PyObject* postcall(ArgumentPackage const& args_, PyObject* result)
141  {
142  PyObject* patient = bp::detail::get_prev<owner_arg>::execute(args_, result);
143  if (patient != Py_None)
144  return bp::return_internal_reference<owner_arg>::postcall(args_, result);
145  return result;
146  }
147  };
150  template<typename F>
151  void defBuildUrdf(const char* name, F f, const char* urdf_arg, const char* urdf_doc)
152  {
153  std::ostringstream doc;
154  doc << "Parse the URDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and\n"
155  "and store either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL) in a GeometryModel object.\n"
156  "Parameters:\n"
157  "\tmodel: model of the robot\n"
158  "\n" << urdf_arg << ": " << urdf_doc << "\n"
159  "\tgeom_type: type of geometry to extract from the URDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).\n"
160  "\tgeometry_model: if provided, this geometry model will be used to store the parsed information instead of creating a new one\n"
161  "\tpackage_dirs: either a single path or a vector of paths pointing to folders containing the model of the robot\n"
163  "\n"
164  "Retuns:\n"
165  "\ta new GeometryModel if `geometry_model` is None else `geometry_model` (that has been updated).\n";
167  bp::def(name, f,
168  (bp::arg("model"),
169  bp::arg(urdf_arg),
170  bp::arg("geom_type"),
171  bp::arg("geometry_model") = static_cast<GeometryModel*>(NULL),
172  bp::arg("package_dirs") = bp::object(),
173  bp::arg("mesh_loader") = bp::object()),
174  doc.str().c_str(), return_value_policy<4>());
175  }
177 #endif
180  {
182  defBuildUrdf("buildGeomFromUrdf", buildGeomFromUrdfFile, "urdf_filename",
183  "path to the URDF file containing the model of the robot");
184  defBuildUrdf("buildGeomFromUrdfString", buildGeomFromUrdfString, "urdf_string",
185  "a string containing the URDF model of the robot");
186 #endif // #ifdef PINOCCHIO_WITH_URDFDOM
187  }
188  }
189 }
Definition: fcl.hpp:131
ModelTpl< double > Model
std::string name(const LieGroupGenericTpl< LieGroupCollection > &lg)
Visit a LieGroupVariant to get the name of it.
GeometryModel & buildGeom(const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &model, const std::string &filename, const GeometryType type, GeometryModel &geom_model, const std::vector< std::string > &package_paths=std::vector< std::string >(), ::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr mesh_loader=::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr())
Build The GeometryModel from a URDF file. Search for meshes in the directories specified by the user ...
Main pinocchio namespace.
Definition: timings.cpp:28
void extract(const boost::python::list &list, std::vector< T, Allocator > &vec)
Definition: list.hpp:24
JointCollectionTpl & model

autogenerated on Fri Jun 23 2023 02:38:30