Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Nov_msckfExtended Kalman Filter estimator
 CNoiseManagerStruct of our imu noise parameters
 CPropagatorPerforms the state covariance and mean propagation using imu measurements
 CROS1VisualizerHelper class that will publish results onto the ROS framework
 CROS2VisualizerHelper class that will publish results onto the ROS framework
 CROSVisualizerHelperHelper class that handles some common versions into and out of ROS formats
 CSimulatorMaster simulator class that generated visual-inertial measurements
 CStateState of our filter
 CStateHelperHelper which manipulates the State and its covariance
 CStateOptionsStruct which stores all our filter options
 CUpdaterHelperClass that has helper functions for our updaters
 CUpdaterHelperFeatureFeature object that our UpdaterHelper leverages, has all measurements and means
 CUpdaterMSCKFWill compute the system for our sparse features and update the filter
 CUpdaterOptionsStruct which stores general updater options
 CUpdaterSLAMWill compute the system for our sparse SLAM features and update the filter
 CUpdaterZeroVelocityWill try to detect and then update using zero velocity assumption
 CVioManagerCore class that manages the entire system
 CVioManagerOptionsStruct which stores all options needed for state estimation

Author(s): Patrick Geneva , Kevin Eckenhoff , Guoquan Huang
autogenerated on Wed Jun 21 2023 03:05:44