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g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi > Class Template Reference

#include <base_unary_edge.h>

Inheritance diagram for g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef BaseEdge< D, E >::ErrorVector ErrorVector
typedef BaseEdge< D, E >::InformationType InformationType
typedef Matrix< double, D, VertexXiType::Dimension >::AlignedMapType JacobianXiOplusType
typedef BaseEdge< D, E >::Measurement Measurement
typedef VertexXi VertexXiType
- Public Types inherited from g2o::BaseEdge< D, E >
typedef Matrix< double, D, 1 > ErrorVector
typedef Matrix< double, D, D > InformationType
typedef E Measurement

Public Member Functions

virtual bool allVerticesFixed () const
 BaseUnaryEdge ()
virtual void constructQuadraticForm ()
virtual void initialEstimate (const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet &from, OptimizableGraph::Vertex *to)
const JacobianXiOplusTypejacobianOplusXi () const
 returns the result of the linearization in the manifold space for the node xi More...
virtual void linearizeOplus (JacobianWorkspace &jacobianWorkspace)
virtual void linearizeOplus ()
virtual void mapHessianMemory (double *, int, int, bool)
virtual void resize (size_t size)
- Public Member Functions inherited from g2o::BaseEdge< D, E >
 BaseEdge ()
virtual double chi2 () const
 computes the chi2 based on the cached error value, only valid after computeError has been called. More...
const ErrorVectorerror () const
ErrorVectorerror ()
virtual const double * errorData () const
 returns the error vector cached after calling the computeError; More...
virtual double * errorData ()
const InformationTypeinformation () const
 information matrix of the constraint More...
InformationTypeinformation ()
virtual const double * informationData () const
 returns the memory of the information matrix, usable for example with a Eigen::Map<MatrixXd> More...
virtual double * informationData ()
const Measurementmeasurement () const
 accessor functions for the measurement represented by the edge More...
virtual int rank () const
void setInformation (const InformationType &information)
virtual void setMeasurement (const Measurement &m)
virtual ~BaseEdge ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge
virtual Edgeclone () const
virtual void computeError ()=0
virtual VertexcreateFrom ()
virtual VertexcreateTo ()
int dimension () const
 returns the dimensions of the error function More...
 Edge ()
virtual bool getMeasurementData (double *m) const
OptimizableGraphgraph ()
const OptimizableGraphgraph () const
virtual double initialEstimatePossible (const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet &from, OptimizableGraph::Vertex *to)
long long internalId () const
 the internal ID of the edge More...
int level () const
 returns the level of the edge More...
virtual int measurementDimension () const
size_t numParameters () const
const Parameterparameter (int argNo) const
virtual bool read (std::istream &is)=0
 read the vertex from a stream, i.e., the internal state of the vertex More...
void resizeParameters (size_t newSize)
RobustKernelrobustKernel () const
 if NOT NULL, error of this edge will be robustifed with the kernel More...
void setLevel (int l)
 sets the level of the edge More...
virtual bool setMeasurementData (const double *m)
virtual bool setMeasurementFromState ()
bool setParameterId (int argNum, int paramId)
void setRobustKernel (RobustKernel *ptr)
virtual bool write (std::ostream &os) const =0
 write the vertex to a stream More...
virtual ~Edge ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from g2o::HyperGraph::Edge
 Edge (int id=-1)
 creates and empty edge with no vertices More...
virtual HyperGraphElementType elementType () const
int id () const
void setId (int id)
void setVertex (size_t i, Vertex *v)
const Vertexvertex (size_t i) const
Vertexvertex (size_t i)
const VertexContainervertices () const
VertexContainervertices ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from g2o::HyperGraph::HyperGraphElement
virtual ~HyperGraphElement ()

Static Public Attributes

static const int Dimension = BaseEdge<D, E>::Dimension
- Static Public Attributes inherited from g2o::BaseEdge< D, E >
static const int Dimension = D

Protected Attributes

JacobianXiOplusType _jacobianOplusXi
- Protected Attributes inherited from g2o::BaseEdge< D, E >
ErrorVector _error
InformationType _information
Measurement _measurement
- Protected Attributes inherited from g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge
std::vector< int > _cacheIds
int _dimension
long long _internalId
int _level
std::vector< int > _parameterIds
std::vector< Parameter ** > _parameters
std::vector< std::string > _parameterTypes
- Protected Attributes inherited from g2o::HyperGraph::Edge
int _id
 unique id More...
VertexContainer _vertices

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from g2o::BaseEdge< D, E >
InformationType robustInformation (const Eigen::Vector3d &rho)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge
template<typename ParameterType >
bool installParameter (ParameterType *&p, size_t argNo, int paramId=-1)
template<typename CacheType >
void resolveCache (CacheType *&cache, OptimizableGraph::Vertex *, const std::string &_type, const ParameterVector &parameters)
virtual bool resolveCaches ()
bool resolveParameters ()

Detailed Description

template<int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
class g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >

Definition at line 43 of file base_unary_edge.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ErrorVector

template<int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
typedef BaseEdge<D,E>::ErrorVector g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >::ErrorVector

Definition at line 50 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ InformationType

template<int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
typedef BaseEdge<D,E>::InformationType g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >::InformationType

Definition at line 51 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ JacobianXiOplusType

template<int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
typedef Matrix<double, D, VertexXiType::Dimension>::AlignedMapType g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >::JacobianXiOplusType

Definition at line 49 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ Measurement

template<int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
typedef BaseEdge<D,E>::Measurement g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >::Measurement

Definition at line 47 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ VertexXiType

template<int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
typedef VertexXi g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >::VertexXiType

Definition at line 48 of file base_unary_edge.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BaseUnaryEdge()

template<int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >::BaseUnaryEdge ( )

Definition at line 53 of file base_unary_edge.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ allVerticesFixed()

template<int D, typename E , typename VertexXiType >
bool BaseUnaryEdge::allVerticesFixed ( ) const

Implements g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge.

Definition at line 38 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ constructQuadraticForm()

template<int D, typename E , typename VertexXiType >
void BaseUnaryEdge::constructQuadraticForm ( )

Linearizes the constraint in the edge. Makes side effect on the vertices of the graph by changing the parameter vector b and the hessian blocks ii and jj. The off diagoinal block is accesed via _hessian.

Implements g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge.

Definition at line 44 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ initialEstimate()

template<int D, typename E , typename VertexXiType >
void BaseUnaryEdge::initialEstimate ( const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet from,
OptimizableGraph::Vertex to 

set the estimate of the to vertex, based on the estimate of the from vertices in the edge.

Reimplemented from g2o::BaseEdge< D, E >.

Definition at line 127 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ jacobianOplusXi()

template<int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
const JacobianXiOplusType& g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >::jacobianOplusXi ( ) const

returns the result of the linearization in the manifold space for the node xi

Definition at line 72 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ linearizeOplus() [1/2]

template<int D, typename E , typename VertexXiType >
void BaseUnaryEdge::linearizeOplus ( JacobianWorkspace jacobianWorkspace)

Linearizes the constraint in the edge in the manifold space, and store the result in the given workspace

Implements g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge.

Definition at line 76 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ linearizeOplus() [2/2]

template<int D, typename E , typename VertexXiType >
void BaseUnaryEdge::linearizeOplus ( )

Linearizes the oplus operator in the vertex, and stores the result in temporary variables _jacobianOplusXi and _jacobianOplusXj

Reimplemented in g2o::EdgeStereoSE3ProjectXYZOnlyPose, and g2o::EdgeSE3ProjectXYZOnlyPose.

Definition at line 83 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ mapHessianMemory()

template<int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
virtual void g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >::mapHessianMemory ( double *  d,
int  i,
int  j,
bool  rowMajor 

maps the internal matrix to some external memory location, you need to provide the memory before calling constructQuadraticForm

dthe memory location to which we map
iindex of the vertex i
jindex of the vertex j (j > i, upper triangular fashion)
rowMajorif true, will write in rowMajor order to the block. Since EIGEN is columnMajor by default, this results in writing the transposed

Implements g2o::OptimizableGraph::Edge.

Definition at line 78 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ resize()

template<int D, typename E , typename VertexXiType >
void BaseUnaryEdge::resize ( size_t  size)

resizes the number of vertices connected by this edge

Reimplemented from g2o::HyperGraph::Edge.

Definition at line 29 of file base_unary_edge.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _jacobianOplusXi

template<int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
JacobianXiOplusType g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >::_jacobianOplusXi

Definition at line 90 of file base_unary_edge.h.

◆ Dimension

template<int D, typename E, typename VertexXi>
const int g2o::BaseUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi >::Dimension = BaseEdge<D, E>::Dimension

Definition at line 46 of file base_unary_edge.h.

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