30 for(j=0; j<n_dof; j++)
31 J(count, j) = Jtemp(i, j);
char * charname
target character name
int resize(int i, int j)
Changes the matrix size.
fVec3 des_com
desired COM position
Inverse kinematics (UTPoser) class.
int calc_feedback()
compute the feedback velocity
IK::ConstIndex const_index[3]
which of three directions (x, y, z) are constrained
void zero()
Creates a zero matrix.
int NumDOF()
Total degrees of freedom.
fVec fb
Jacobian matrix (n_const x total DOF)
int calc_jacobian()
Computes the constraint Jacobian.
double ComJacobian(fMat &J, fVec3 &com, const char *chname=0)
Computes the com Jacobian.
void sub(const fVec3 &vec1, const fVec3 &vec2)
fVec3 cur_com
current COM position
Matrix of generic size. The elements are stored in a one-dimensional array in row-major order...