Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
PathEngine::ConfigurationSpace Class Reference

#include <ConfigurationSpace.h>

Public Member Functions

void bounds (unsigned int i_rank, double min, double max)
 set bounds for i_rank th element More...
 ConfigurationSpace (unsigned int i_size)
 constructor More...
bool isValid (const Configuration &cfg) const
 全ての要素が有効な範囲内にあるかどうか検査する More...
double & lbound (unsigned int i_rank)
 get lower bound of i_rank th element More...
Configuration random ()
 generate random position More...
unsigned int size ()
 get the number of degrees of freedom More...
double & ubound (unsigned int i_rank)
 get upper bound for i_rank th element More...
void unboundedRotation (unsigned int i_rank, bool i_flag)
 specify i th degree of freedom is unbounded rotaion or not. default is false More...
bool unboundedRotation (unsigned int i_rank)
 ask i the degree of freedom is unbounded rotaion or not More...
double & weight (unsigned int i_rank)
 get weight for i_rank th element More...
const double weight (unsigned int i_rank) const

Private Attributes

std::vector< bool > m_isUnboundedRotation
std::vector< double > m_lbounds
unsigned int m_size
std::vector< double > m_ubounds
std::vector< double > m_weights

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12 of file ConfigurationSpace.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ConfigurationSpace()

ConfigurationSpace::ConfigurationSpace ( unsigned int  i_size)


Definition at line 10 of file ConfigurationSpace.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ bounds()

void ConfigurationSpace::bounds ( unsigned int  i_rank,
double  min,
double  max 

set bounds for i_rank th element

i_rankrank of the element
minminimum value
maxmaximum value

Definition at line 48 of file ConfigurationSpace.cpp.

◆ isValid()

bool ConfigurationSpace::isValid ( const Configuration cfg) const



Definition at line 24 of file ConfigurationSpace.cpp.

◆ lbound()

double & ConfigurationSpace::lbound ( unsigned int  i_rank)

get lower bound of i_rank th element

i_rankrank of the element
lower bound

Definition at line 54 of file ConfigurationSpace.cpp.

◆ random()

Configuration ConfigurationSpace::random ( )

generate random position

generated position

Definition at line 64 of file ConfigurationSpace.cpp.

◆ size()

unsigned int ConfigurationSpace::size ( void  )

get the number of degrees of freedom

the number of degrees of freedom

Definition at line 78 of file ConfigurationSpace.cpp.

◆ ubound()

double & ConfigurationSpace::ubound ( unsigned int  i_rank)

get upper bound for i_rank th element

i_rankrank of the element
upper bound

Definition at line 59 of file ConfigurationSpace.cpp.

◆ unboundedRotation() [1/2]

void ConfigurationSpace::unboundedRotation ( unsigned int  i_rank,
bool  i_flag 

specify i th degree of freedom is unbounded rotaion or not. default is false

i_rankrank of the degree of freedom
i_flagtrue or false

Definition at line 83 of file ConfigurationSpace.cpp.

◆ unboundedRotation() [2/2]

bool ConfigurationSpace::unboundedRotation ( unsigned int  i_rank)

ask i the degree of freedom is unbounded rotaion or not

i_rankrank of the degree of freedom
true(unbounded) or false

Definition at line 88 of file ConfigurationSpace.cpp.

◆ weight() [1/2]

double & ConfigurationSpace::weight ( unsigned int  i_rank)

get weight for i_rank th element

i_rankrank of the element

Definition at line 38 of file ConfigurationSpace.cpp.

◆ weight() [2/2]

const double ConfigurationSpace::weight ( unsigned int  i_rank) const

Definition at line 43 of file ConfigurationSpace.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_isUnboundedRotation

std::vector<bool> PathEngine::ConfigurationSpace::m_isUnboundedRotation

Definition at line 87 of file ConfigurationSpace.h.

◆ m_lbounds

std::vector<double> PathEngine::ConfigurationSpace::m_lbounds

Definition at line 85 of file ConfigurationSpace.h.

◆ m_size

unsigned int PathEngine::ConfigurationSpace::m_size

Definition at line 83 of file ConfigurationSpace.h.

◆ m_ubounds

std::vector<double> PathEngine::ConfigurationSpace::m_ubounds

Definition at line 84 of file ConfigurationSpace.h.

◆ m_weights

std::vector<double> PathEngine::ConfigurationSpace::m_weights

Definition at line 86 of file ConfigurationSpace.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): AIST, General Robotix Inc., Nakamura Lab of Dept. of Mechano Informatics at University of Tokyo
autogenerated on Thu Sep 8 2022 02:24:09