90 const int pointsCount(filteredReading.
137 const int pointsCount(filteredReading.
A matcher links points in the reading to points in the reference.
#define LOG_INFO_STREAM(args)
allows the return of the same point as the query, if this point is in the data cloud; forbidden by de...
static NearestNeighbourSearch * create(const CloudType &cloud, const Index dim=std::numeric_limits< Index >::max(), const SearchType preferedType=KDTREE_LINEAR_HEAP, const unsigned creationOptionFlags=0, const Parameters &additionalParameters=Parameters())
Create a nearest-neighbour search.
static constexpr T InvalidDist
In case of too few matches the ids are filled with InvalidId.
virtual Matches findClosests(const DataPoints &filteredReading)
Find the closest neighbors of filteredReading in filteredReference passed to init() ...
ConstView getDescriptorViewByName(const std::string &name) const
Get a const view on a descriptor by name, throw an exception if it does not exist.
static const ParametersDoc availableParameters()
std::shared_ptr< NNS > featureNNS
std::shared_ptr< NNS > featureNNS
Matrix Dists
Squared distances to closest points, dense matrix of ScalarType.
unsigned long visitCounter
number of points visited
perform statistics on the number of points touched
virtual void init(const DataPoints &filteredReference)
Init this matcher to find nearest neighbor in filteredReference.
std::map< std::string, Parameter > Parameters
Parameters stored as a map of string->string.
const NNSearchType searchType
virtual void init(const DataPoints &filteredReference)
Init this matcher to find nearest neighbor in filteredReference.
Result of the data-association step (Matcher::findClosests), before outlier rejection.
virtual Matches findClosests(const DataPoints &filteredReading)
Find the closest neighbors of filteredReading in filteredReference passed to init() ...
static constexpr Index InvalidIndex
the invalid index
PointMatcher< T >::Matches Matches
KDTreeMatcher(const Parameters ¶ms=Parameters())
The superclass of classes that are constructed using generic parameters. This class provides the para...
std::string getParamValueString(const std::string ¶mName)
Get the value of a parameter, as a string.
virtual Matches findClosests(const DataPoints &filteredReading)
Find the closest neighbors of filteredReading in filteredReference passed to init() ...
KDTreeVarDistMatcher(const Parameters ¶ms=Parameters())
IntMatrix Ids
Identifiers of closest points, dense matrix of integers.
const std::string maxDistField
S get(const std::string ¶mName)
Return the value of paramName, lexically-casted to S.
const NNSearchType searchType
virtual void init(const DataPoints &filteredReference)
Init this matcher to find nearest neighbor in filteredReference.
static constexpr T InvalidValue
the invalid value
Matrix features
features of points in the cloud
virtual ~KDTreeVarDistMatcher()
static constexpr int InvalidId