const bool & | cartesian_motion_generator_acceleration_discontinuity |
| True if commanded acceleration in Cartesian motion generators is discontinuous (target values are too far apart). More...
const bool & | cartesian_motion_generator_elbow_limit_violation |
| True if an external Cartesian motion generator would move into an elbow limit. More...
const bool & | cartesian_motion_generator_elbow_sign_inconsistent |
| True if commanded elbow values in Cartesian motion generators are inconsistent. More...
const bool & | cartesian_motion_generator_joint_acceleration_discontinuity |
| True if the joint acceleration in Cartesian motion generators is discontinuous after IK calculation. More...
const bool & | cartesian_motion_generator_joint_position_limits_violation |
| True if the joint position limits would be exceeded after IK calculation. More...
const bool & | cartesian_motion_generator_joint_velocity_discontinuity |
| True if the joint velocity in Cartesian motion generators is discontinuous after IK calculation. More...
const bool & | cartesian_motion_generator_joint_velocity_limits_violation |
| True if the joint velocity limits would be exceeded after IK calculation. More...
const bool & | cartesian_motion_generator_start_elbow_invalid |
| True if the first elbow value in Cartesian motion generators is too far from initial one. More...
const bool & | cartesian_motion_generator_velocity_discontinuity |
| True if commanded velocity in Cartesian motion generators is discontinuous (target values are too far apart). More...
const bool & | cartesian_motion_generator_velocity_limits_violation |
| True if an external Cartesian motion generator would move with too high velocity. More...
const bool & | cartesian_position_limits_violation |
| True if the robot moved past any of the virtual walls. More...
const bool & | cartesian_position_motion_generator_invalid_frame |
| True if the Cartesian pose is not a valid transformation matrix. More...
const bool & | cartesian_position_motion_generator_start_pose_invalid |
| True if an external Cartesian position motion generator was started with a pose too far from the current pose. More...
const bool & | cartesian_reflex |
| True if a collision was detected, i.e. the robot exceeded a torque threshold in a Cartesian motion. More...
const bool & | cartesian_velocity_profile_safety_violation |
| True if Cartesian velocity profile for internal motions was exceeded. More...
const bool & | cartesian_velocity_violation |
| True if the robot exceeded Cartesian velocity limits. More...
const bool & | communication_constraints_violation |
| True if minimum network communication quality could not be held during a motion. More...
const bool & | controller_torque_discontinuity |
| True if the torque set by the external controller is discontinuous. More...
const bool & | force_control_safety_violation |
| True if the robot exceeded safety threshold during force control. More...
const bool & | force_controller_desired_force_tolerance_violation |
| True if desired force exceeds the safety thresholds. More...
const bool & | instability_detected |
| True if an instability is detected. More...
const bool & | joint_motion_generator_acceleration_discontinuity |
| True if commanded acceleration in joint motion generators is discontinuous (target values are too far apart). More...
const bool & | joint_motion_generator_position_limits_violation |
| True if an external joint motion generator would move into a joint limit. More...
const bool & | joint_motion_generator_velocity_discontinuity |
| True if commanded velocity in joint motion generators is discontinuous (target values are too far apart). More...
const bool & | joint_motion_generator_velocity_limits_violation |
| True if an external joint motion generator exceeded velocity limits. More...
const bool & | joint_move_in_wrong_direction |
| True if the robot is in joint position limits violation error and the user guides the robot further towards the limit. More...
const bool & | joint_p2p_insufficient_torque_for_planning |
| True if the robot is overloaded for the required motion. More...
const bool & | joint_position_limits_violation |
| True if the robot moved past the joint limits. More...
const bool & | joint_position_motion_generator_start_pose_invalid |
| True if an external joint position motion generator was started with a pose too far from the current pose. More...
const bool & | joint_reflex |
| True if a collision was detected, i.e. the robot exceeded a torque threshold in a joint motion. More...
const bool & | joint_velocity_violation |
| True if the robot exceeded joint velocity limits. More...
const bool & | max_goal_pose_deviation_violation |
| True if internal motion generator did not reach the goal pose. More...
const bool & | max_path_pose_deviation_violation |
| True if internal motion generator deviated from the path. More...
const bool & | power_limit_violation |
| True if commanded values would result in exceeding the power limit. More...
const bool & | self_collision_avoidance_violation |
| True if the robot would have collided with itself. More...
const bool & | start_elbow_sign_inconsistent |
| True if the start elbow sign was inconsistent. More...
const bool & | tau_j_range_violation |
| True if the measured torque signal is out of the safe range. More...