void | uart_disable (Uart *p_uart) |
| Disable UART receiver and transmitter. More...
void | uart_disable_interrupt (Uart *p_uart, uint32_t ul_sources) |
| Disable UART interrupts. More...
void | uart_disable_rx (Uart *p_uart) |
| Disable UART receiver. More...
void | uart_disable_tx (Uart *p_uart) |
| Disable UART transmitter. More...
void | uart_enable (Uart *p_uart) |
| Enable UART receiver and transmitter. More...
void | uart_enable_interrupt (Uart *p_uart, uint32_t ul_sources) |
| Enable UART interrupts. More...
void | uart_enable_rx (Uart *p_uart) |
| Enable UART receiver. More...
void | uart_enable_tx (Uart *p_uart) |
| Enable UART transmitter. More...
uint32_t | uart_get_interrupt_mask (Uart *p_uart) |
| Read UART interrupt mask. More...
Pdc * | uart_get_pdc_base (Uart *p_uart) |
| Get UART PDC base address. More...
uint32_t | uart_get_status (Uart *p_uart) |
| Get current status. More...
uint32_t | uart_init (Uart *p_uart, const sam_uart_opt_t *p_uart_opt) |
| Configure UART with the specified parameters. More...
uint32_t | uart_is_rx_buf_end (Uart *p_uart) |
| Check if one receive buffer is filled. More...
uint32_t | uart_is_rx_buf_full (Uart *p_uart) |
| Check if both receive buffers are full. More...
uint32_t | uart_is_rx_ready (Uart *p_uart) |
| Check if Received data is ready. Check if data has been received and loaded in UART_RHR. More...
uint32_t | uart_is_tx_buf_empty (Uart *p_uart) |
| Check if both transmit buffers are sent out. More...
uint32_t | uart_is_tx_buf_end (Uart *p_uart) |
| Check if one transmit buffer is sent out. More...
uint32_t | uart_is_tx_empty (Uart *p_uart) |
| Check if Transmit Hold Register is empty. Check if the last data written in UART_THR has been loaded in TSR and the last data loaded in TSR has been transmitted. More...
uint32_t | uart_is_tx_ready (Uart *p_uart) |
| Check if Transmit is Ready. Check if data has been loaded in UART_THR and is waiting to be loaded in the Transmit Shift Register (TSR). More...
uint32_t | uart_read (Uart *p_uart, uint8_t *puc_data) |
| Read from UART Receive Holding Register. Before reading user should check if rx is ready. More...
void | uart_reset (Uart *p_uart) |
| Reset UART receiver and transmitter. More...
void | uart_reset_rx (Uart *p_uart) |
| Reset UART receiver. More...
void | uart_reset_status (Uart *p_uart) |
| Reset status bits. More...
void | uart_reset_tx (Uart *p_uart) |
| Reset UART transmitter. More...
void | uart_set_clock_divisor (Uart *p_uart, uint16_t us_divisor) |
| Set UART clock divisor value. More...
uint32_t | uart_write (Uart *p_uart, const uint8_t uc_data) |
| Write to UART Transmit Holding Register Before writing user should check if tx is ready (or empty). More...