Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface Class Reference

Generic template that reads state-data from a robot controller and publishes matching messages to various ROS topics. More...

#include <robot_state_interface.h>

Public Member Functions

void add_handler (MessageHandler *handler, bool allow_replace=true)
 Add a new handler. More...
SmplMsgConnectionget_connection ()
 get current robot-connection instance. More...
std::vector< std::string > get_joint_names ()
MessageManagerget_manager ()
 get active message-manager object More...
bool init (std::string default_ip="", int default_port=StandardSocketPorts::STATE)
 Initialize robot connection using default method. More...
bool init (SmplMsgConnection *connection)
 Initialize robot connection using specified method. More...
bool init (SmplMsgConnection *connection, std::vector< std::string > &joint_names)
 Initialize robot connection using specified method and joint-names. More...
 RobotStateInterface ()
 Default constructor. More...
void run ()
 Begin processing messages and publishing topics. More...

Protected Attributes

JointRelayHandler default_joint_handler_
RobotStatusRelayHandler default_robot_status_handler_
TcpClient default_tcp_connection_
std::vector< std::string > joint_names_
MessageManager manager_

Detailed Description

Generic template that reads state-data from a robot controller and publishes matching messages to various ROS topics.

Users should replace the default class members to implement robot-specific behavior.

Definition at line 66 of file robot_state_interface.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RobotStateInterface()

industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::RobotStateInterface ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 44 of file robot_state_interface.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_handler()

void industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::add_handler ( MessageHandler handler,
bool  allow_replace = true 

Add a new handler.

newmessage-handler for a specific msg-type (ALREADY INITIALIZED).
replaceexisting handler (of same msg-type), if exists

Definition at line 147 of file robot_state_interface.h.

◆ get_connection()

SmplMsgConnection* industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::get_connection ( )

get current robot-connection instance.

current robot connection object

Definition at line 120 of file robot_state_interface.h.

◆ get_joint_names()

std::vector<std::string> industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::get_joint_names ( )

Definition at line 135 of file robot_state_interface.h.

◆ get_manager()

MessageManager* industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::get_manager ( )

get active message-manager object

current message-manager object

Definition at line 130 of file robot_state_interface.h.

◆ init() [1/3]

bool industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::init ( std::string  default_ip = "",
int  default_port = StandardSocketPorts::STATE 

Initialize robot connection using default method.

default_ipdefault IP address to use for robot connection [OPTIONAL]
  • this value will be used if ROS param "robot_ip_address" cannot be read
default_portdefault port to use for robot connection [OPTIONAL]
  • this value will be used if ROS param "~port" cannot be read
true on success, false otherwise

Definition at line 51 of file robot_state_interface.cpp.

◆ init() [2/3]

bool industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::init ( SmplMsgConnection connection)

Initialize robot connection using specified method.

connectionnew robot-connection instance (ALREADY INITIALIZED).
true on success, false otherwise

Definition at line 80 of file robot_state_interface.cpp.

◆ init() [3/3]

bool industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::init ( SmplMsgConnection connection,
std::vector< std::string > &  joint_names 

Initialize robot connection using specified method and joint-names.

connectionnew robot-connection instance (ALREADY INITIALIZED).
joint_nameslist of joint-names for ROS topic
  • Count and order should match data sent to robot connection.
  • Use blank-name to skip (not publish) a joint-position
true on success, false otherwise

Definition at line 92 of file robot_state_interface.cpp.

◆ run()

void industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::run ( )

Begin processing messages and publishing topics.

Definition at line 114 of file robot_state_interface.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ connection_

SmplMsgConnection* industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::connection_

Definition at line 157 of file robot_state_interface.h.

◆ default_joint_handler_

JointRelayHandler industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::default_joint_handler_

Definition at line 154 of file robot_state_interface.h.

◆ default_robot_status_handler_

RobotStatusRelayHandler industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::default_robot_status_handler_

Definition at line 155 of file robot_state_interface.h.

◆ default_tcp_connection_

TcpClient industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::default_tcp_connection_

Definition at line 153 of file robot_state_interface.h.

◆ joint_names_

std::vector<std::string> industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::joint_names_

Definition at line 159 of file robot_state_interface.h.

◆ manager_

MessageManager industrial_robot_client::robot_state_interface::RobotStateInterface::manager_

Definition at line 158 of file robot_state_interface.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Jeremy Zoss
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 22:34:42