This is the complete list of members for hrp::JointPathEx, including all inherited members.
avoid_weight_gain | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
baseLink() const | hrp::JointPath | |
calcForwardKinematics(bool calcVelocity=false, bool calcAcceleration=false) const | hrp::JointPath | |
calcInverseKinematics(const Vector3 &end_p, const Matrix33 &end_R) | hrp::JointPath | virtual |
calcInverseKinematics(const Vector3 &base_p, const Matrix33 &base_R, const Vector3 &end_p, const Matrix33 &end_R) | hrp::JointPath | |
calcInverseKinematics2(const Vector3 &end_p, const Matrix33 &end_R, const double avoid_gain=0.0, const double reference_gain=0.0, const dvector *reference_q=NULL) | hrp::JointPathEx | |
calcInverseKinematics2Loop(const Vector3 &dp, const Vector3 &omega, const double LAMBDA, const double avoid_gain=0.0, const double reference_gain=0.0, const dvector *reference_q=NULL) | hrp::JointPathEx | |
calcInverseKinematics2Loop(const Vector3 &end_effector_p, const Matrix33 &end_effector_R, const double LAMBDA, const double avoid_gain=0.0, const double reference_gain=0.0, const hrp::dvector *reference_q=NULL, const double vel_gain=1.0, const hrp::Vector3 &localPos=hrp::Vector3::Zero(), const hrp::Matrix33 &localR=hrp::Matrix33::Identity()) | hrp::JointPathEx | |
calcJacobian(dmatrix &out_J, const Vector3 &local_p=Vector3::Zero()) const | hrp::JointPath | |
calcJacobianDot(dmatrix &out_dJ, const Vector3 &local_p=Vector3::Zero()) const | hrp::JointPath | |
calcJacobianInverseNullspace(dmatrix &J, dmatrix &Jinv, dmatrix &Jnull) | hrp::JointPathEx | |
debug_print_freq_count | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
debug_print_prefix | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
dt | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
empty() const | hrp::JointPath | |
endLink() const | hrp::JointPath | |
find(Link *base, Link *end) | hrp::JointPath | |
find(Link *end) | hrp::JointPath | |
getInterlockingJointPairIndices(std::vector< std::pair< size_t, size_t > > &pairs) | hrp::JointPathEx | |
getManipulabilityLimit() | hrp::JointPathEx | inline |
getOptionalWeightVector(std::vector< double > &_opt_w) | hrp::JointPathEx | inline |
getSRGain() | hrp::JointPathEx | inline |
hasAnalyticalIK() | hrp::JointPath | virtual |
interlocking_joint_pair_indices | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
isBestEffortIKMode | hrp::JointPath | protected |
isJointDownward(int index) const | hrp::JointPath | |
Jacobian() const | hrp::JointPath | |
joint(int index) const | hrp::JointPath | |
joint_limit_debug_print_counts | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
JointPath() | hrp::JointPath | |
JointPath(Link *base, Link *end) | hrp::JointPath | |
JointPath(Link *end) | hrp::JointPath | |
JointPathEx(BodyPtr &robot, Link *base, Link *end, double control_cycle, bool _use_inside_joint_weight_retrieval=true, const std::string &_debug_print_prefix="") | hrp::JointPathEx | |
joints | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
manipulability_gain | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
manipulability_limit | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
maxIKErrorSqr | hrp::JointPath | protected |
maxIKIteration | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
maxIKPosErrorSqr | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
maxIKRotErrorSqr | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
numJoints() const | hrp::JointPath | |
onJointPathUpdated() | hrp::JointPath | protectedvirtual |
optional_weight_vector | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
setBestEffortIKMode(bool on) | hrp::JointPath | virtual |
setInterlockingJointPairIndices(const std::vector< std::pair< Link *, Link *> > &pairs, const std::string &print_str="") | hrp::JointPathEx | |
setInterlockingJointPairIndices(const std::vector< std::pair< size_t, size_t > > &pairs) | hrp::JointPathEx | |
setManipulabilityGain(double l) | hrp::JointPathEx | inline |
setManipulabilityLimit(double l) | hrp::JointPathEx | inline |
setMaxIKError(double epos, double erot) | hrp::JointPathEx | |
setMaxIKError(double e) | hrp::JointPathEx | virtual |
setMaxIKIteration(int iter) | hrp::JointPathEx | |
setOptionalWeightVector(const std::vector< double > &_opt_w) | hrp::JointPathEx | inline |
setSRGain(double g) | hrp::JointPathEx | inline |
sr_gain | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
use_inside_joint_weight_retrieval | hrp::JointPathEx | protected |
~InverseKinematics() | hrp::InverseKinematics | virtual |
~JointPath() | hrp::JointPath | virtual |