Todo List
Member hpp::fcl::details::sphereCylinderDistance (const Sphere &s1, const Transform3f &tf1, const Cylinder &s2, const Transform3f &tf2, FCL_REAL &dist, Vec3f &p1, Vec3f &p2, Vec3f &normal)
a tiny performance improvement could be achieved using the abscissa with S as the origin
Member hpp::fcl::distance (const Matrix3f &R0, const Vec3f &T0, const kIOS &b1, const kIOS &b2, Vec3f *P=NULL, Vec3f *Q=NULL)
P and Q is not returned, need implementation
Member hpp::fcl::MeshLoader::loadOctree (const std::string &filename)
add OctreePtr_t
Member hpp::fcl::overlap (const Matrix3f &R0, const Vec3f &T0, const kIOS &b1, const kIOS &b2, const CollisionRequest &request, FCL_REAL &sqrDistLowerBound)
Not efficient
Member hpp::fcl::overlap (const Matrix3f &R0, const Vec3f &T0, const kIOS &b1, const kIOS &b2)
Not efficient
Member hpp::fcl::RSS::operator+= (const Vec3f &p)
This function may have some bug.
Member orgQhull::Coordinates::mid (countT idx, countT length=-1) const
countT -1 indicates
Member orgQhull::QhullPoint::operator== (const QhullPoint &other) const
Compares distance with distance-to-hyperplane (distanceEpsilon). Is that correct?
Class orgQhull::QhullPoints::const_iterator
FIXUP QH11018 const_iterator same as iterator. SHould have a common definition
Member orgQhull::QhullVertexSet::QhullVertexSet (const QhullVertexSet &other)
Convert QhullVertexSet to a shared pointer with reference counting
Member orgQhull::RoadError::logErrorLastResort () const
Redesign with a thread-local stream or a reentrant ostringstream

autogenerated on Fri Jun 2 2023 02:39:02