Classes | Namespaces | Enumerations
collision_object.h File Reference
#include <limits>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <hpp/fcl/deprecated.hh>
#include <hpp/fcl/fwd.hh>
#include <hpp/fcl/BV/AABB.h>
#include <hpp/fcl/math/transform.h>
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class  hpp::fcl::CollisionGeometry
 The geometry for the object for collision or distance computation. More...
class  hpp::fcl::CollisionObject
 the object for collision or distance computation, contains the geometry and the transform information More...


 Main namespace.


enum  hpp::fcl::NODE_TYPE {
  hpp::fcl::BV_UNKNOWN, hpp::fcl::BV_AABB, hpp::fcl::BV_OBB, hpp::fcl::BV_RSS,
  hpp::fcl::BV_kIOS, hpp::fcl::BV_OBBRSS, hpp::fcl::BV_KDOP16, hpp::fcl::BV_KDOP18,
  hpp::fcl::BV_KDOP24, hpp::fcl::GEOM_BOX, hpp::fcl::GEOM_SPHERE, hpp::fcl::GEOM_CAPSULE,
  hpp::fcl::GEOM_CONE, hpp::fcl::GEOM_CYLINDER, hpp::fcl::GEOM_CONVEX, hpp::fcl::GEOM_PLANE,
  hpp::fcl::GEOM_HALFSPACE, hpp::fcl::GEOM_TRIANGLE, hpp::fcl::GEOM_OCTREE, hpp::fcl::GEOM_ELLIPSOID,
  hpp::fcl::HF_AABB, hpp::fcl::HF_OBBRSS, hpp::fcl::NODE_COUNT
 traversal node type: bounding volume (AABB, OBB, RSS, kIOS, OBBRSS, KDOP16, KDOP18, kDOP24), basic shape (box, sphere, ellipsoid, capsule, cone, cylinder, convex, plane, triangle), and octree More...
enum  hpp::fcl::OBJECT_TYPE {
  hpp::fcl::OT_UNKNOWN, hpp::fcl::OT_BVH, hpp::fcl::OT_GEOM, hpp::fcl::OT_OCTREE,
  hpp::fcl::OT_HFIELD, hpp::fcl::OT_COUNT
 object type: BVH (mesh, points), basic geometry, octree More...

autogenerated on Fri Jun 2 2023 02:39:02