Using Eigen in CUDA kernels

Staring from CUDA 5.5 and Eigen 3.3, it is possible to use Eigen's matrices, vectors, and arrays for fixed size within CUDA kernels. This is especially useful when working on numerous but small problems. By default, when Eigen's headers are included within a .cu file compiled by nvcc most Eigen's functions and methods are prefixed by the device host keywords making them callable from both host and device code. This support can be disabled by defining EIGEN_NO_CUDA before including any Eigen's header. This might be useful to disable some warnings when a .cu file makes use of Eigen on the host side only. However, in both cases, host's SIMD vectorization has to be disabled in .cu files. It is thus strongly recommended to properly move all costly host computation from your .cu files to regular .cpp files.

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autogenerated on Tue Jul 4 2023 02:40:58