Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
absl::hash_internal Namespace Reference


struct  AggregateBarrier
class  CityHashState
struct  ContainerAsVector
struct  ContainerAsVector< std::tuple< T... > >
struct  ContainerAsVector< std::tuple<> >
struct  DefaultEquals
struct  EqVisitor
struct  ExpandVisitor
struct  Hash
struct  HashImpl
struct  HashSelect
class  HashStateBase
struct  is_hashable
struct  is_uniquely_represented
struct  is_uniquely_represented< bool >
struct  is_uniquely_represented< CustomHashType< Tags... >, typename EnableIfContained< InvokeTag::kUniquelyRepresented, Tags... >::type >
struct  is_uniquely_represented< Integral, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< Integral >::value >::type >
struct  is_uniquely_represented< unsigned char >
struct  MakeTypeSet
struct  MakeTypeSet< T, Ts... >
struct  OdrUse
struct  PoisonedHash
struct  PrintVisitor
struct  RunOnStartup
class  SpyHashStateImpl
struct  TypeSet
struct  VariantVisitor


using SpyHashState = SpyHashStateImpl< void >
typedef std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t > uint128
template<typename... T>
using VariantForTypes = typename MakeTypeSet< const typename std::decay< T >::type *... >::template apply< absl::variant >


template<typename H , typename B >
std::enable_if< std::is_same< B, bool >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, B value)
template<typename T , typename U , typename = absl::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<T, U>::value>, int = RunOnStartup<SpyHashStateImpl<T>::SetDirectAbslHashValueError>::run>
void AbslHashValue (SpyHashStateImpl< T >, const U &)
template<typename H , typename Enum >
std::enable_if< std::is_enum< Enum >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, Enum e)
template<typename H , typename Float >
std::enable_if< std::is_same< Float, float >::value||std::is_same< Float, double >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, Float value)
template<typename H , typename LongDouble >
std::enable_if< std::is_same< LongDouble, long double >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, LongDouble value)
template<typename H , typename T >
AbslHashValue (H hash_state, T *ptr)
template<typename H >
AbslHashValue (H hash_state, std::nullptr_t)
template<typename H , typename T1 , typename T2 >
std::enable_if< is_hashable< T1 >::value &&is_hashable< T2 >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::pair< T1, T2 > &p)
template<typename H , typename... Ts>
std::enable_if< absl::conjunction< is_hashable< Ts >... >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::tuple< Ts... > &t)
template<typename H , typename T , typename D >
AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::unique_ptr< T, D > &ptr)
template<typename H , typename T >
AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::shared_ptr< T > &ptr)
template<typename H >
AbslHashValue (H hash_state, absl::string_view str)
template<typename H , typename T , size_t N>
std::enable_if< is_hashable< T >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::array< T, N > &array)
template<typename H , typename T , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if< is_hashable< T >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::deque< T, Allocator > &deque)
template<typename H , typename T , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if< is_hashable< T >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::forward_list< T, Allocator > &list)
template<typename H , typename T , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if< is_hashable< T >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::list< T, Allocator > &list)
template<typename H , typename T , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if< is_hashable< T >::value &&!std::is_same< T, bool >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::vector< T, Allocator > &vector)
template<typename H , typename Key , typename T , typename Compare , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if< is_hashable< Key >::value &&is_hashable< T >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::map< Key, T, Compare, Allocator > &map)
template<typename H , typename Key , typename T , typename Compare , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if< is_hashable< Key >::value &&is_hashable< T >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::multimap< Key, T, Compare, Allocator > &map)
template<typename H , typename Key , typename Compare , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if< is_hashable< Key >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::set< Key, Compare, Allocator > &set)
template<typename H , typename Key , typename Compare , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if< is_hashable< Key >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const std::multiset< Key, Compare, Allocator > &set)
template<typename H , typename T >
std::enable_if< is_hashable< T >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const absl::optional< T > &opt)
template<typename H , typename... T>
std::enable_if< conjunction< is_hashable< T >... >::value, H >::type AbslHashValue (H hash_state, const absl::variant< T... > &v)
uint32_t CityHash32 (const char *s, size_t len)
uint64_t CityHash64 (const char *s, size_t len)
uint64_t CityHash64WithSeed (const char *s, size_t len, uint64_t seed)
uint64_t CityHash64WithSeeds (const char *s, size_t len, uint64_t seed0, uint64_t seed1)
static uint32_t Fetch32 (const char *p)
static uint64_t Fetch64 (const char *p)
static uint32_t fmix (uint32_t h)
uint64_t Hash128to64 (const uint128 &x)
static uint32_t Hash32Len0to4 (const char *s, size_t len)
static uint32_t Hash32Len13to24 (const char *s, size_t len)
static uint32_t Hash32Len5to12 (const char *s, size_t len)
template<typename H , typename T >
hash_bytes (H hash_state, const T &value)
template<typename H , typename T >
std::enable_if< is_uniquely_represented< T >::value, H >::type hash_range_or_bytes (H hash_state, const T *data, size_t size)
template<typename H , typename T >
std::enable_if<!is_uniquely_represented< T >::value, H >::type hash_range_or_bytes (H hash_state, const T *data, size_t size)
template<typename H , typename Tuple , size_t... Is>
hash_tuple (H hash_state, const Tuple &t, absl::index_sequence< Is... >)
static uint64_t HashLen0to16 (const char *s, size_t len)
static uint64_t HashLen16 (uint64_t u, uint64_t v)
static uint64_t HashLen16 (uint64_t u, uint64_t v, uint64_t mul)
static uint64_t HashLen17to32 (const char *s, size_t len)
static uint64_t HashLen33to64 (const char *s, size_t len)
static uint32_t Mur (uint32_t a, uint32_t h)
static uint64_t Rotate (uint64_t val, int shift)
static uint32_t Rotate32 (uint32_t val, int shift)
void setup ()
static uint64_t ShiftMix (uint64_t val)
 TEST (CityHashTest, Unchanging)
void TestUnchanging (const uint64_t *expected, int offset, int len)
uint64_t Uint128High64 (const uint128 &x)
uint64_t Uint128Low64 (const uint128 &x)
template<typename Container , typename Eq >
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT testing::AssertionResult VerifyTypeImplementsAbslHashCorrectly (const Container &values, Eq equals)
static std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t > WeakHashLen32WithSeeds (uint64_t w, uint64_t x, uint64_t y, uint64_t z, uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
static std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t > WeakHashLen32WithSeeds (const char *s, uint64_t a, uint64_t b)


static const uint32_t c1 = 0xcc9e2d51
static const uint32_t c2 = 0x1b873593
static char data [kDataSize]
static const uint64_t k0 = 0xc3a5c85c97cb3127ULL
static const uint64_t k0 = 0xc3a5c85c97cb3127ULL
static const uint64_t k1 = 0xb492b66fbe98f273ULL
static const uint64_t k2 = 0x9ae16a3b2f90404fULL
static const int kDataSize = 1 << 20
static const uint64_t kSeed0 = 1234567
static const uint64_t kSeed1 = k0
static const int kTestSize = 300
static const uint64_t testdata [kTestSize][4]

Typedef Documentation

◆ SpyHashState

Definition at line 211 of file spy_hash_state.h.

◆ uint128

typedef std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> absl::hash_internal::uint128

Definition at line 55 of file city.h.

◆ VariantForTypes

template<typename... T>
using absl::hash_internal::VariantForTypes = typedef typename MakeTypeSet< const typename std::decay<T>::type*...>::template apply<absl::variant>

Definition at line 299 of file hash_testing.h.

Function Documentation

◆ AbslHashValue() [1/23]

template<typename H , typename B >
std::enable_if<std::is_same<B, bool>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,

Definition at line 204 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [2/23]

template<typename T , typename U , typename = absl::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<T, U>::value>, int = RunOnStartup<SpyHashStateImpl<T>::SetDirectAbslHashValueError>::run>
void absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( SpyHashStateImpl< T >  ,
const U &   

◆ AbslHashValue() [3/23]

template<typename H , typename Enum >
std::enable_if<std::is_enum<Enum>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
Enum  e 

Definition at line 212 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [4/23]

template<typename H , typename Float >
std::enable_if<std::is_same<Float, float>::value || std::is_same<Float, double>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
Float  value 

Definition at line 227 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [5/23]

template<typename H , typename LongDouble >
std::enable_if<std::is_same<LongDouble, long double>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
LongDouble  value 

Definition at line 238 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [6/23]

template<typename H , typename T >
H absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
T *  ptr 

Definition at line 269 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [7/23]

template<typename H >
H absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,

Definition at line 280 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [8/23]

template<typename H , typename T1 , typename T2 >
std::enable_if<is_hashable<T1>::value && is_hashable<T2>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::pair< T1, T2 > &  p 

Definition at line 299 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [9/23]

template<typename H , typename... Ts>
std::enable_if<absl::conjunction<is_hashable<Ts>...>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::tuple< Ts... > &  t 

Definition at line 321 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [10/23]

template<typename H , typename T , typename D >
H absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::unique_ptr< T, D > &  ptr 

Definition at line 332 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [11/23]

template<typename H , typename T >
H absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::shared_ptr< T > &  ptr 

Definition at line 338 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [12/23]

template<typename H >
H absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
absl::string_view  str 

Definition at line 360 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [13/23]

template<typename H , typename T , size_t N>
std::enable_if<is_hashable<T>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::array< T, N > &  array 

Definition at line 372 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [14/23]

template<typename H , typename T , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if<is_hashable<T>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::deque< T, Allocator > &  deque 

Definition at line 380 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [15/23]

template<typename H , typename T , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if<is_hashable<T>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::forward_list< T, Allocator > &  list 

Definition at line 392 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [16/23]

template<typename H , typename T , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if<is_hashable<T>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::list< T, Allocator > &  list 

Definition at line 404 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [17/23]

template<typename H , typename T , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if<is_hashable<T>::value && !std::is_same<T, bool>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::vector< T, Allocator > &  vector 

Definition at line 419 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [18/23]

template<typename H , typename Key , typename T , typename Compare , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if<is_hashable<Key>::value && is_hashable<T>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::map< Key, T, Compare, Allocator > &  map 

Definition at line 434 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [19/23]

template<typename H , typename Key , typename T , typename Compare , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if<is_hashable<Key>::value && is_hashable<T>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::multimap< Key, T, Compare, Allocator > &  map 

Definition at line 446 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [20/23]

template<typename H , typename Key , typename Compare , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if<is_hashable<Key>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::set< Key, Compare, Allocator > &  set 

Definition at line 456 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [21/23]

template<typename H , typename Key , typename Compare , typename Allocator >
std::enable_if<is_hashable<Key>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const std::multiset< Key, Compare, Allocator > &  set 

Definition at line 466 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [22/23]

template<typename H , typename T >
std::enable_if<is_hashable<T>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const absl::optional< T > &  opt 

Definition at line 480 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ AbslHashValue() [23/23]

template<typename H , typename... T>
std::enable_if<conjunction<is_hashable<T>...>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::AbslHashValue ( hash_state,
const absl::variant< T... > &  v 

Definition at line 499 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ CityHash32()

uint32_t absl::hash_internal::CityHash32 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 123 of file

◆ CityHash64()

uint64_t absl::hash_internal::CityHash64 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 296 of file

◆ CityHash64WithSeed()

uint64_t absl::hash_internal::CityHash64WithSeed ( const char *  s,
size_t  len,
uint64_t  seed 

Definition at line 334 of file

◆ CityHash64WithSeeds()

uint64_t absl::hash_internal::CityHash64WithSeeds ( const char *  s,
size_t  len,
uint64_t  seed0,
uint64_t  seed1 

Definition at line 338 of file

◆ Fetch32()

static uint32_t absl::hash_internal::Fetch32 ( const char *  p)

Definition at line 47 of file

◆ Fetch64()

static uint64_t absl::hash_internal::Fetch64 ( const char *  p)

Definition at line 43 of file

◆ fmix()

static uint32_t absl::hash_internal::fmix ( uint32_t  h)

Definition at line 61 of file

◆ Hash128to64()

uint64_t absl::hash_internal::Hash128to64 ( const uint128 x)

Definition at line 77 of file city.h.

◆ Hash32Len0to4()

static uint32_t absl::hash_internal::Hash32Len0to4 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 104 of file

◆ Hash32Len13to24()

static uint32_t absl::hash_internal::Hash32Len13to24 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 92 of file

◆ Hash32Len5to12()

static uint32_t absl::hash_internal::Hash32Len5to12 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 115 of file

◆ hash_bytes()

template<typename H , typename T >
H absl::hash_internal::hash_bytes ( hash_state,
const T &  value 

Definition at line 185 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ hash_range_or_bytes() [1/2]

template<typename H , typename T >
std::enable_if<is_uniquely_represented<T>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::hash_range_or_bytes ( hash_state,
const T *  data,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 523 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ hash_range_or_bytes() [2/2]

template<typename H , typename T >
std::enable_if<!is_uniquely_represented<T>::value, H>::type absl::hash_internal::hash_range_or_bytes ( hash_state,
const T *  data,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 531 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ hash_tuple()

template<typename H , typename Tuple , size_t... Is>
H absl::hash_internal::hash_tuple ( hash_state,
const Tuple &  t,
absl::index_sequence< Is... >   

Definition at line 308 of file internal/hash.h.

◆ HashLen0to16()

static uint64_t absl::hash_internal::HashLen0to16 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 216 of file

◆ HashLen16() [1/2]

static uint64_t absl::hash_internal::HashLen16 ( uint64_t  u,
uint64_t  v 

Definition at line 202 of file

◆ HashLen16() [2/2]

static uint64_t absl::hash_internal::HashLen16 ( uint64_t  u,
uint64_t  v,
uint64_t  mul 

Definition at line 206 of file

◆ HashLen17to32()

static uint64_t absl::hash_internal::HashLen17to32 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 243 of file

◆ HashLen33to64()

static uint64_t absl::hash_internal::HashLen33to64 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 275 of file

◆ Mur()

static uint32_t absl::hash_internal::Mur ( uint32_t  a,
uint32_t  h 

Definition at line 82 of file

◆ Rotate()

static uint64_t absl::hash_internal::Rotate ( uint64_t  val,
int  shift 

Definition at line 195 of file

◆ Rotate32()

static uint32_t absl::hash_internal::Rotate32 ( uint32_t  val,
int  shift 

Definition at line 70 of file

◆ setup()

void absl::hash_internal::setup ( )

Definition at line 34 of file

◆ ShiftMix()

static uint64_t absl::hash_internal::ShiftMix ( uint64_t  val)

Definition at line 200 of file

◆ TEST()

absl::hash_internal::TEST ( CityHashTest  ,

Definition at line 583 of file

◆ TestUnchanging()

void absl::hash_internal::TestUnchanging ( const uint64_t *  expected,
int  offset,
int  len 

Definition at line 575 of file

◆ Uint128High64()

uint64_t absl::hash_internal::Uint128High64 ( const uint128 x)

Definition at line 58 of file city.h.

◆ Uint128Low64()

uint64_t absl::hash_internal::Uint128Low64 ( const uint128 x)

Definition at line 57 of file city.h.

◆ VerifyTypeImplementsAbslHashCorrectly()

template<typename Container , typename Eq >
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT testing::AssertionResult absl::hash_internal::VerifyTypeImplementsAbslHashCorrectly ( const Container &  values,
Eq  equals 

Definition at line 187 of file hash_testing.h.

◆ WeakHashLen32WithSeeds() [1/2]

static std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> absl::hash_internal::WeakHashLen32WithSeeds ( uint64_t  w,
uint64_t  x,
uint64_t  y,
uint64_t  z,
uint64_t  a,
uint64_t  b 

Definition at line 255 of file

◆ WeakHashLen32WithSeeds() [2/2]

static std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> absl::hash_internal::WeakHashLen32WithSeeds ( const char *  s,
uint64_t  a,
uint64_t  b 

Definition at line 268 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ c1

const uint32_t absl::hash_internal::c1 = 0xcc9e2d51

Definition at line 57 of file

◆ c2

const uint32_t absl::hash_internal::c2 = 0x1b873593

Definition at line 58 of file

◆ data

char absl::hash_internal::data[kDataSize]

Definition at line 31 of file

◆ k0 [1/2]

const uint64_t absl::hash_internal::k0 = 0xc3a5c85c97cb3127ULL

Definition at line 25 of file

◆ k0 [2/2]

const uint64_t absl::hash_internal::k0 = 0xc3a5c85c97cb3127ULL

Definition at line 52 of file

◆ k1

const uint64_t absl::hash_internal::k1 = 0xb492b66fbe98f273ULL

Definition at line 53 of file

◆ k2

const uint64_t absl::hash_internal::k2 = 0x9ae16a3b2f90404fULL

Definition at line 54 of file

◆ kDataSize

const int absl::hash_internal::kDataSize = 1 << 20

Definition at line 28 of file

◆ kSeed0

const uint64_t absl::hash_internal::kSeed0 = 1234567

Definition at line 26 of file

◆ kSeed1

const uint64_t absl::hash_internal::kSeed1 = k0

Definition at line 27 of file

◆ kTestSize

const int absl::hash_internal::kTestSize = 300

Definition at line 29 of file

◆ testdata

const uint64_t absl::hash_internal::testdata[kTestSize][4]

Definition at line 48 of file

autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 21:31:23